Exclusive 5x5x3 MityVac/SSJ girth workout ? MONSTER GIRTH!

I am taking 0.7' expansion after my girth routine. I do not know if that matters or not but the more you get the more you will gain faster? is this how it goes? also give us a link for vacuvin?
I am taking 0.7' expansion after my girth routine. I do not know if that matters or not but the more you get the more you will gain faster? is this how it goes? also give us a link for vacuvin?

Interesting. Is it shaft upper skin fluid retention or real internal expansion? Long period of clamping tends to create fluid retention than real expansion. Type up and search fluid retention to compare to make sure.

For @squirt_inducer_man modding, check:
Equipment modification - Modifications to Bathmate® HydroXtreme models
Truth to be told:: From the moment I did clamping, the "skin" somehow became "bigger" and ....forever. I have stopped clamping 2 months now. The expansion I got was mid-shaft with a measurement. I do not know if it is fluid retention but - call me crazy - the next day in the morning I am 0.5CM bigger for some time.
When I was touching my penis, this is the girth I wanted. It was so nice in my hands. Even if it was fluid retention.
Please help me on this, I can't differentiate.
Ah, two conditions like this observed in the medical fields. I'll use simple terms.

Those who have thin or softer tissues, expansions can be very simple at first. The lasting effects of expansion can feel permanent, but it may only be short term, lasting anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Softer tissues can develop scarring tissues faster than those with tougher tissues.

The other is longer fluid retention. When tissues trapped the blood fluid too long, plasma pooled in the upper layer of the skin, making the penis feel full and tight, similar to major gains with thicker skin. But in reality, it's lingering plasma that haven't escape from the tissues fast enough. This is when the body thinks it needs to prevent infection from too long of a blood pooling. It's an auto anatomical response to heal the body.

There may be other issues. Without a photo, it's hard to tell.
OK I ll put a photo of flaccid and erect (if I can get an erection after workout). On my side what I see always is this excessive skin of my penis. And yes I do believe it might be lingering plasma because the penis when I touch it - it is not that muscle hard it's like a balloon that has excess air. Something like this. Very disappointing
Same with me. Pushed a bit too hard and now I have to rest. Lost 5 days already and it sucks. I have to switch out from supplements only to a combo with red light therapy. Same damage like this in the past would set me back at least two weeks.
You did'nt lost anything....in fact you gaind. I'm going hard on my sessions, so mostly I do 1 day on, 1 day rest and reapeat. I'm gaining with this.
OK I ll put a photo of flaccid and erect (if I can get an erection after workout). On my side what I see always is this excessive skin of my penis. And yes I do believe it might be lingering plasma because the penis when I touch it - it is not that muscle hard it's like a balloon that has excess air. Something like this. Very disappointing
Don't post a photo in this thread.
Post in a diffrent one, or create a new thread, preferably in this forum: Picture Proof: Penis Enlargement Pictures Forum.

I kinda getting tired of your negative energy here.
You are always going to experience some fluid retention with girthwork.
Never clamp it is DANGEROUS!
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Camping can be the death of issue and smooth muscle
I agree! Many men come here and ask for guidence after they got injured after clamping.
That is the oposite of what we want. Your penis should work better after you stop penis enlargement.
Better to follow proven methods like the SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory Girth program (SRT 5x5x3).
I agree! Many men come here and ask for guidence after they got injured after clamping.
That is the oposite of what we want. Your penis should work better after you stop penis enlargement.
Better to follow proven methods like the SRT 5x5x3.
Best method possible
Hello again,
I was clamping for 6 months and I stopped clamping when I saw no results at all. I might have damaged my penis I really do not know this, and I do not also know if the damage I did to my penis is reversible.
I know, I am a very negative person with very low self-esteem, but I tried to get myself together and said: Let's do this, I can do this.
Although I have health problems, and It's difficult for me to get even a simple erection (just imagine how hard for me, it is to maintain it), Ι tried my best. I started doing LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging in the morning 20 mins, followed by 6 hours of phallosan at red intensity and girth routine at night.
My first girth routine gave me 0.7' inches which showed me the penis I have always wanted wich gave me more room to try. I did this for 3 days in a row and I got so much fatigue that I was feeling intense pain for 24 hours so I decided to stop for 2 days. I continued again until week stopped.
did 5/7 LM and 4/7 Girth Routine with 5/7 Phallosan.

I started week 2 and I decided to go for 6/7 LM x 2 (No phallosan) and Girth routine.
So, I did LM at morning, and at night LM + Girth routine.
Monday was okay, got 0.7' inches again at girth but suddenly, after Tuesday, I have NO expansion at all or I can say I have 0.15' inches only after my girth routine session.
What am I doing wrong? Is it that I stopped phallosan which gave me better results?
Bear in mind I was using phallosan because I cant use Bandage because of my fat that pushes the stomach and my penis suffocates with bandage.
I can mention that sometimes (like today) I use MOS-RED | NIR INFRARED LIGHT THERAPY FOR ERECTION QUALITY but I am getting dissapointed again.
A few keypoints here are:: I enter bathmate with 70% erection and I might lose the erection while I get in but I push HARD to very high HG until i feel this uncomfortableness. Bear in mind that I did this many times and got 0.7' inches expansion.
Am I not using power at SSJ?
Can someone help me please? It took me so much psychological effort to follow you guys and I dont want to stop I want to find a solution.
Thanks in advance.
Sorry for my confusing message i am getting emotional when i fail.
I think you need to consider viagra as a way to get effortless erections, it helped me big time. I also think you should do the 5x5x3 with your pump and ssj. There is no better way to gain girth. Perhaps you should concentrate on girth first and after you made the gains you want switch to length. I think you should use all tools you have including phallosan. Do not get bummed out as sometimes it takes a while to master your work ✨️
Low self esteem is normal in life. I got into that funk at time. But, the critical point is to set up a goal, a single goal first, and aim to complete it. Don't stop until you accomplish that one goal first. Jumping all over the place won't help.

Clamping alone won't help you gain. You discovered it. Going way too hard too fast, and doing too much won't help either. As DLD said, pick one first and tackle it head on. Which goal do you want to aim for first?

If you want to aim for one goal, you can also perform the other goal slowly. No need to go as hard as the main goal. Secondary goal as a side benefit is as good as the primary, but at a slower easier level. Let us know.
A few days ago I tried viagra after @huge-girth told me that. The thing is that it's the same for me. I think it's my psychology that kills me and won't obey my will with simple logic.
I will try again with the viagra, taking it 30 mins before girth routine. Maybe the problem is there, with the erection.
So...it's impossible to combine length and girth together ? I did it at first.
If I do each other day the routine will it give me better results? Anyone have tried both?
A few days ago I tried viagra after @huge-girth told me that. The thing is that it's the same for me. I think it's my psychology that kills me and won't obey my will with simple logic.
I will try again with the viagra, taking it 30 mins before girth routine. Maybe the problem is there, with the erection.
So...it's impossible to combine length and girth together ? I did it at first.
If I do each other day the routine will it give me better results? Anyone have tried both?

Most brothers here find it much easier to just focus on.one thing at a time and it's either length or girth. I think in your case, the fatigue is too much for your penis to handle. If I were in your shoes, I will sort one goal out first before focusing on the other.

It's either you focus on length and arrive at your length goal before switching your focus to girth work, or you focus on girth only and arrive at your girth goal before switching focus to length.

Training length and girth on same day can be too draining and mentally exhausting for many.
It's not mentally exhausting for me. I have decided to do it. It is that it seems that my body cannot keep up with this. Is there a way to keep up?
Yes. There is a way to keep up. Your body must learn to keep up first by doing one piece meal at a time. What is more important? Length or girth? If you must do one, length first at 95%, a light to moderate SRT at 5% for girth. The 5% is to promote solidification on what you gain on girth during length works. Once you achieve lengthwise, refocus on girth at 95% witt 5% on length. Let your body keep up first before you can go 50/50 on the fatigue loading. I have to yield at time to all length rather than including girth work. Fatigue can murder you when you venture too much too fast.
I don't know @kris Kros, I think you need to see a doctor, just for sanity. I'm not sure why you are frustrated if this is PE for life? Clamping might not be your thing but I do some ULI's and it feels great depending on my routine. When you post I am not sure how long you have been doing this but it sounds like not that long. There should be no frustration in PE. One thing I think you should consider is using a cock ring, you might just be the few men that have leakage, and that's ok, there are solutions for that, we just need to know more information before we can help. You might need to consider starting a separate thread on this?
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