
Jul 17, 2004
Im coming along slowly but surely in my Penis Enlargement quest, as i have been having trouble finding time and location to perform it at college, but I have noticed something in particular about the build of my penis. It seems as though im pretty wide, but that i have almost no depth. Sometimes it feels almost flat, and i know thats an exaggeration....but its something id like to change. My width is nice, but my girth is still subpar. Im just not getting over 5", but i would love to gain tons of depth as well as overall girth [not that i wouldnt mind getting wider too, just add some depth along the way]. So my question is: What girth exercises are the best for adding that third dimension of depth? Thank you for your help and suggestions, they are much appreciated.
Ever tried jelquing with a Plams-down grip? I have the same problem and it's working for me.
Yea, thats the way Ive always jelqed. Isnt that the norm? Thanks for your advice though.
For most of us depth is where we grow the most, So just make the time be consistence with your work outs and the depth will come.`
I noticed the same thing happened to me. Actually, I started stretching it over a rolling pin and it went away. (Not to cure the wide dick problem -- I was hoping to make my dick longer.) In time it went away. Root cause of the flat dick may be insufficient stretching.
harcore kedgeling sessions should make it deeper, at the base at least. It's happened for me, although it wasn't exactly intentional...
Actually I have the same problem.. im just over 5" and im flat, wide with no depth. As long as im gaining girth though, I could care less.
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