
Oct 30, 2004
Because I'm pretty sure my ex will probably either the best sex I ever had or really close, I'd like to get her back for one last booty call. I'm only 6nbp x 4.75ish and we haven't had much time for sex b/c of both being in school and part time jobs, however, in the past we've had about maybe 3 hours max, and depending on the day, I've gotten her off between 4 - 7 times.

She also is damn fine, and has a genetically gifted body, and things were really good at first. However she's younger than me, she's 21 and I'm 26, and she's immature for her age, well when she wants to be, almost as if she is bi-polor.

Here's the issues: I liked a lot, and the feelings were mutal, however she was in a 5 year relationship, the last 2 of those 5 years were extremely physically abusive. She was a year out of that relationship, and had another one in between, (that wasn't abusive, but the guy was extremely selfish), before she met me. Me being the dumb ass beta male, (nice guy), actually attracted her to me b/c of her past. However, she didn't want a "boyfriend" even though it was basically semantics in regards to that. But, she played immature games and said one thing and did another,.....said that she would always be straight with me concerning her feelings in regards to our relationship, but was extremely disrespectfull to me, blamming it on stressors from work and school.

The dumb ass that I am, I took her for her word, even though her disrecpt had now almost doubled due to her being argumentative towards me with everything I said, trying to question my ethics......."I thought you were a nice guy, but your acting like an asshole",, I questioned why a large family resteraunt in town, (which is part of a national chain), didn't take credit cards, and she flipped on me for a good 45 minutes.

I then come to find out through the grapevine, that her lack of respect for me, sunk to an all time low stating to a classmate "I don't know what to do, I wish he'd just leave me alone, I've been really really mean to him, (and with held sex for 2 months might I add),...for quite a while now and he won't leave me alone, but I don't want to hurt him, I just want to be friends".......etc. etc. ad nausem. Pretty contradictory to me, espeically the part about bugging her. B/c of a lot of tests towards the end of the semester I would only talk to her once a week for 10-15 max, for the last month.

Anyway, she's basically a different person when she's in school as opposed to when shes' with her friends from outside of school,(probably why I was never allowed to be around them or meet them)........ ESPenis EnlargementCIALLY after school lets out for summer,...which just recently happened for us.

Around people in school she's mature, kind, cute, caring, reserved and somewhat shy. Also, me and the other guy that she dated, (the one that wasn't abusive to her), look rather normal..........versus......... her doing a complete 180 when she's around her friends from her area in the summer......... she's getting girl fights almost every night b/c of people "messing" with her friends........she's partying every single night at bars with extremely seedy people and absolutely loving the attention from those guys;......which are the kind most women wouldn't either not be attracted to or be afraid of........think big, bald, tatted up, always wearing wife beaters and always having that "I'm going to mess up anyone or shoot anyone who looks at me wrong", type attitude. If they have a rap sheet and either don't have a job or have a blue collar job double bonus.............not disrespecting blue collar jobs, however even though she and I are in class together for a medical profession, she thinks MUCH less of guys in these or professional fields in comparison to guys that are straight up blue collar.

Almost forgot to mention, she always is talking about VA beach, where she goes every summer and even though she goes with her friends who have long term boyfriends and don't cheat on them...........she seems to need to be always be single when she goes down there, (probably so she doesn't feel like a slut if she cheated on someone),....and won't stop talking about how great it is to have 6-10 guys pushing each other out of the way just to talk to her and literally sometimes fist fighting over her,......again the bigger the balder and badder the better. However in the same breath, during the school year she ABSOLUTELY HATES compliments or comments from guys, and doesn't seem to be talking to and/or looking for the type of guys she does in the summer.

Anyway, I know if I could get her out with people from class I might have an advantage, b/c she needs their approval rating and thinks highly of them, and doesn't want them to know her other side. Therefore, she usually isn't nasty to me in a group and actually in a weird way likes me being in that group b/c it means more people around,............this only applies to our class however, DEFNINATLY not her group of friends from outside of school, I said not allowed nor never will be allowed to meet or be around them.

Therefore, just me trying to get her out to a bar or something would be damn near immpossible now, (even though I can tell she still has a little bit of sexual feelings for me, and is in big time heat right now, and wants to be a slut, .....but is afraid too b/c of people's thoughts on her in regards to that).

Also, the respect thing is so bad that 7/8 of the time she doesn't even respect me enough to return my phone calls let alone ever listen to any of my voicemails.........she will hit me up on instant messanger once in a blue moon if she has some crazy Jerry Springer story to tell, and then just signs off. Also, the problem with getting everyone from school together is that our class is very small, and many people live in different areas and have families, etc.

I know I'm retardid for even thinking about trying to get her, but I just fantasize about having one more time with her, using some V for assitance and get her ass into the double digits for orgasms, and thus also out of my head. Unless things get extremely boring or really bad with her friends,...I will need extreme planning and luck to get my wishes to come true. She's almost addicted to being around her friends, b/c of her having no sense of self, and feels like she's missing out on a party, even if they aren't.......and when they do it's nothing that great.

I thought about getting her to a concert in a neighboring city, thus most likely getting drunk and spending a night at a hotel, but trying to pry her from her friends in the summer, even if its a band she likes, is seriously a hard undertaking. To do this I would probably have to change her mind and make her think that I'm the ultimate bad ass, even if she bought it, (which she prob. won't), it is going to be a tough task.

Sorry for this being extremely long and melodramatic guys, just wanted to make sure everyone understood the whole thing,...........any advice would be GREATLY appreciated
smeyers said:
Because I'm pretty sure my ex will probably either the best sex I ever had or really close, I'd like to get her back for one last booty call. I'm only 6nbp x 4.75ish and we haven't had much time for sex b/c of both being in school and part time jobs, however, in the past we've had about maybe 3 hours max, and depending on the day, I've gotten her off between 4 - 7 times.

She also is damn fine, and has a genetically gifted body, and things were really good at first. However she's younger than me, she's 21 and I'm 26, and she's immature for her age, well when she wants to be, almost as if she is bi-polor.

Here's the issues: I liked a lot, and the feelings were mutal, however she was in a 5 year relationship, the last 2 of those 5 years were extremely physically abusive. She was a year out of that relationship, and had another one in between, (that wasn't abusive, but the guy was extremely selfish), before she met me. Me being the dumb ass beta male, (nice guy), actually attracted her to me b/c of her past. However, she didn't want a "boyfriend" even though it was basically semantics in regards to that. But, she played immature games and said one thing and did another,.....said that she would always be straight with me concerning her feelings in regards to our relationship, but was extremely disrespectfull to me, blamming it on stressors from work and school.

The dumb ass that I am, I took her for her word, even though her disrecpt had now almost doubled due to her being argumentative towards me with everything I said, trying to question my ethics......."I thought you were a nice guy, but your acting like an asshole",, I questioned why a large family resteraunt in town, (which is part of a national chain), didn't take credit cards, and she flipped on me for a good 45 minutes.

I then come to find out through the grapevine, that her lack of respect for me, sunk to an all time low stating to a classmate "I don't know what to do, I wish he'd just leave me alone, I've been really really mean to him, (and with held sex for 2 months might I add),...for quite a while now and he won't leave me alone, but I don't want to hurt him, I just want to be friends".......etc. etc. ad nausem. Pretty contradictory to me, espeically the part about bugging her. B/c of a lot of tests towards the end of the semester I would only talk to her once a week for 10-15 max, for the last month.

Anyway, she's basically a different person when she's in school as opposed to when shes' with her friends from outside of school,(probably why I was never allowed to be around them or meet them)........ ESPenis EnlargementCIALLY after school lets out for summer,...which just recently happened for us.

Around people in school she's mature, kind, cute, caring, reserved and somewhat shy. Also, me and the other guy that she dated, (the one that wasn't abusive to her), look rather normal..........versus......... her doing a complete 180 when she's around her friends from her area in the summer......... she's getting girl fights almost every night b/c of people "messing" with her friends........she's partying every single night at bars with extremely seedy people and absolutely loving the attention from those guys;......which are the kind most women wouldn't either not be attracted to or be afraid of........think big, bald, tatted up, always wearing wife beaters and always having that "I'm going to mess up anyone or shoot anyone who looks at me wrong", type attitude. If they have a rap sheet and either don't have a job or have a blue collar job double bonus.............not disrespecting blue collar jobs, however even though she and I are in class together for a medical profession, she thinks MUCH less of guys in these or professional fields in comparison to guys that are straight up blue collar.

Almost forgot to mention, she always is talking about VA beach, where she goes every summer and even though she goes with her friends who have long term boyfriends and don't cheat on them...........she seems to need to be always be single when she goes down there, (probably so she doesn't feel like a slut if she cheated on someone),....and won't stop talking about how great it is to have 6-10 guys pushing each other out of the way just to talk to her and literally sometimes fist fighting over her,......again the bigger the balder and badder the better. However in the same breath, during the school year she ABSOLUTELY HATES compliments or comments from guys, and doesn't seem to be talking to and/or looking for the type of guys she does in the summer.

Anyway, I know if I could get her out with people from class I might have an advantage, b/c she needs their approval rating and thinks highly of them, and doesn't want them to know her other side. Therefore, she usually isn't nasty to me in a group and actually in a weird way likes me being in that group b/c it means more people around,............this only applies to our class however, DEFNINATLY not her group of friends from outside of school, I said not allowed nor never will be allowed to meet or be around them.

Therefore, just me trying to get her out to a bar or something would be damn near immpossible now, (even though I can tell she still has a little bit of sexual feelings for me, and is in big time heat right now, and wants to be a slut, .....but is afraid too b/c of people's thoughts on her in regards to that).

Also, the respect thing is so bad that 7/8 of the time she doesn't even respect me enough to return my phone calls let alone ever listen to any of my voicemails.........she will hit me up on instant messanger once in a blue moon if she has some crazy Jerry Springer story to tell, and then just signs off. Also, the problem with getting everyone from school together is that our class is very small, and many people live in different areas and have families, etc.

I know I'm retardid for even thinking about trying to get her, but I just fantasize about having one more time with her, using some V for assitance and get her ass into the double digits for orgasms, and thus also out of my head. Unless things get extremely boring or really bad with her friends,...I will need extreme planning and luck to get my wishes to come true. She's almost addicted to being around her friends, b/c of her having no sense of self, and feels like she's missing out on a party, even if they aren't.......and when they do it's nothing that great.

I thought about getting her to a concert in a neighboring city, thus most likely getting drunk and spending a night at a hotel, but trying to pry her from her friends in the summer, even if its a band she likes, is seriously a hard undertaking. To do this I would probably have to change her mind and make her think that I'm the ultimate bad ass, even if she bought it, (which she prob. won't), it is going to be a tough task.

Sorry for this being extremely long and melodramatic guys, just wanted to make sure everyone understood the whole thing,...........any advice would be GREATLY appreciated

Dude go focus and fantasize on some other girl and give Penis Enlargement ur all:hanging: dont let women mess with ur head maybe if u ignore her like she is doing to u .
I'm pretty sure this being disrespected is the one thing that would make "any" guy look the other way, it seems like she's got you wrapped around her finger, and also has some issues. I would give it a shot, and either do that concert thing or make some kind of plan involving a rondayvou around alcholol or something!...... After a couple attempts, if it doesn't work out, a decision should be made to take it or leave it. You seem pretty focused, so if you should gear that energy into a hobby like Penis Enlargement or hit hte gym of something, yuo sound like a good catch, their shouldn't be any reason you couldn't ger a girl in the near future.
Thanks for the advice sweets. Yeah unfortunately I'm focused to the point where when I get really into something I get tunnel vision and thus almost obsession, .........which she only caught a small glimpse of and it actually pissed her off,.........she see's ambition as a turn off.

I would like to go on after school to own my own practice, etc. and don't want to have kids, family, etc. until I'm financially established...........her opinon of this is that she see's me as being extremely anal. If she messes up in school, she plans on working as a waitress and finding someone to help her bang out 6 kids, one right after another,........she's very adamit about the 6 kids, and about her life's ambition to be a mom. She really doesn't want to work after having kids,......but in the same breath loves those blue collar guys,........which albeit some make decent money,........but a women that doesn't work and 6 kids. I mean my friend comes from a family like that and his dad is a dentist and they're still always broke.

That being said, I'm planning on just giving it only one more well planned out shot, and if it doesn't happen then I'm telling the psycho to piss off. Unfortunately you don't find women who have both the physical and sexual traits that she does very often, other wise I wouldn't even attempt one last shot.

I'm also debating on whether to write her an email comparing and constrating what she says and acutally does, b/c the bitch is so into her self that I don't even know that she's aware of half of the shit she pulls..........not sure if it's even worth it though,.......want to make her aware,.....(espeically b/c she hates people being mad at her),......but I do not want to give her the satisfaction of having the upper hand.

Oh, also forgot to mention, she has ALWAYS gotten want she wants, when she wants it, with the exception of the guy who beat the shit out of her for two years. And she had mentioned that b/c of her having to basically take care of everything for him, ....(almost like he was her kid,.....she paid for him to get bailed out of jail, court costs, child support for his kids to other women,...along with your avg. every day things), ....that this makes her deserving of someone that will do EVERYTHING for her.
Pandora, your thought was actually the first thing that crossed my mind. Actually although I haven't met any of her friends.....( b/c like I said she wants to pull her bullshit on guys and not let her friends find out b/c they would think less of her and that would literally crush her),......... actually scratch that, I did her best friend in the world, (who she would do absolutely anything for),......I met the girl once, but to her I was only some guy from class who needed an excuse to go out and drink.

This girl also works at chain hair salon not too far away from me Hydromaxmmmmmm, possibilites,...........only problems is I do have to see my ex all next fall in class. We have class 3 times a week for 6.5 hours at a clip, in the same rooms, and there are only 22 of us. And when my ex wants to turn on the combo bitch/pscho switch...........look out, talk about Jerry Springer,......more like the 6 o'clock news.
You still want that girl? If you do (I'd say forget her altogether and just ignore her either way and move on) then you have to let her know what's up and how you feel. I don't mean telling her in a mushy way like sitting down and "talking it out." With each knee that you knelt to let her know how you felt you'd be chopping one nut off at a time. Next time she pisses you off or messes with you let her have it. Fucking yell at her and let her know you aren't going to stand there and be disrespected. Shit, I'd let her know right now anyway about how she made you feel when you were together. Seriously, let that girl have it. I know you aren't together, but it sounds like she probably might take advantage of you in the future and considering that you will see her every day next fall in class there will be the chance to get her back for one more fuck. (I find that pointless most of the time though) I would have let it out and held nothing back if I was going crazy or something over her bullshit. That's the best way to avoid that obsession period in my opinion.
Very good point iwant8. I've actually been going through the 12 step program with one of my friends who used to be in AA. It's actually working ok for me in helping with obsessing about wanting her back for one last fling, especially considering my dumb ass couldn't even get off the couch for almost a week.

I'm starting to reconsider the booty call,............definatly tough though with making her orgasm that many times............but I'm realizing my attitude needs to change,.......I got mine I should be satisfied and to hell with getting my happiness from making her orgarsm/making her happy.

Her level of disrespect for me is so low right now, I know for certain that a phone call, or instant message wouldn't do shit.......possibly not even an email......she'll most likely not listen or read em and just see my name or number and delete them. Unless for some odd reason she contacts me first, which case I'll unload on her ass.

Therefore after reading what you said I might be able to combine some things for perfect timing. I feel horrible for even saying this due to the other parties invovled .....but.....she is attending a camp for kids with MS this summer for a week, right before school starts. I was planning on going as well, but after what happend I didn't really want to be near her unless I absolutely had too,............however, like I said b/f she really needs people around her at all times or else I could see her really freaking out. This being said, I can go to the camp, look and play the part she loves, and then psychologically wreak havoc on her.

Then try to talk her up about sex and get her horned up.......then just ignore her,.......making her question what I say vs. what I she did with me, and also plant the seed of doubt in people's minds that she isn't of high character and is a supreme actress. If anything would hinder someone's opinion of her, especially on how she is with crushing That is sinking pretty damn low though lol.

The only thing though is that she is totally in her element with kids, and therefore this might backfire on me.............goddamn I'm putting way too much thought and effort into getting back at this bitch.........I wish there was a way to buy instant Karma
Just a FYI guys the psycho just called me out of the blue yesterday to tell me how much fun she's having going out and having guys pay for all her drinks and going to all these after parties with sports stars around the city, and how all these guys expect someting from her afterwards..... but that she would never do that b/c she's not that kind of girl.

She's been, and will continue to go out every day of the week. Mon-Sun. I mean going out is fun and all, but damn. She says she just likes to go out and dance,.......which is bullshit, she desperately craves the attention,.......but I mean shit, she plans on going every day for the next basically 3 months, thats like rock star pace.

I do not think she's having sex, .......(although who's to say she won't).....I think that she's not b/c of her friends are always with her and she feels that if she does anything like that in front of them, that her image would be smashed.........which I know she doesn't want.............but she really is craving the attention, and she really is loving dangling guys out there and doens't see anythng wrong with it b/c she thinks that all of them come to the bars with money expecting to burn it on a women, just for the hell of it, and why shouldn't she be that woman.

I'm trying to do the concernt thing for one last horay,....I'll find out in the next couple days about that, and if not.......blasting her ass with the cold hard truth,.....b/c she'll be loosing a big time support from me,.....since she absolutely won't be able to do what she's doing now in the fall when school starts. But me, I'll just be loosing psycho baggage.

I'm wondering if anyone has ever witnessed shit like this before. Her shit, after having that little chat, is barealy affecting me anymore, (just enough to get my ass motivated to get to the gym and to Penis Enlargement consistantly),........but I am very curious as to why someone acts like this.

I did my previous schooling at Penn State, which is quite a big party school, and I never saw anyone go out as much as she does, non stop, guy or girl, frat or sororiety,.....nobody. Well maybe hard core alcoholics, but their intentions are much different.

Can you guys suggest any women on the forum to talk to that would even have a clue about this shit........b/c I would just love to hear this from a female perspective, female friends are in the dark as much as me.
Yeah, I would do all the above, except for if it doesn't neccessarily work out, definetly do not write he any email. Either stop waiting around to her from her, if you can gut it out, you'll be able to hear from her on her conditions, basically when she feels like talking, and maybe their will be a future fuck, but getting your hopes up will just drive you crazy, I'm sure she's well aware of this. So in that case it really becomes a game, if you can stand it, just forget about her as if you wrote her off, when you her from her laugh at her jokes, but don't pay to much attention to her, mention you got the place to your self, of something like that, if not she'll be calling some time around the corner and that's the game.
She sounds like a cunt, but she's doesn't sound nieve, just a girl using what she's got to get what she needs, not that much different from what us guys have done a thousand and one times! I think we just get more jealous and it fucks with us a little different but that's all! Good luck!
Damn sweets you predicted the future. She's been calling me up a lot lately. I've been letting her do the talking for the most part and mirroring/building rapport with her,......letting her hear what she wants to hear.

Only thing is, it came right back to bite me in my ass. Check this shit out. She talks about types all the time. The only one that really was her type was her first b/f that beat her. So when looking at guy number 2 and me, I'm thinking Hydromaxmmmm shit isn't adding up here, as to be expected with her crazy ass. On this topic, like I said she's been going out a lot. She's also been going places about 50% of the time with her one guy friends, who she says she's been friends with for a while, but they've never been really close, BUT they've been spending a lot more time together lately.

She claims this guy isn't her type because he's short and cut up, not the big bulky brute that she claims she wants, he has also slept with a good amount of women, (which I thought was a turn off for her, but I could be wrong), and this kid is always with another woman when he's around her, (sometimes people he's dating, but not neccesarily all the time, sometime's ex's that he's still stuck in mini leases with), but she claims he's been acting sort of weird when other guys talk to her.

HOWEVER, she also said that he is the male version of her, and that at times they get along really well, and other times that won't talk at all b/c they fight and are too similar. When she said that I started to smell the perverbial funk of emotional drama, which crazy bitches obviously love.

So like I said she's been calling me a lot, telling me about her crazy adventures at the bars, and work, blah blah, (like she does with other male friends that she didn't hook up with),.......but I'm thinking in my head o.k. build rapport, her escapades don't phase me, and possibly get her to agree that I meet up with her somewhere, take her home and get down to it.

WELL, today she calls and is like "How do you know if a guy friend likes you" And I'm thinking, son of a bitch, and she's talking about the dude I mentioned previously, and obviously the guy likes her. I asked her, "I thought he wasn't your type" and she's like "He isn't, but I just want to be preparred if something were to happen, how to respond"..............I'm thinking to myself yeah like what how far you have to open your mouth,..........I don't know maybe I'm wrong, .........this broad is the hardest woman to read ever, probably because she has no clue of self except that she wants what she wants, when she wants it, no hobbies, no interests, just baically like a little kid, ........have fun and get it my way all the time, which for little kids, and her, is constantly chaning.

But basically I'm thinking if she even asked me that, she most likely does like him, and I'm fucked. However, as an aside, she did get back together several times with the one ex that beat her, important to mention though, that he dumped her, and she was like 15, and 17 at the time, and 21 now.

Also, she was really complaining of scapular pain today, and I used to give her massages, b/c I needed hours for school for masssage therapy, and I told her that she should pop by after work, and I'd help her out, when we were cool she rarely passed up a free massage.................but what do you know, no popping by, and the phone stopped ringing, hahaha.

So I'm damn clueless right about now. B/c if she gets with this dude, I really doubt things will last, and I can hit the rebound, (but gotta be carefull I don't catch something in the process),.......however that's definatly cutting off my balls, which at this point probably don't exist anyway,.....since I'm scrapping at the bottom of the barrel. I can go the other route, which is totally don't pick up her calls, and just play it by ear in the fall. Because once school starts in the fall we are going to get hammered by work, and she'll rarely be able to go out or spend time with her friends.

The negatives to both options are: by ignoring her all together, I could be totally cut off for good, even come fall, but most likely she'll get over it, b/c she says how certain guys she knows from high school and stuff really get on her nerves, but then if they have the hook ups to get into the V.I.P. parites, she has no qualms about hanging with them for a while. ....................The negative to hitting the rebound is that I can go insane waiting around to get the timming right, and it could entreach me deeper into the friends zone if she's constantly coming to me with all her issues.

I wish I could get inside this girl's head, b/c it seems like I said with her things are constatly changing from day to day. But yeah she definatly uses what she's got to get what she wants like it's her job. I have no clue on what to do and/or how to combat this.
So she's opening up to you/ or has been, at least from one piont she hasn't cut you off. A hook up might be possible, but this just sounds like a future possibility. And your right, you do not want to be the donkey on the other end of her phone calls just doing that. I would cut off some of her phone calls, not all though. If it's like a thurs. night and she calls you, well then the possibiltiy of talking about plans( which could be you) are at stake, if it's during the week like mon, tues. don't pay any closer attention.
I gotta run!
Seriously smeyers, you need to move on man. Dont play all these games because of the chance for a little romp. Just go find a healthy relationship and let her do her thing (whatever that is).

Whats coming across from your posts is that she is whacked out and your along for the ride. You cant and wont figure out the rules of the game because she makes em up as she goes. Its a lose-lose situation for ya. Get off the roller coaster.
MoPipe your totally right on. As a man I'm racking my brain for some kind of pattern or something with her, and then I read your post and a friend of mine was talking to me about her, and said that she reminds him of the scene in the movie big daddy when the little kid is winning all the time at cards b/c he changes the rules as he goes........ then the side of my brain that was frantically searching for a semi logical or rational explanation finally shut down enough for the light bulb to appear over my head.

I just got to tell you guys about what happend to this other guy, it's damn halarious. She obviously liked him and talked about him all the time, and like I said b/f was asking me dumb ass questions about how do you know when a guy friend likes you. Well, the dude made his move, to the extent of saying something like "I guess I'll never see you naked then huh?" Instant shut down. She got all freaked out. I said you seemed like you liked him; thats all you ever talked about for the past 2 weeks. And her classic line back to me was..."I don't like it when guys actually like me" LOL talk about your rollercoaster of emotions. She goes bonkers for the attention but when someone steps up, (well at least for now, who the hell knows about tom), she gets wigged out.

Another weird thing she did currently was calling me Thursday at 12:30 at night and wanted me to come out and drink with her and her friends, who were a half hour drive away. I was seriously tempted at first, but I had a job interview in the morning, so I declined. There most likely wouldn't have been any hooking up due to her being so close to her parents house, and I doubt that she wanted to actually see me, as opposed to not being the third wheel with her friend and this dude that her friend had picked up that night, but still, definatly very odd......b/c she freaks out if there's a possiblity that she might see me some where and then all the sudden, if scripted the rules totally change.

The reason that I'm being such a dumb ass and even answer the phone or I'm even tempted to go out.....(which with her right now would be a very bad thing, being that she'll take any attention, including that of the most seedy individuals which has already lead to several alterations over her............which would def. prematurely end my career if I got arrested) b/c I think, (as dumb as this might sound), I'm truely addicted to her body/sex with her.

I never believed it when I saw those hollywood stars talk about being a sex addict, however those guys are lucky IMO b/c they are addicted to the act itself. I'm addicted to sex with her. I can't look at �naked people movies� or other women any more,......or even talk to other women w/o getting extremely disgusted.

What's a little scary is that it's come close to affecting my new job. B/c before I leave for work I have to masterbate twice, (of course only thinking of her). The time it takes me to get off varies greatly, or it wouldn't be such a problem. It affects my sleep,.... in the middle of the night I'll be dreaming about having sex with her, and I'll wake up and have to masterbate 3-4 times. I'll come home after work, and have to do it another 2-3 times, (depending on the day). Even though I don't have classes right now, sometimes I'll have to pop in the college to study some stuff in preparation for fall, and I'll be going so crazy that I have to go to the public rest room and rub one out. It's really messed up, and is taking a good chunk of time away from my day, (which I can afford currently, but when my job picks up more really shortly, I'm screwed). A friend of mine who worked as a counsler for alcholics and drug addicts in the past has said that he truly believes that I'm addicted as well.

Any ideas on how to get over this? I wish it was just as simple as going out and finding another woman,.....when I say I get disguisted trying to do this, I mean the last couple times I went to bars I've had to actually puke in the parking lot even b/f I went in, and after that I couldn't bring myself to actually go in to the bar. What the hell is my problem?
Well you have given the big clue away!!You mentioned that she made this commit about what another guy said "I don't like it when guys actually like me"In other words she likes a bit of a challenge, someone that's not going to kiss her ass, someone that will make her feel like a woman, and be dominant!She would be easy to get!!

All you would have to do is:Go out with her and her friends to have a drink and party(preferably at a bar/club where there are other hot women)When you enter the club/bar with these girls, you automatically qualifiy yourself to all the other women there(social proof...big bonus point to women)!Once you are there, blank your hot friend and talk more to her friends....just totally shut her out!!Also make it a point to go and mingle with some of the other women there(they will be up for it, as you have the social proof)!This will drive her nuts, as she isn't getting the attention she wants from you!

Also you need to make a few commits to her that borderline on insults(nothing to servere, just little sublime "what have you done to your hair, etc.,?).Once you do this, her brain wheels will be working overtime, and she will try to quailify herself to you(win you back)When this starts to happen, you my friend are in the drivers set, and control the situation!

At this point you must push and pull her mentally(give a little shit, give a little sugar).It sounds harsh, but trust me, women like this have to be treated as such, it keeps them on there toes!Have you ever set at a bar/club and watched how all the hot women always leave with the assholes??It's sad but true!!Good guys cum last, and sometimes they don't cum at all!You have to stike a medium here....your a good guy that doesn't take shit, and is the prize!!!Adapt that mindset!

When you are at the push and pull phase, you must start rewarding her with a little body contact(like light touches to the hands,arms hair etc.........but no lip contact!!!!!!!!!By doing this you will start her juices flowing!Nothing should be spoke of sexually........this is the last thing you want to convey!!Just gradually build up the sexual tension within her!!From here you will have to play it cool, like your reeling in a big fish! Now that your to the point, to where you want to score, suggest to her about leaving and getting something to eat, or perhaps ask her to come over to see something you recently bought that is way cool...........but no sex talk!!!

If she does say she will go to your place, give her a time constraint that you have to be up early the next day(this will put her off guard, thinking that there is no sex tonight....but you know different!Once your there, take it slowly and get her worked up, and then I'm sure you will know what to do from there!

If in the club, she is not playing the game, stuff her, and hook up with some of the other women!Going through these steps will tell you if she's up to what you desire or not!If not, don't waste your time mate!!!Plenty of other hot women out there!Good luck!!

Thanks for the reply Girthius. I actually bought the e-book, the alpha male method not too long ago. I have been trying some of the techniques out right before things ended. These techniques are foriegn to me b/c my mother wore the pants in my family and had the mindset of " You better treat women like they're on the highest pedastol there is, or I'll kick your ass" haha.

Anyway, whats weird about this girl is that the push/pull is extreme. One moment she definatly wants hard core alpha, the next she wants, (or seems like she wants), beta to the extreme, and doing rapport like a mother. Actually when we got together, it was the hard core beta and rapport that reeled her and had her going gaga, believe or not, she sort of felt like I was reading her mind,... I was just doing what I was raised to do, be extremely attentive to a woman's needs and wants, and I guess she wasn't used to that. What kicked in me in the balls about that is that with her I was always being myself utterly and completely, so when I got rejected the way I did,....which was extremely disrespectul,and now with the mind games, it was/is more brutal, then usual.

However, that being said, it is also very likely she got sick of the constant beta half way through and wanted alpha? Unlike most women who want the hard ass in the beginning and softy in the actual seems as if she was the opposite? I do know however that she gets all excited about the summer time and wants to go out and go nuts, (it seems like to me as if she feels like she's missing out on something big if she's not out every night). Unfortunately I never got to show her the wild side of me b/c she ended things the last day of class.

Toward the end of the relationship when I was trying to adopt the alpha mindset she was confusing my alpha activity with that of morphing into my friend, who's an asshole, if someone disrespects him.......which she did, constantly, so he wouldn't take it. She basically thought that I didnt' have my own personality and therefore adopted his, and that's a big turn off for her, (even though she does it). She sat me down and told me how no one liked him, (which is a lie), and went into her big psychological spill, (she thinks she's Mrs. Sigmond Freud or something), and told me that the way he acts is him covering up being insecure...........which actually couldn't be farther from the truth,......the guy is 41 and has been around a lot in his life,.....he does his thing and could give a shit about anyone else, unless they're his close friends.

I actually corresponded with the author several times, being that you get so many free emails with him, (I want to say 10), and he pretty much feels that I'm screwed, hahaha. The hard part with her is knowing when or if beta is a turn on and when alpha is a turn on. B/c although she's quite stunning, she does have self esteem issues, and I remember her telling me b/f about how insanely pissed off she was about a guy making a smart ass remark about her friends thong, (although the girl had low rider jeans need for a thong with those except for attention's sake),.....and saying how comments like that made women extremely uncomfortable, and made her furious.

So even though she gets her way all the time, the self esteem stuff makes me wonder if alpha all the time, every time would work, very well might though. The way I was trying to come across now is that by taking her calls and letting her do the talking and let her realize that all this attention from guys doesn't phase me.........but it's also very possible that she might be just seeing me almost as a gay friend that she calls when she wants that will listen to her dumb stories, but at the same time has male insight...........damnit this is what I get for trying to out think the thoughless.

Also, last night she got a big ego boost. She was at a bar in her home town, (which also sucks b/c she goes more to where the conditions favor her.......places where there are more guys),.......and a decent amount of the popular guy crowd from high school was there, in particular two guys who all the girls went ga ga for back when she was in high school, They were throwing her compliments out the ass, obiously she was eating this up. I told her that they did this b/c they suck at life now and the hot chicks get motivated and move on to areas and guys and to other guys that actually have something to offer them,.........but I don't think this phased her, b/c I'm the one who said it, and my opinon is of no worth to her.

The problem with meeting her out, or meeting her period currently is that it's extremely hard. She doesn't want her friends to meet me probably cuz they pick up shitty guys who mess around with them constantly so they would most likely hate her for not sticking with me,...(and like I said b/f their opinions mean the world to her),..... also she probably still feels that I still probably like her and might block her from getting attention from other guys.

She has only called me to come out once, which was this past Thurs,...not a big drinking day here,.... and as I mentioned before, when she called she was decently drunk and most likely feeling like the third wheel,(this was the one and only time I couldn't go out b/c of an interview early the next morning),......if I actually call her she doesn't give a shit most of the time and will only call back if she's bored or has something retardid she wants to say.......therefore when I attempt to do my alpha thing when she calls me and switch the convo to me and how all these exciting things are happening in my life.....she gets mad, b/c the convo isn't on her, and says "I gotta go", or makes an excuse to go, and hangs up.

Maybe I need to thoroughly go back and read my e-book again, b/c maybe I'm missing the boat here. I mean she's the one who calls me and what not, but my dumb ass probably shouldn't answer at all,.........or call back in several hours, or days later ......or possibly only answer if its late in the night and there could be a shot of going out?????

Still not sure what to do about the sex addiction thing, I feel like my libido is triple what it was at its highest level,, like when I was in middle school getting random errections whenever there was a slight breeze, hahaa. Seriously though, at this point in my life, it sucks, its' taking up too much time, keeping me inside from meeting people and coming close to messing with my job.
Ignore my dumb ass long previous post. I finally got struck in the head and figured out what the hell is going on. The Alpha Male Method, wasn't really working with her like I planned.........but I tell you what.........I had David DeAngelo's e-book double your dating, it once a long time back and sort of forgot about it.

Well I started to read it again today. HOLY SHIT, DEAD ON........this girl is dead on everything he says, She did a damn good acting job. Now this kid that she's friends with, she'll probably end up going out or at least having sex with, b/c he is doing this method and not even realizing it. He's getting pissed and pouting and doesn't call etc. when he says he will and when he does he's all lovey dovey with her.............makes her wheels in her head go over time, and I can tell she's freaking loving it.

Wow, I'm just totally pissed at myself for not reading this book earlier and for my dumb ass beta up bringing. Honeslty I must have the only females in my family that don't like that stuff. The like guys that treat them well all the time, every time, no drama no second guessing..........and thats how I was brought up to treat women.........and now that I think back upon it all this stuff makes sense from almost every single girl I've ever known in the past.........they all fit the DeAngelo protocol.

I'm totally done with even thinking about sex with her. I want vengance where it hurst the worst for her........her emotions...................ANY SUGGESTIONS?
smeyers said:
Ignore my dumb ass long previous post. I finally got struck in the head and figured out what the hell is going on. The Alpha Male Method, wasn't really working with her like I planned.........but I tell you what.........I had David DeAngelo's e-book double your dating, it once a long time back and sort of forgot about it.

Well I started to read it again today. HOLY SHIT, DEAD ON........this girl is dead on everything he says, She did a damn good acting job. Now this kid that she's friends with, she'll probably end up going out or at least having sex with, b/c he is doing this method and not even realizing it. He's getting pissed and pouting and doesn't call etc. when he says he will and when he does he's all lovey dovey with her.............makes her wheels in her head go over time, and I can tell she's freaking loving it.

Wow, I'm just totally pissed at myself for not reading this book earlier and for my dumb ass beta up bringing. Honeslty I must have the only females in my family that don't like that stuff. The like guys that treat them well all the time, every time, no drama no second guessing..........and thats how I was brought up to treat women.........and now that I think back upon it all this stuff makes sense from almost every single girl I've ever known in the past.........they all fit the DeAngelo protocol.

I'm totally done with even thinking about sex with her. I want vengance where it hurst the worst for her........her emotions...................ANY SUGGESTIONS?

Go talk too ur mum.
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