Has anyone ever had difficulty telling their girlfriend about PE?


Sep 19, 2010
Hey guys

I've just finished my 3rd week of starting Penis Enlargement using the newbie routine and I'm loving it! I've already noticed a size increase, length and girth and I feel pretty stunned to have noticed something this quickly.

My girlfriend can physically notice the difference when we have sex and has commented on it a few times. I'm planning to tell her soon, but a bit apprehensive about how she could see it

I was just wondering if anyone had any tips on telling partners? Or just people in general?

I personally never had any problem with the 3 girls I told about Penis Enlargement. Maybe I was lucky, because I've heard about other guys in here who went through hell when they told their partners they were into Penis Enlargement.

So, the only advise I can give you is to pay close attention to her reactions and comments on your size, whether she's really enjoying it or just finding it weird, and make your decision from there. It also depends on what level of open-ness (is there such a word?) you have in your relationship. If she's enjoying it and is getting more pleasure than she used to, I'd say go for it and share it with her. Otherwise, maybe you should tread lightly for now.
No, I've just likened it to body modification which it is. I explain what I do, how it's done, how it's safe, and that it's MY penis first..then hers. I'd expect the same of her if she was changing something about her body. It's always worked for me.
Yer think carefully about it. Some things are better kept burried. She may love it... or may be totally against it. the decision is yours :)
I told her the other day and she was quite fine with the idea when I explained it to her.
She was a bit offput that I hadn't told her when I started to Penis Enlargement. She felt slightly weird because she didn't know and it quite literally affected her. To be honest, I think it was just something in the past that made her a bit more sensitive to not knowing things from the beginning.
Either way, problem resolved.
Cheers for the input guys!
Glad it worked out. But even though she now knows there is no reason to talk on it too much more. If she knows and sees you becoming obsessed she will start to have real issues with it.
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