VoorheesXIII;632825 said:
A quote i read somewhere, "if you spend the entire time looking in the rear view mirror, you will never see what's ahead of you," It may be a little different than that but you get the picture.

Like any change in life, baby steps everyday and build on it 'til you get to where/what you are aiming to achieve, accept that along the way you will make mistakes and take two steps back but that's ok, nobody does it perfect the 1st time anyways. It doesn't have to be life changing within a day, chip away at it little by little, you will get there if you believe you can 👍

I agree, any time we give ourselves to the past or the future we end up missing out on the present. The word present should be seen like to work gift because every day we are giving the gift of life. What we do with that time is very important. Staying in the moment gives you the ultimate energy and focus needed to attain the goals we want to make happen. If you are continuously in your past but constantly thinking about your future it will be very very difficult to make things happen in the moment.
youknowme123321;604691 said:
just work hard and find something you love doing so it's not work. if you are focused on that million and the BMW that is fine but you need to work tirelessly day and night. which should be easy if it is something you love to do.

That's one of my challenges in life right now. It gets pretty depressing spending your weekends and time off thinking about how much you don't want to go back into work. Not because your lazy but because you hate the job you have. It's the only thing bringing money in so I'm continually asking myself how I can break away from this never ending cycle. I don't want to live to work. I know my problem is shared by millions of people around the world, so what makes me any different =\

Sorry for jacking your thread SD. Just letting you know I share your pain in a different way.
pedud;632831 said:
That's one of my challenges in life right now. It gets pretty depressing spending your weekends and time off thinking about how much you don't want to go back into work. Not because your lazy but because you hate the job you have. It's the only thing bringing money in so I'm continually asking myself how I can break away from this never ending cycle. I don't want to live to work. I know my problem is shared by millions of people around the world, so what makes me any different =\

Sorry for jacking your thread SD. Just letting you know I share your pain in a different way.

so it sounds like you need to find a new career. No one should spend their life in Misery doing a job just for money. Do what you love to do and do it with all your heart and you will make money. Have confidence in yourself and find a job in the areas that you have interest, love and passion. Don't worry about what people think of you just believe in yourself and start looking for that dream job. Start i filling out applications and all the different places that you wish to work. Follow up by stopping in and asking if they have anything open. Keep doing this until somebody finally said yes. Working is usually have for somebody's life and should never be spent in misery.
shortdick;604666 said:
Wow sounds beautiful to own those pieces but as i have said before you are the mastermind
I make songs that I feel could easily be billboard hits if I had the right connections. But just like art; the industry has become viscous on sales and artist expectations. Now your art should just be a hobby. So dont try to pay you rent with it. Good luck.
Disco Dave;632899 said:
I make songs that I feel could easily be billboard hits if I had the right connections. But just like art; the industry has become viscous on sales and artist expectations. Now your art should just be a hobby. So dont try to pay you rent with it. Good luck.

video killed the radio star and the mp3's have killed the artist's ability to sell product. If you're doing music do it for the love of music.the chances of getting a record deal nowadays are slim to none.
Had a really bad night couldnt sleep well and my mind was spinning fast i felt a hard punch in my face it was the punch of the reality, of being nothing and being terribly stupid and lazy i realized that i had been doing things for years and i hadnt achieved a goddamn thing i have been drawing for years and i realized that i suck that i have a million things to learn really basic things about technique human anatomy etc. The other thing that struck me hard was my PE life, 5 years maybe less maybe more of being there exercising and i measured my dick and i see a pathetic penis almost 6 inches not even 6 inches, now when i want to move forward in my life, all of the things that i believed could help me to move forward in life didnt come, no one to blame here but my idiocy and my immaturity my lack of will and vision and my lack of knowledge too, a very very hard lesson to learn,now i have to pay the price of being absent minded of all these years.I would like to see the light but the light is a bit too far now, hope i can reach it sooner than later.<:(

Until you drop the failure mindset, you will always remain stuck. Your last sentence, you said you would like to see the light but the light is a bit too far now.

That's failure right there. I see you as a very pessimistic person and that's where all your life problem is coming from. This thread is from 2014.
Until you drop the failure mindset, you will always remain stuck. Your last sentence, you said you would like to see the light but the light is a bit too far now.

That's failure right there. I see you as a very pessimistic person and that's where all your life problem is coming from. This thread is from 2014.

Exactly right
I agree, any time we give ourselves to the past or the future we end up missing out on the present. The word present should be seen like to work gift because every day we are giving the gift of life. What we do with that time is very important. Staying in the moment gives you the ultimate energy and focus needed to attain the goals we want to make happen. If you are continuously in your past but constantly thinking about your future it will be very very difficult to make things happen in the moment.
Very beautiful.
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