Dec 15, 2006
Hi there,

My name is Vicki Lesley and I am a producer at Firecracker Films, an award-winning documentary production company in London, England. We are currently producing a documentary for the BBC about people's attitude to penis size. The film will be a follow up to a previous BBC programme called ‘My Penis and I’, which featured a man named Laurence Baraclough who was suffering major insecurities about the size of his penis.

The first film really explored Laurence's own feelings but in this new film we are opening it up to find out what other men think about penis size and the actions they are taking based on this.

One of the elements we would like to include in the film is penis enlargement surgery. Laurence seriously considered the possibility of having a penis enlargement operation when making the first film, but eventually decided not to go ahead with the procedure. However, he is really keen to meet with people who have decided that surgery is the best option for them and this follow up programme would feature Laurence’s discussion with that person and their journey through the operation process.

I am therefore now looking for a British man who is planning on having penis enlargement surgery sometime in the next couple of months who would be willing to talk to us about the possibility of taking part in the documentary.
Obviously, we are fully alert to the sensitivities surrounding the procedure, and because this is such a personal topic, we would want to make sure anyone taking part was well recompensed for their time. We can discuss specific contributor fees with anyone who gets in touch.

I should also stress that as a company Firecracker has a lot of experience of dealing with personal and emotional subjects - for example our most recent film 'My New Face' aired on Channel 4 a couple of weeks ago and featured the pioneering work of 2 London surgeons carrying out cranio-facial surgery on children from developing countries who otherwise wouldn't have access to such treatment.

The documentary will be aired in March 2007 and so filming will begin as soon as possible and up to early February at the latest, so we are really keen to find someone as soon as possible.

If you are planning on having surgery in the next couple of months, I would love to talk to you about the project some more. I can be reached via telephone on +44 207 349 3405 or via email at
I hope to hear from some of you soon!

Thanks very much and best wishes,

Vicki Lesley
Firecracker Films
Sounds cool, send me a PM
Might as well talk to a few guys about natural Penis Enlargement, has done wonders for me and quite a few other folks, safe and natural, and best of all, free.
Do you guys plan on making a documentary on natural penis enlargement soon. That would spark more of an interest and be of more use to society than a documentary on some guy butchering his penis.

When I saw the film my penis and I, I was wondering why Lawrence did not try natural penis enlargement. I think if he stuck to it he could eventually have a seven inch penis given that he started with three inches.

just a suggestion:)
People say stuff and then it never comes to pass. This is exactly the type of media we need to help those who have no clue to our practice...WHATEVER!>:(
doublelongdaddy said:
Sounds cool, send me a PM

Can you recieve PM's DLD? Or just ones you wana read?

Ive been trying speak to you for a while now, unless your PM box is knackered??
I prefer the Fight Club mentality myself for the reasons 10inch mentioned.
But I am not running a pay site.
doublelongdaddy said:
Very true.

So channel 4 best hurry up and do a documentary on the manual way of penis enlargement and show the miracle to everybody.

The sooner more people know the better. Its kinda crazy tho do you think it is ever gonna be like a sport or a fitness work out lol.
maybe they'll make like yoga classes outta it:p

and hot chicks to help us out with the jelqing? :p
Pandora said:
So channel 4 best hurry up and do a documentary on the manual way of penis enlargement and show the miracle to everybody.

The sooner more people know the better. Its kinda crazy tho do you think it is ever gonna be like a sport or a fitness work out lol.

The thing is, they will never think anymore than Alice in Wonderland, they are pathetic and only have interests in immediate reactions to their problems. We are a different breed, a breed that does not rely on popular advice or historical reality, we are a bunch of guys who know that there are things possible that the normal human race has no clue into. We could make our cocks bigger by 10" but these same mother fucker's will see it as fantasy. Fuck em...we know what we know and they can live with the limited education they have and always had. We never need to worry, we are the ones that believe beyond the sili history we are told to be real. We know we make changes and we will do so as long as we need.

I challenge anyone of these people to a debate in honor of our beliefs and I will win. Fuck them...if they want to believe their existence is based on the people around them, let them do so. We are different and we already know there is a different way, a new way, a way that shows our true potential as beings on this planet of life. Let them sit back with their tiny penis and their skewed beliefs.
doublelongdaddy said:
The thing is, they will never think anymore than Alice in Wonderland, they are pathetic and only have interests in immediate reactions to their problems. We are a different breed, a breed that does not rely on popular advice or historical reality, we are a bunch of guys who know that there are things possible that the normal human race has no clue into. We could make our cocks bigger by 10" but these same mother fucker's will see it as fantasy. Fuck em...we know what we know and they can live with the limited education they have and always had. We never need to worry, we are the ones that believe beyond the sili history we are told to be real. We know we make changes and we will do so as long as we need.

I challenge anyone of these people to a debate in honor of our beliefs and I will win. Fuck them...if they want to believe their existence is based on the people around them, let them do so. We are different and we already know there is a different way, a new way, a way that shows our true potential as beings on this planet of life. Let them sit back with their tiny penis and their skewed beliefs.

I thought i was doing good when i told my ex girlfriend about it, about Penis Enlargement. And i showed her what we do most of what i have learned. At first it turn her on i think she was ok with it. But after a while she started freaking out saying it made her feel bad when i did it and stuff but at the same time i did something a little fucked up to her but nothing major. She first said she left me because i do Penis Enlargement and now she says's she left because of the other little thing i did. It fucked my head up. But no matter what i told her about what happens when we Penis Enlargement she just did not want to listen she just did not want to understand she mess me up big time i just could not understand why she would not listen to me. She was going on about it damages it and that she thought my foreskin was dead lol hahah i suppose that's not funny tho.

I know this information could be sent out to the world but it is just how is it gonna be presented and excepted. I don't understand why more footage from the perfect penis has not been broad casted i know they must of got more footage than what they showed. I guess there is a possibility of something that would be totally insane and that would be a 24 hour web cam video of a guy doing his routine and then watching his penis grow:) that would be crazy and everybody would be like :dropjaw: A documentary The World of Manuel Penis Enlargement.
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