I ordered from the link provided by DLD.. It's kinda annoying to pay something so expensive (for me) and don't get any information about where it is or if it was even shipped. I didn't receive an email telling about my order in a month. If the product is good, the service is not that good. Shame..
Mateus;478237 said:
I ordered from the link provided by DLD.. It's kinda annoying to pay something so expensive (for me) and don't get any information about where it is or if it was even shipped. I didn't receive an email telling about my order in a month. If the product is good, the service is not that good. Shame..

Have you inquired about this? This is very unexpected.
Yes, I have. I sent e-mail to UPL Distribution. Posted on Dedicated questions for Agust. He said to PM him with my informations so he would take good care of me and I did it about 15 days ago with no answers. What lacks for me to do in this situation ? Just wait I guess.
Just check www.Bathmatecheckout.com/order_status.php It says my order was shipped march 5th.. In the other hand, someone called Julian at https://uplsupport.zendesk.com/home has garanteed that my item was shipped in march 21th. Both provide the same track number. Such track number does not
work in my local post office site. Julian says he knows it's a common problem in Brazil. Then I called to my local post office to have them to check it directly in their system
with no success. They said that probrably the item has not arrived in Brazl yet. I'm with tied hands.
I just got my shipping confirmation email today. USPS says that it's in my home town waiting for delivery. I hope to get it today or tomorrow. Sorry to hear about your struggles Mateus and Nekk. Hopefully you will be getting yours shortly too.
Alright guys. This is what I did. I sent a mail to UPL with my order number, in which I told them that my order status was still pending.
They replied me with a PDF file which I was supposed to fill in, and send back. I did that, and now I'm waiting for their response.
I hope you have better luck than me. I filled this PDF up and had confirmation a month and 4 days ago.
Just got confirmation that my Bathmate has been shipped!
I'm hoping to get my Bathmate in a week or two now.

I'll update in a week or so.
Smartmouf;479282 said:
Add me to the list of those waiting for shipping information :(

I have forwarded this post and thread to Agusts immediate email.
SDinSD;477336 said:
Could you provide the link? I've just been reading that Agust has moved to a new shipper and I'm not sure where to order??

Shipper changes but link remains the same (see my signature).


Mateus;478909 said:
I'm very happy to hear that. Unfortunately, my situation continues the same. No e-mails or PM answers. No shipping confirmation. Only a track number that doesnt work that I found on www.Bathmatecheckout.com/order_status.php

Everyone should get an email once the new shipper ships an item. The tracking numbers are kind a weird I agree, I am emailing them now to ask why this is.

PS. Sorry for the late reply, just came back from up country factory inspection :/


Mateus;478253 said:
Just check www.Bathmatecheckout.com/order_status.php It says my order was shipped march 5th.. In the other hand, someone called Julian at https://uplsupport.zendesk.com/home has garanteed that my item was shipped in march 21th. Both provide the same track number. Such track number does not
work in my local post office site. Julian says he knows it's a common problem in Brazil. Then I called to my local post office to have them to check it directly in their system
with no success. They said that probrably the item has not arrived in Brazl yet. I'm with tied hands.

Dear Mateus,

I am going downstairs to bang the programmers head to fix these issues. Brazil seams to have been a problem, but I believe that DHL or FedEx ships to Brazil from the states instead of before where it was shipped from UK with greater time from Shipping to Delivery.

I don't know about FedEx.. But I know that DHL ships to brazil with great performance. Bought a book some time ago on amazon and they sent it by DHL. Very good postal service indeed.
Mateus;478237 said:
I ordered from the link provided by DLD.. It's kinda annoying to pay something so expensive (for me) and don't get any information about where it is or if it was even shipped. I didn't receive an email telling about my order in a month. If the product is good, the service is not that good. Shame..

Hey Mateus,

Nice to chat with you on Skype; the package was re-shipped, this time from the USA and lets hope it won't bounce back. I am guessing this was a CNPJ number issue not printed correctly on the shipping label.

Sincerely yours,

Agust.. Those are things that will always happen one day or another. It was very nice to chat with you too. Thank you so much for solving my order issues. Lets look foward and continue the good job now.
Mateus;479484 said:
I don't know about FedEx.. But I know that DHL ships to brazil with great performance. Bought a book some time ago on amazon and they sent it by DHL. Very good postal service indeed.

Books are "universally" easy to transport cross borders; normally if I get books in Thailand I pay nothing, Switzerland 3.XX% and Iceland 10%.

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