Protein Flavor


Jun 29, 2006
Just wanted to get someone's opinion on what the best whey protein flavors are. I have a really weak stomach and have tried the vanilla and I just couldn't stomach it. My friends say that chocolate is the best and I hear that people like the mint chocolate chip too. Just wanted to know what you guys think.

And do you guys think its better to take with water or milk. If milk then what kind( vitamin D, 2%, 1%, fat free, skim milk) I dont care about" well its better to take with water because water has no calories or fat". I just want to know about what u guys think tastes the best.
Thank You
Buy unflavoured and either drink it unflavoured or add your own to taste.

Whey in water first thing and post workout,before bed caseinate in skimmed milk.
I swear to my penis that Twinlab strawberry 100% whey protein fuel is the best protein I have ever had. It mixes perfectly and tastes awesome. I have only had strawberry because I don't like vanilla or choc (although I am sure twinlabs makes it pretty good too). 50grams of protein in 2 scoops too. It's really cheap too.

It also has every amino acid in it too which is a plus I would think.
MuscleMilk- Especially chocolate, but any of their flavors rocks. For something with not as much flavor but doesnt taste like complete ass, I like Optimum Nutrition 100% whey- chocolate. mix that stuff with milk, peanut butter and banana and its pretty dang good.
Taste is the last thing you should be looking at when buying a protien supplement
prince Albert said:
Taste is the last thing you should be looking at when buying a protien supplement
I'm not sure I completely agree. If you have the best protein supplement and it tastes like shit you're not going to take it as readily as if it tastes good. I've had horrible tasting protein drinks in the past that I can force down for a week or two but after that I tend to skip it. On the other hand I've had protein drinks that tasted so good I couldn't wait to drink it. So, I think that taste is an important part of selecting a brand of protein powder.
JoeD said:
I'm not sure I completely agree. If you have the best protein supplement and it tastes like shit you're not going to take it as readily as if it tastes good. I've had horrible tasting protein drinks in the past that I can force down for a week or two but after that I tend to skip it. On the other hand I've had protein drinks that tasted so good I couldn't wait to drink it. So, I think that taste is an important part of selecting a brand of protein powder.

I just gave away two tubs of awful tasting protein...I'ts not the first thing I look at but if you're going to be taking it daily, taste sure helps.
JoeD said:
I'm not sure I completely agree. If you have the best protein supplement and it tastes like shit you're not going to take it as readily as if it tastes good. I've had horrible tasting protein drinks in the past that I can force down for a week or two but after that I tend to skip it. On the other hand I've had protein drinks that tasted so good I couldn't wait to drink it. So, I think that taste is an important part of selecting a brand of protein powder.

Try forcing down 10 cooked egg white first thing on a morning thats a challenge lol.

For me a protein powder is simply a way of garenteeing i meet my protein requirements for the day taste has nothing to do with it,i get through 5kg in about 3 weeks so it would be very expensive to buy a nice flavoured powder,i buy unflavoured in bulk as do many others i no,you can easily flavour them yourself if needed.
Definatly chocolate! i just mix it with cold water and it tastes just like nestles quick
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