Help the vitims of Hurricane Katrina:

The victims of Katrina are becoming spread all over the country. You can find and directly help these victims in almost any state.

In Texas, we have showered them with love. Sometimes almost smothered them. We have many in the north Texas area that we are helping directly.

Just a caveat: Two from New Orleans got drunk and crashed their truck into the ditch in front of my house two nights ago. Really fucked themselves up. I do not think they will be happy with Texas DWI laws.

I actually pretty much agree with Duppi on this Red Cross thing. I may give a small donation to the Salvation Army, but I will not donate to the Red Cross or its affiliates such as stormaid.
Well, I'm from New Orleans and it's hard to come up with any solution for anything. Since my childhood, we knew that this day we come sooner or later. But we always dodged bullets. The fact is that no one knew how it really is in New Orleans until now. My high school is or should I say was right in the middle of the Ninth Ward. I just went back for Thanksgiving and was blown away by seeing the devastation for myself.

Look these people lived off the government. They have to take responsibility for their actions.

It's really sad how things were handled. I was telling my brother when I drove back with him to his home in Houston that the city would be forever changed. The New Orleans that we knew from our childhood would never be the same.

And I'm getting sick of hearing these fucks that are saying that the government blew up the levees. What a crock of shit. This is how it is there. We knew that if we got a storm this powerful, there would be no New Orleans. Shit, the storm could have been worse and the city would literally be a lake. The levees were not powerful enough to withstand such a storm. I know, my parents house is a block away from one of the levees. Can you say, "under sea level?"

I am ashamed at our government. Iraq is more important than our homeland. Fuck Bush and fuck his administration.

Sorry if my rant makes no sense, but I could write pages on the effect this has had on my life as well as my family. That's how it is down there, it's all family. No one leaves. I hate to say it but it's a good thing I left a year ago. Cheers to the most historical city in the U.S.
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