goinfor11x7;278706 said:
Can't wait, good man. I like the three hander deal.


Me too brotha... But i feel i must clarify this.

It's her 2 hands together and pressing as much as can be at the very base, that is 8 fingers, her hands are on the big side, lets say 4 fingers are 6 inches wide, and THEN i add one of mine to the rest of it and that is 4 more fingers but mine are thicker of course ehehe from all the pullin' and stretching and etc lol. So this is 12 fingers to the tip all "glued" together.

It makes me feel gooooooooood and she just looks and looks and looks and goes like, WTF?! how can this be ?! lol Love every bit of it. It really is a matter of ego in the end but i love it.

I have lost about 20 pounds since last pics and am working VERY hard to get as lean as i possibly can. Then the pics will start getting posted here.

I'm proud of all this and i am still going for more...LMAO


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