
Nov 4, 2004
Don't ya just want to strangle each and every one of these anti-first amendment pricks?

Battle Brews As �naked people movies� Moves Into Mainstream


NEW YORK - The industry's VIPs mingle at political galas and Super Bowl parties. Their product is available on cell phones, podcasts, and particularly the Internet - there it's an attraction like no other, patronized by tens of millions of Americans.

It's �naked people movies�. And if you're a consumer, John Harmer thinks you're damaging your brain.

Harmer is part of a cadre of anti-�naked people movies� activists seeking new tactics to fight an unprecedented deluge of �naked people movies� which they see as wrecking countless marriages and warping human sexuality. They are urging federal prosecutors to pursue more obscenity cases and raising funds for high-tech brain research that they hope will fuel lawsuits against �naked people movies� magnates.

"We don't think it's a lost cause," said Harmer, a Utah-based auto executive and former politician who's been fighting �naked people movies� for 40 years.

"It's the most profitable industry in the world," he said. "But I'm convinced we'll demonstrate in the not-too-distant future the actual physical harm that �naked people movies� causes and hold them financially accountable. That could be the straw that breaks their back."

The activists' adversary is a sprawling industry that, by some counts, offers more than 4 million �naked people movies� sites on the Internet, that in the United States alone is estimated to be worth $12 billion a year. A tracking firm, comScore Media Metrix, says about 40 percent of Internet users in the United States visit adult sites each month.

�naked people movies� products are featured at popular sex expositions and retail chains such as Hustler Hollywood. Major hotels provide in-room �naked people movies�, and adult film stars are now mainstream celebrities. Mary Carey attended a VIP Republican fundraiser in Washington in mid-March; Jenna Jameson's "How to Make Love Like a �naked people movies� Star" hit the best-seller lists and she hosted a racy pre-Super Bowl party in Detroit in February.

As much as there is national consensus on the evils of child �naked people movies�, there is none whatever on �naked people movies� featuring adults and marketed to them. It's more pervasive than ever, yet activists and experts disagree bitterly over the extent of harm it causes.

"The form of entertainment is no problem," said Paul Cambria, general counsel for the �naked people movies� industry's Adult Freedom Foundation. "There are individuals who are going to react abnormally to normal material, but it's not a problem for the average person."

For every couple driven apart by �naked people movies�, there are others whose relationship is enlivened, Cambria argued. He dismissed contentions that �naked people movies� is highly addictive or brain-damaging.

"Some people lie about it," Cambria said. "It's their way of excusing personally unacceptable conduct - 'It wasn't me, it was �naked people movies�.'"

Such attitudes infuriate experts on the other side who say online �naked people movies� is as addictive as crack cocaine.

"The Internet is the perfect delivery system for anti-social behavior - it's free, it's piped into your house," said Mary Anne Layden, a psychologist and addiction expert at the University of Pennsylvania. "Internet �naked people movies� is probably the biggest miseducation system we can devise in terms of sexuality, misuse of women."

She says many of her patients, rather than improving their sex lives with �naked people movies�, suffer sexual dysfunction.

Interest in �naked people movies� is age-old and normal, says psychologist David Greenfield of West Hartford, Conn., an expert on Internet behaviors, but it can become a destructive obsession for a minority who indulge in it at the expense of healthy relationships. Easy availability is part of the issue.

"It's not your father's �naked people movies�," he said. "With little or no effort, as long as you have a computer, you can access some of the most stimulating content on the planet. There's no delay, no person watching. It's designed to very quickly get to a point where you're not in full control."

He estimates that for up to 10 percent of �naked people movies� users, relationships suffer - with many husbands spending so much time online that they cease to have sex with their wives.

Divorce lawyers report that �naked people movies� use is an increasingly common factor in marriage breakups: It can cause immense pain when a wife discovers her husband's �naked people movies� habit.

"I compare it to your house burning down," said Laurie Hall, who divorced her husband after writing a book called "An Affair of the Mind," about his 20-year obsession with �naked people movies�.

"It destroys your sense of personhood when you bring all that you are into a relationship and someone chooses to ignore that," she said. "It eats away at the heart of the family."

Across America, compulsive �naked people movies� use has spawned hundreds of support groups, treatment programs and Web sites where heartbroken spouses - mostly wives - swap stories of their mates' obsessions.

Polls suggest most Americans believe �naked people movies� should be off-limits to minors and available legally for adults. But groups such as Morality in Media think the public favors tougher enforcement of obscenity laws against hard-core �naked people movies�; it operates a Web site that forwards obscenity complaints to federal officials.

"We're not going to get rid of all of it, but we can push it back into the gutter as far as humanly possible," said Morality in Media president Robert Peters, a Dartmouth-educated attorney who struggled in his 20s to kick a �naked people movies� habit that started in grade school.

"It was hell," said Peters, recalling a six-year stretch where he regularly visited �naked people movies� outlets on New York's 42nd Street. "It's a very hard habit to break."

Mark Laaser of Eden Prairie, Minn., says he frequently sought out �naked people movies� and engaged in extramarital sex for more than 20 years, starting in college and continuing through a career as pastor and counselor. He now runs workshops, and consults with church congregations on the issue.

"I've seen the damage it does to marriages, to families," he said.

Though he stressed the need for individual willpower, Laaser also faulted the �naked people movies� industry for employing aggressive online technologies that "besiege you."

"Sometimes it's not a matter of free will," he said. "It's a matter of invasion."

Another self-described former addict is Phil Burress, head of a Cincinnati-based conservative group called Citizens for Community Values.

Like many conservatives, he had hopes that the Bush administration would reverse Clinton White House policy and step up prosecutions of adult-�naked people movies� obscenity cases as well as child �naked people movies� cases. Thus far, Burress is disappointed.

"Five years into this administration, they get an F," he said.

Still, Burress is encouraged by the recent formation of an FBI anti-obscenity squad and the appointment of Brent Ward, a former U.S. attorney who combatted �naked people movies� in Utah, to head an obscenity prosecution task force.

The Justice Department defends its record, saying it has indicted dozens of people on obscenity charges since 2001 and suggesting the pace will increase. But with a vast array of potential targets, and many other priorities, prosecutors must choose their battles carefully.

One pending case involves obscenity charges against a California couple whose company sold �naked people movies� videos depicting simulated rape and murder. The charges carry a maximum penalty of 50 years in prison plus $7.5 million in fines.

The bottom line, perhaps, is that each side in the debate can make points that seem unassailable.

"Everyone agrees that tens of millions of Americans consume �naked people movies�. ... ministers, PTA members, policemen, teachers, soldiers, dentists and Boy Scout leaders," argues California sex therapist Marty Klein. "The overwhelming majority of them don't rape strangers or emotionally abandon their wives."

But Layden, the Penn addiction expert, refuses to see �naked people movies� as mostly harmless.

"When I ask men who are sex addicts if they would want their wife or daughter to be in �naked people movies�, 100 percent say, 'No,'" she said. "They want it to be somebody else's wife or daughter. They know this material is damaging."


On the Net:

�naked people movies� industry group:

Anti-�naked people movies� group:


Published: 2006/04/01 18:00:00 CST

© RedOrbit 2005
I read that a couple days ago. I certainly don't agree with everything said in that article and I am not an anti-�naked people movies� crusader, but I can see a point or two that seems to have some truth to it.

I worry a little bit about how degrading the �naked people movies� that is coming out today is. The article was definitely right to say this is not your father's �naked people movies�. �naked people movies� today is depicting some things that one really has to question the health and safety of such as double anal and urine drinking. I mean, no reasonable person would deny that some of this stuff is really on the fringe. And some of it I myself even find enjoyable. I have thought about what is appealing about seeing such women get totally degraded and I think it goes back to being dicked over by some women in the past. Now, if you had someone with that kind of thinking and combined with some psychological issues exposed to this stuff...well anyone knows what could happen.

Some of this stuff goes way beyond erotic material and there is a part of me that thinks if a dumb slut is stupid enough to do this shit for a paycheck so what? But I do understand the anti-point crusaders points when talking of the extreme material, though I doubt they simply want nothing more than being the most extreme stuff.
As an example of the extreme material, a golfing buddy was telling me a couple days ago about a �naked people movies� he has where some dude shoots his jism all over the rim of a toilet bowl and then grabs the chick by the back of her head and make her lick it off the toilet bowl. I think someone would have a hard time making the argument that such a film could enhance the life sex of a couple. I mean, for every woman that truly fantasizes about licking cum off the toilet bowl, there are 100,000 women that would find the idea repulsive and many relationships would be ruined by men trying to get their women to do such disgusting deeds. And I would hate to be the lawyer that has to build an argument that such a film does not violate obscenity laws.
penguinsfan said:
As an example of the extreme material, a golfing buddy was telling me a couple days ago about a �naked people movies� he has where some dude shoots his jism all over the rim of a toilet bowl and then grabs the chick by the back of her head and make her lick it off the toilet bowl. I think someone would have a hard time making the argument that such a film could enhance the life sex of a couple. I mean, for every woman that truly fantasizes about licking cum off the toilet bowl, there are 100,000 women that would find the idea repulsive and many relationships would be ruined by men trying to get their women to do such disgusting deeds. And I would hate to be the lawyer that has to build an argument that such a film does not violate obscenity laws.

lol, I didn't know that existed, but hey if you can think of it it's probably out there. I don't think it should be outlawed since well hell who's to say what someone can do sexually as long as no one is injured. I mean yeah that is some fucked up shit, but if you're an adult and you want to go so far as to say �naked people movies� is a problem that can ruin your life and yeah so can alcohol...cigarrettes...drugs...becoming addicted to ANYTHING pretty much can potentially have an adverse effect on your health, relationships, family etc...But if you are an adult you have to be accountable for your relationships and life. As far as mental health is concerned we could just as easily make an argument to get rid of the lineup on Fox any day of the week as it like many other programs are very unhealthy to see day in day out.

Back to the �naked people movies� though...I mean I've never seen or heard of something as vile as licking cum off a toilet rim. Fuck that is NASTY, but to each his own. I doubt they'll ever have that on prime time television, but hey who's to say we aren't heading somewhere close to it anyway? I say leave it alone. Pretty soon we won't have any personal choices left. Accountability has it's boundaries as subjective as they may be. I know I will never think to do something too nasty, but someone obviously has. I mean I've licked a girl's asshole. I can't lie and while I wouldn't go any farther I can't say I wouldn't be turned on by say a girl sucking cum out of a girl's ass. That's something someone might do or fantasize about, but someone else might go WHOA WHOA WHOA what the fuck is wrong with you and that person might be your partner so like anything else you either keep it in your head or you leave yourself open for criticism. Penguinsfan...tell your friend he's a nasty mu'fucker. lol But then tell him...It's all good.
iwant8inches said:
I don't think it should be outlawed

Well, my understanding is that it probably already violates the existing obscenity laws. There has just been a blind eye turned for many years, but things like this could probably be taken off the market rather quickly if you had a Justice Department that really wanted to pursue it.

Again, I am not an anti-�naked people movies� crusader, but I see some merits in their arguments when speaking of extreme material such as my example. It is human nature to keep pushing the envelope, to come up with something that has never been done before and �naked people movies� is clearly an entirely different animal than it was 10 or 15 years ago.

I do expect a crackdown on it someday. Personally, it doesn't change my life one way or another. I don't consider it a free speech issue, because as I said they're already probably in violation of obscenity laws. Was is going to irritate me is when people cryout about what a nazi someone like Alberto Gonzalez is if he cracks down on this stuff, because in an age of wiretaps and surveillance, we have much bigger fears to worry about than some stupid �naked people movies�. I'll be thinking "if you think the most oppressive thing the government has done is restrict your �naked people movies�, you're really in the dark" and hoping not everyone is so blind.

I mean yeah that is some fucked up shit, but if you're an adult and you want to go so far as to say �naked people movies� is a problem that can ruin your life and yeah so can alcohol...cigarrettes...drugs...becoming addicted to ANYTHING pretty much can potentially have an adverse effect on your health, relationships, family etc

Agreed, but no one is likely to want to bring something like piss drinking into his marriage from smoking. I mean, the other vices you mentioned can sure have their problems, but are less likely to promote the end result of degrading of women (which I can't believe I'm arguing against given how they've treated me). Plus, you get back to the argument of just because not everything can be controlled doesn't mean nothing should be.

As far as mental health is concerned we could just as easily make an argument to get rid of the lineup on Fox any day of the week as it like many other programs are very unhealthy to see day in day out.

lol I don't think you can really equate the Fox lineup to the toilet bowl.

I can't lie and while I wouldn't go any farther I can't say I wouldn't be turned on by say a girl sucking cum out of a girl's ass. That's something someone might do or fantasize about, but someone else might go WHOA WHOA WHOA what the fuck is wrong with you and that person might be your partner so like anything else you either keep it in your head or you leave yourself open for criticism.

I've always been curious about rimming a woman. I don't find that to be too extreme for my tastes. Your example reminds me of another �naked people movies� a different friend told me about where he said these two guys took a spout and poured a container of milk into the chick's asshole and then later inserted a couple of straws and drank the milk from her ass. lol Not my cup of tea.

tell your friend he's a nasty mu'fucker.

Oh, he's nasty indeed.
Penguinsfan, for once we agree. lol

But...I shit on obscenity laws. Fuck 'em. nah lol

It just seems a bit more dangerous to start looking at what is considered out there when it is more or less subjective. I think if we ever did start cracking down on this type of content we'd see the trend continue until I can't download anymore felch �naked people movies�. lol I'd rather see things get out of hand the way we're going as opposed to putting the brakes on and maybe shifting into reverse. That would be unlikely to occur, but like you said �naked people movies� is not something that I consider to be a big thing in my life even as a single college guy. The people that let it ruin their lives need help and the people that produce the kind of �naked people movies� in question should have some kind of shame test to see if they are human anymore in my opinion. I wouldn't want to degrade a woman in any way. The closest I'd come to that is the thing I mentioned and talking dirty to them, but it'd have to turn us both on for me to want to do it otherwise what's the point? Questioning the legality and even morality of the distribution to the masses what you or anyone else would or wouldn't do in the bedroom is something interesting to ponder though.
penguinsfan said:
Well, my understanding is that it probably already violates the existing obscenity laws. There has just been a blind eye turned for many years, but things like this could probably be taken off the market rather quickly if you had a Justice Department that really wanted to pursue it.

Again, I am not an anti-�naked people movies� crusader, but I see some merits in their arguments when speaking of extreme material such as my example. It is human nature to keep pushing the envelope, to come up with something that has never been done before and �naked people movies� is clearly an entirely different animal than it was 10 or 15 years ago.

I do expect a crackdown on it someday. Personally, it doesn't change my life one way or another. I don't consider it a free speech issue, because as I said they're already probably in violation of obscenity laws. Was is going to irritate me is when people cryout about what a nazi someone like Alberto Gonzalez is if he cracks down on this stuff, because in an age of wiretaps and surveillance, we have much bigger fears to worry about than some stupid �naked people movies�. I'll be thinking "if you think the most oppressive thing the government has done is restrict your �naked people movies�, you're really in the dark" and hoping not everyone is so blind.

Agreed, but no one is likely to want to bring something like piss drinking into his marriage from smoking. I mean, the other vices you mentioned can sure have their problems, but are less likely to promote the end result of degrading of women (which I can't believe I'm arguing against given how they've treated me). Plus, you get back to the argument of just because not everything can be controlled doesn't mean nothing should be.

lol I don't think you can really equate the Fox lineup to the toilet bowl.

I've always been curious about rimming a woman. I don't find that to be too extreme for my tastes. Your example reminds me of another �naked people movies� a different friend told me about where he said these two guys took a spout and poured a container of milk into the chick's asshole and then later inserted a couple of straws and drank the milk from her ass. lol Not my cup of tea.

Oh, he's nasty indeed.
iwant8inches said:
Penguinsfan, for once we agree.

For once? You are the one that hates the Buckeyes, right?

But...I shit on obscenity laws. Fuck 'em. nah

I can understand that some don't like them, but they've been on the books a long time. It's not as if someone is legislating some new form of crackdown.

It just seems a bit more dangerous to start looking at what is considered out there when it is more or less subjective.

Ultimately much of our legal system comes down to something subjective. It's just the nature of the beast. There are some things that can be defined too. For example, I've always heard that the legal definition of "fisting" is four or more fingers.
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