The answer is simple:
-Because the penis size is genetic,we all know that,we don't talk about Penis Enlargement size,we talk about the size we are born with.Ok,let's talk about dogs.Every dog is different,we can have one class of dogs,for example pit bull,but u can see that one pit bull is bigger then the other pit bull.If u breed them,u we will know that u can make big pit bull,with taking two large pit bulls and make reproduction,and again and again...big one with big one...big one with big one...BUT...
Black penises,every black penis out there have Penis enlargement genetic!!!!!
From my research i consider that some black people have very big penises,some of them normal or even small,this is because-some tribes have amenity to enlarge their penises whole life,with rocks,wooden sticks similar to [words=]SG[/words],extension,extension,and extension on the tunica,so some white penises like John Holmes are the pit bulls,some Mandingo it's Penis Enlargement.
-Because the penis size is genetic,we all know that,we don't talk about Penis Enlargement size,we talk about the size we are born with.Ok,let's talk about dogs.Every dog is different,we can have one class of dogs,for example pit bull,but u can see that one pit bull is bigger then the other pit bull.If u breed them,u we will know that u can make big pit bull,with taking two large pit bulls and make reproduction,and again and again...big one with big one...big one with big one...BUT...
Black penises,every black penis out there have Penis enlargement genetic!!!!!
From my research i consider that some black people have very big penises,some of them normal or even small,this is because-some tribes have amenity to enlarge their penises whole life,with rocks,wooden sticks similar to [words=]SG[/words],extension,extension,and extension on the tunica,so some white penises like John Holmes are the pit bulls,some Mandingo it's Penis Enlargement.