Awesome Example of Mind Over Matter


Sep 7, 2006
I LOVE this new show ''Stan Lee's Superhumans''. Some of the people featured seem like setups, and quite corny, but the others are definitely legit. The 'hammer head' guy for example is actually a very well known strong man performer. This clip below shows a great example though of the concept of ''mind over matter'' and being able to control perceived ''pain''. Granted, when I talk about embracing discomfort in Penis Enlargement, I'm not talking about actually doing things to your penis that could cause pain or injury, I am talking about learning to tell your mind ''no, this is NOT pain, this is discomfort..this is what you want...embrace it....'' and so on.
Dude wtf I'm going to be sick this is for my younger brother- - -what is he going to do with that needle!!? "Hey this guy cant feel pain- Lets stick pins 'n' needles 'n' shit through him!" I'm just gonna watch Fanboys now *evck*;)
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Can't watch now but it sounds amazing, I will check it when I go home....Thanks Still
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