Jun 3, 2003
Instead of asking for donations we are giving out prizes! MOS is doing well thanks to each and every one of you guys. Our success is solely based on the success of the users here at Matters of Size. MOS has always been about pushing the limits of penis enlargement and finding gold where few thought to look. This has included everything from exercise, psychology, equipment, and ultimately a site that can boast 100% success with every active individual. At any time we have taken our brethren under our wings and showed them the way and this is what our entire site is based on. I have seen men come in with a whole set of problems and over a few months each issue is solved with precision. We have the ability to do miracles here and we are teaching others this craft.

I have seen the Power Assist start out as a stick and turned into a tool spawning development of the LengthMaster, another user based tool born from MOS experience. Due to this my mind opened on equipment and I think we have found some very good partners in Bathmate and SizeGenetics (both of these guys are responsible for inches in every direction and they sell to us for next to nothing...hats off partners). I have I have watched boys become men. I have seen guys come in with a half inch too little in the penis and leave with a half inch too much. I have seen kids graduate college and go on to become men (while doing there craft in bathroom and other hiding places.) I have seen men come out of hiding and become alpha in mind and body.

So much has happened here and I can't see it ever ending. With humble beginnings to humble futures we will all share in this abundance. With that said I would like to hold the first MOS Contest ever:) I think that it will be great for moral and motivating to all who become involved. The idea is to get the awareness out. This can be done in many ways and I think creativity is key. The first contest will be as follows:

1. Start a thread and link it here in this thread. That will be your official contest induction and your link will be your contest essay. The thread should be creative and serve the purpose to help others, yourself or MOS as a whole. The thread needs to be on penis enlargement. It could be a thread about Bathmate and your detailed experience and routine. It could be about mental penis enlargement and ways to become a more motivated. It could be about an innovation to something Penis Enlargement related like a fellow who modified his SizeGenetics Extender to include lateral horizontal (very clever). It could be a new exercise in natural penis enlargement. It could be a informational thread. It could be a thread to help Matters of Size Rank higher in Google..and so on. Treat your link as your site and get it active. AT the end of the month all threads will be polled on viewers choice. Top winner takes the prize.

What better prize than the LengthMaster? It shows the cumulative efforts of a decade of work.

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<a href="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_-y8SSwafFGA/TAcK0vkVFmI/AAAAAAAACHU/N7gbwrcGHbM/s1600/Woody-784525.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="640" src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_-y8SSwafFGA/TAcK0vkVFmI/AAAAAAAACHU/N7gbwrcGHbM/s640/Woody-784525.jpg" width="364" /></a></div>
Okay, let me be the first to jump in with my thread: http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?57889-My-Plan-to-Super-Size-Gains

It's my routine thread that I started a few days ago. In what I have seen, I think a 1/2" gain in length is there, which I'm cementing. I am trying something new here with chemical Penis Enlargement + exercises + meditation and other spiritual methods.

You guys have all achieved so much....I hope my ramblings can help someone in someway...
so dld you want an essay from us or to start a thread? or the thread we start we begin with an essay? also, when are you planning to give away a X-40? =P cheers
2 entered in so far...get your links up guys
The winner will be decided on July 1 so get your entries in!
I might have to pull out of the comp.....just been told that I have to travel for work, for the next two weeks. Won't have as much to dedicate. It's a shame, would've loved the length master.
jseses;383819 said:
I might have to pull out of the comp.....just been told that I have to travel for work, for the next two weeks. Won't have as much to dedicate. It's a shame, would've loved the length master.

Thats what iphones are for:) Plus, every hotel has wifi now, don't they?
LOL...it's not the internet access that's a problem. I have to do a whole heap of presentations. Eighteen hour days......I'm still going to try and do my routine....though I might not be able to add anything significantly....don't worry....I'm not going anywhere...Will still stick to my plan of getting 9x6 ;)
Gathering info for my thread D. will be up in a few days :)

jseses I think you can do something else for the contest rather than just a routine page. Get creative I think you can do it.
Turnover;383828 said:
jseses I think you can do something else for the contest rather than just a routine page. Get creative I think you can do it.

Mate, you're right. I can come up with something better than just a routine thread. I won't be able to dedicate the time to my routine due to work anyway. I'll still try and work out whenever I can.

DLD, if I could change my entry for the contest, I'd like to setup a new thread about things like 'the power of the mind', meditation, nutrition in Penis Enlargement, different routines and times, analysis of different drugs etc?

jseses;383964 said:
Mate, you're right. I can come up with something better than just a routine thread. I won't be able to dedicate the time to my routine due to work anyway. I'll still try and work out whenever I can.

DLD, if I could change my entry for the contest, I'd like to setup a new thread about things like 'the power of the mind', meditation, nutrition in Penis Enlargement, different routines and times, analysis of different drugs etc?


Sounds good. Repost your thread and it will be official.
You need to post your entry thread in this thread to qualify!
newbie09;384321 said:
Noone else in this? I only see my link

I guess so. It really annoys me that everyone wanted a contest, I went out and got all of our partners involved, got a bunch of great stuff donated (over $1500) and no one is getting involved. This contest is for really good FREE stuff, it is moronic not to take advantage.
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