Stopped using the CU Skin as it's just too expensive (btw, on their wholesale site, it sells for about $3.48 US pertube but you have to buy at least 500; the cheapest I can find it online is $54 Cdn - hell of a markup). Been using Topol smokers' toothepaste for 2 weeks now. No miracles, but some shrinkage of the fordyce spots. Seems to be working as well as CU Skin for a lot less money!
I think smoker toothpaste can be used as pennies treatment but you can consult with your doctor before applying it on the pennies.
loudboy;492864 said:
I think smoker toothpaste can be used as pennies treatment but you can consult with your doctor before applying it on the pennies.

What about quarters? :)
doublelongdaddy;368560 said:
they are all virtually the same. I say go with CVS brand, it is about five dollars and it contains the same ingredients as the more expensive brands.

Here is an online source for only $2.99 : PLUS WHITE

Thank you.

I have these plus some on my lips. I'd love to have them gone.

Thank you.
I got these as well and they don't really bother me too much but I guess it would be cool not to have them . Does the toothpaste burn when you put it on your dick ? I know normal toothpaste burns and seems like it could be horrible . Fordyce spots don't hurt and aren't contagious so not sure it's worth burning your tallywhacker to get rid of them .
The colonel;492991 said:
I got these as well and they don't really bother me too much but I guess it would be cool not to have them . Does the toothpaste burn when you put it on your dick ? I know normal toothpaste burns and seems like it could be horrible . Fordyce spots don't hurt and aren't contagious so not sure it's worth burning your tallywhacker to get rid of them .

It feels cool more than heat. It really is a miracle cure!
doublelongdaddy;493503 said:
Why the Hell would someone get surgery for something they can fix with toothpaste?

sorry to open a dead thread but does this toothpaste method actually work (provide any threads and pics if you can also?) i have an awful case of fordyce all across bottom of shaft and scrotum and top of the shaft in parts, desperate to get rid of them
mikeleebcfc;722464 said:
sorry to open a dead thread but does this toothpaste method actually work (provide any threads and pics if you can also?) i have an awful case of fordyce all across bottom of shaft and scrotum and top of the shaft in parts, desperate to get rid of them

For everyone who has tried it that has reported back, yes. It needs to be smokers strength toothpaste though.
doublelongdaddy;722550 said:
For everyone who has tried it that has reported back, yes. It needs to be smokers strength toothpaste though.
so like white glo or clinomyn toothpaste? how long does it take approximately?
I recall most of the cases reported saw improvement in 1-2 weeks already, but I'd say to give at least one month up to three to see changes. Consistency in applying the product will play a big key, this is what I've noticed in my skin care procedures, as in when I've had wounds etc..

I think I could have a try at this, since I do have some spots, nothing very troublesome though.
arkailija;722580 said:
I recall most of the cases reported saw improvement in 1-2 weeks already, but I'd say to give at least one month up to three to see changes. Consistency in applying the product will play a big key, this is what I've noticed in my skin care procedures, as in when I've had wounds etc..

I think I could have a try at this, since I do have some spots, nothing very troublesome though.
ill give it a go then, hope it works
doublelongdaddy;493503 said:
Why the Hell would someone get surgery for something they can fix with toothpaste?
hi, got the toothpaste now, any ideas how it should be applied? should a layer be left on the skin and cling filmed on or something?
mikeleebcfc;725304 said:
hi, got the toothpaste now, any ideas how it should be applied? should a layer be left on the skin and cling filmed on or something?

Once in the morning, once in the afternoon, once at night. Apply about a pea size around over the effected area and allow to dry. Leave on until next treatment. Should take about 2-4 weeks to be gone completely.
doublelongdaddy;725402 said:
Once in the morning, once in the afternoon, once at night. Apply about a pea size around over the effected area and allow to dry. Leave on until next treatment. Should take about 2-4 weeks to be gone completely.
thank you for the reply buddy, will do, dont suppose you heard any cases of this actually worsening the spots? or is it all positive? (only ask because the first google search result is someone who had a bad experience, normal toothpaste though) if there is any doubt ill apply to a smaller area to see results first, but if its all good ill just go ahead and cover the whole bottom of my dick where the spots are really bad, p.s any ideas where these forum posts are with people who have tried this before? cant seem to find them?
mikeleebcfc;725442 said:
thank you for the reply buddy, will do, dont suppose you heard any cases of this actually worsening the spots? or is it all positive? (only ask because the first google search result is someone who had a bad experience, normal toothpaste though) if there is any doubt ill apply to a smaller area to see results first, but if its all good ill just go ahead and cover the whole bottom of my dick where the spots are really bad, p.s any ideas where these forum posts are with people who have tried this before? cant seem to find them?

Never a situation where they get worse, or at least never one I have heard of. Some men will not get the same results as others but in about 75% of the cases this treatment will eliminate PPP. You have to sue smoker tooth paste, regular toothpaste does to have the strength necessary.
doublelongdaddy;725469 said:
Never a situation where they get worse, or at least never one I have heard of. Some men will not get the same results as others but in about 75% of the cases this treatment will eliminate PPP. You have to sue smoker tooth paste, regular toothpaste does to have the strength necessary.
ideal, yeah ive got plus+ white smokers whitening toothpaste, and by ppp do you do mean fordyce spots do ya? i thought ppp was those little spots you get around the glans? cheers
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