Doing Kegels properly?


Jul 10, 2013
Sorry for the dumb question, but I am a little confused on doing kegels properly.

When I do them I can hit my PC muscle two ways. One is contracting the muscle closer to the scrotum, and this seems to target the penis, and the other is in the middle/back which feels a a little different. I can tell both ways contract the pc, but I am not sure which way is more important. It is driving me nuts because I am not sure if they are as effective either way so I have been doing them both ways.
I read once when you piss stop the flow using a kegel that's the spot on how to do it.
See thats what I thought, but I also read doing cock raises is a kegel too. Well when I do cock raises I am contracting closer to the scrotum, and when I stop urine flow I kind of contract the whole gooch. This is where I get confused.
I've had the x40 for a week now and I must say this is the best toy I've ever bought. I've been using it for 20 minutes or so with 6 days on 1 day off. My dick really needs that day to recover from the pumping. When I started last week my penis was rarely getting over the 8 inch mark now I'm surpassing it. At first I was getting a lot of water retention and sore base now I'm getting hardly any pain or water retention. I'm not going to measure till I've had at least a month with this thing so I could give a more accurate review. But so far so good.
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