
Mar 18, 2013
hello! right. im new to this kind of stuff... and ive been looking at exercises to do and i just dont understand it... people using terms such as "Bathmate LM" dont have a clue! is there any videos to show what stretches I could do? to teach me, im really motivated into doing this.. just need the guidance! im looking for a longer, thicker penis:)

You will find most of the definitions for abbreviations HERE in the Glossary of terms. As a beginner I suggest two threads to thoroughly read through and completely understand. First, The Newbie Routine will teach and guide you with basic understandings in penis enlargement and how you can start growing right away. I also suggest a good read through the SRT thread, this will give you a good understanding of advanced methods, equipment, healing, supplementation, act.
thanks for the help guys:D im going to start properly from monday:) gunna play around till then, but thats when it gets serious! really looking forward! im looking to gain 1-2 inches... how long could that possibly take?
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