Forum post.
I'm posting as I'd like some advice regarding an issue that I have been having recently.
I started my new routine on 27/05 and since then I have been seemingly plagued by injuries, despite not going to 'full intensity'.
I am an experienced Penis Enlargement'er - 2 1/2 years under my belt - and have made considerable gains and so forth.
Recent 'timeline/injuries'
29/05: This is more of an accident but basically I was doing a morning hanging session on my (homemade ceiling design) and my dog jumped on the bed...I automatically leapt up (as she is a big lump) and i basically yanked my penis really hard - resulting in a fair amount blood and quite bad bruising.
Anyway I rested up for a few days. Applied creams and so forth and the bruising healed (well superficially at least) and carried on my routine.
Next incident...08/06
I was once again hanging - on my homemade device but over the shoulder this time - and within 10 mins of the routine, I unwrapped and saw a fecking large-ish bruise. I'm guessing I pinched the skin somehow...
So after yet more rest! The latest incident was last night...10/06
Last night I was just doing some manual stretches in the bath when - BAM! Yet again I have another bruise! But much larger this time and with a red 'welt'.
So now I'm back to resting but I'm getting a bit concerned that I am able to bruise this easily. As I said I am an experienced Penis Enlargement'er and no stranger to bruises and 'battle scars', I know what weights etc. I can and can't handle. But this is silly....I haven't even been going to my full intensity.,
Its not just this, my foreskin seems to 'split' very easily as well.
Has anyone else experienced a similar thing?
Aside from the foreskin splitting issue, do you think the bruising is a result of the original injury on 27/05...maybe underlying trauma?
Any thoughts?
I'm posting as I'd like some advice regarding an issue that I have been having recently.
I started my new routine on 27/05 and since then I have been seemingly plagued by injuries, despite not going to 'full intensity'.
I am an experienced Penis Enlargement'er - 2 1/2 years under my belt - and have made considerable gains and so forth.
Recent 'timeline/injuries'
29/05: This is more of an accident but basically I was doing a morning hanging session on my (homemade ceiling design) and my dog jumped on the bed...I automatically leapt up (as she is a big lump) and i basically yanked my penis really hard - resulting in a fair amount blood and quite bad bruising.
Anyway I rested up for a few days. Applied creams and so forth and the bruising healed (well superficially at least) and carried on my routine.
Next incident...08/06
I was once again hanging - on my homemade device but over the shoulder this time - and within 10 mins of the routine, I unwrapped and saw a fecking large-ish bruise. I'm guessing I pinched the skin somehow...
So after yet more rest! The latest incident was last night...10/06
Last night I was just doing some manual stretches in the bath when - BAM! Yet again I have another bruise! But much larger this time and with a red 'welt'.
So now I'm back to resting but I'm getting a bit concerned that I am able to bruise this easily. As I said I am an experienced Penis Enlargement'er and no stranger to bruises and 'battle scars', I know what weights etc. I can and can't handle. But this is silly....I haven't even been going to my full intensity.,
Its not just this, my foreskin seems to 'split' very easily as well.
Has anyone else experienced a similar thing?
Aside from the foreskin splitting issue, do you think the bruising is a result of the original injury on 27/05...maybe underlying trauma?
Any thoughts?