Problems With Depression

Feb 6, 2006
well guys life has been difficult for me for about the past 6 weeks. I've been hitting depression pretty hard and having some thoughts of suicide but i'm too much of a wuss to ever do that. I'm sleeping all day, i'm isolating myself in my room and the few friends I have I am alienating myself from. I've been looking into what's been causing my depression and one is a bad diet and I haven't been hitting the gym. I've been seemingly surviving on fast food as of late and i'm swelled to a disgusting 190 pounds. I'm in school and having difficulty waking my ass up to get to class and I have a job waitin gfor me I just have to go in to get it but i'm too lazy and not motivated at all to do it. Any guys go through same shit that can help me get out of this depression slump? it's really starting to negatively effect my life.
I've been depressed for that past 2 years for many reasons. Six weeks can seem like a long time when your upset and depressed.

Many things have helped me out just a little:

Avoiding my ex-gf as much as possible and anything related to her or reminding me of her I got rid of or just avoided altogether.

Lift weights... relieves stress and such. I've been to the point my senior year (this year) where it got severe to where I didn't see weights as an option at all anymore, and wanted to quit altogether but I got right back into it a few weeks later. Then it happened two more times after that and I'm sick of having to get my strength back so I'm just sticking with it now whether I feel like it or not.

Many other things.... best just not to talk about it.
Diet has Alot to do with it. I know that when ever have a meal heavy in carbs such as sandwiches/pastas, things like that, it's lights out. It might take a week or so for your body to start adjusting to it but the energy you gain back is worth it, where you can use that for that extra gym or Penis Enlargement session. I made an threw on my wall foods that I will stay away from and foods that are ok, I all( although some times a lot more) 1 day a week to treat my self to some ex:fastfood.
just my thoughts:)
I think stretching is a good a way to defeat depression. I'm talking about whole body stretching not Penis Enlargement stretching.

Try to do your stretches with your body parts strong and solid, lemme try to explain. Like when you touch your toes, keep your back straight. When you pull your knee to your chest, keep your back straight and keep your butt at the same place.

Stay with it man, if you're goin through hell, don't stay there, just keep going.
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