What are you good at? A stupid negative thought that have been haunting me...

Hey guys.

First of all let me explain a few personal details about myself:

Ive been down into the ground,Ive hit bottom a few times before in my life(I´m 20 years old but Ive had it rough before). This got me into this personal improvement & development books. I´m a big fan of Psycho cybernetics (I have only read the first 1/4 but it has made a big difference for me the past year) and I have improved into a successmachine with an Solid Selfconfidence,Chickmagnet,Dominant Alpha male Charactaristics and so on. Ive learned so much about myself and how I combat my "demons" who sometimes tries to give me negative thoughts (I can observe my own thought pattern). There has not been a single "negative thought" which I have not been able to destroy.

It has been going very well with Penis Enlargement and I have tried to help as many as Ive could with their psychological problems (many do not belive that they can ever get a bigger unit but Ive convinced many that they are capable of it by keeping their focus up and ignoring unproductive estrogenic thoughts)
The last 1½ years I have been so damn successfull and optimistic about everything in my life,everything is going so very well as of this moment on the outside.

This may seem strange but,I had a ejaculation marathon this past friday, I´m only used to 1 ejaculation per week so this was kind of hard for me. The results was that I had an increased heart rate that day (stress? Ive had this feeling before when I had an depression). But as I used all my knowledge from Selfimprovement I completely destroyed it and felt super good as usual.

But 2 days ago I got this very strange negative thought "What am I good at?". I tried to make it go away by writing things down on a paper to show that its not true that I´m not good at nothing. But it seems that this "demon"(its easier to make this metaphor) was more powerful than the others. I really felt like shit compared to others... I know its not true and its only in my mind but I get so fucking annoyed as it persists a bit.

I will try to explain what I ½ Know that I´m good at or at least have experience in:
-Fitness (I have a strong body and I excercise so that I feel well and have High T levels to bring more success and joy in my life)
-Motivation of myself & others (When others feel down I help them with all the knowledge I have from self motivation,I really dive into the darkness that others are in and pull them out of it).
-Hardwork and dedication to learning something. Kind of like Rock lee in the "Naruto" series. rofl
-Memorizing stuff and developing methods to solve problems systematically

These are the things I want to be good at:
-Guitar (I play it everyday)
-My future job (I will dedicate everything to studies)


It seems like my mind compares me to crap because I´m not "extremly" good at something. So its like its afraid that people might ask "What are you really good at"...

Its not ofen I share this with anyone as I´m mentally strong so Im used to handling this myself,its like Ive killed 80% of it and only 20% remains of the demon.
While your reading,

Will try this approach:

"Ok,I suck,I´m not good at anything but at least I will do my best everywhere I go and try without expecting"

This will show me the truth sooner or later.
As I know that the demon sends out negative thoughts which are "lies" I will accept everything it says as the opposite. If its "Your a idiot" then I will accept it as "I´m a smartass" rofl

This is my strenght as I know when to *listen* and adress the right thoughts and throw the estrogentic negative ones in the trashcan. This is what makes me stronger than most people as I have much stronger mind control than the average human.

Ps.It might sound like Im from the excorsist movie,but the demon is just a metaphor for bad negative unproductive thoughts.
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Or this could just be one of those periods which you should just ignore and live trough as its filled with stupid unlogical negative thoughts which will go away in a short while.
great post c.phantasy! i like your "demon" metaphor because thats what negative thoughts are in reality. the things that youre good at from what ive read about you are easy to tell you, youre good at helpin and advicin others, your into fitness and you workout, you know about different kinds of "juice" thats out there and you know how to use them to your advantage. also youre good at ignorin negative thoughts, because those are the root of everyones down fall.
Benjamin Siegel;347809 said:
great post c.phantasy! i like your "demon" metaphor because thats what negative thoughts are in reality. the things that youre good at from what ive read about you are easy to tell you, youre good at helpin and advicin others, your into fitness and you workout, you know about different kinds of "juice" thats out there and you know how to use them to your advantage. also youre good at ignorin negative thoughts, because those are the root of everyones down fall.
Thanks brother, it really makes me warm in my heart by reading your words. (I could hug you bro) ;)

Today I overcame my demon,killing it and destroying it fully.

I have adressed the fact that I will do my best in all areas of life and never give up. I do not care if anyone is better than me,I will just learn from them and I can teach them something too. Its all about exchanging experiences and helping each other. Sticking to what we learn.

Being "good at something" is not important for me,having "fun & understanding with something is".

Good article to think about:
Negative self-talk is like a leaking faucet of acid dripping on
your positive self-image -it is super corrosive. Unfortunately
negative self talk does not go away on its own.

Here are some steps that you can take to stop the negative self
talk and install positive, self confidence tapes.

Put Those Old Negative Self Talk Loops On Hold.
You already know what your negative self talk tapes sound like. The
first step is to stop the ongoing loop. Simply press pause
mentally. When those defeatist tapes getting going, acknowledge
them, cancel them and verbally state a positive personal statement.

For example, you hear the "you will never find true love" tapes.
From the onset acknowledge the fact that you have been unhappy with
some of your past relationship choices. Next, state cancel, cancel
and make a positive personal statement such as "Now, I am open to
receive true love.

Purge The Negative
Purge as many sources of negativity in your life as you can on a
daily basis. These sources can be toxic people and depressing

For example, do not join in the Monday morning gripe session with
your office co-workers. While you need to keep informed, you do not
have to listen to the ongoing updates of natural disasters, crime
and other negative developments that are available from your news
station, every hour on the hour.
c.phantasy;347836 said:
Thanks brother, it really makes me warm in my heart by reading your words. (I could hug you bro) ;)

youre welcome man! :hugs c.phantasy: im glad that you overcame your demon. this is a realy good thread, and it has very helpful information, on how one could overcome negative thoughts or what i call "demon possesion" (when negative thoughts consume a person) take care bro.
c.phantasy;347836 said:
Thanks brother, it really makes me warm in my heart by reading your words. (I could hug you bro) ;)

Today I overcame my demon,killing it and destroying it fully.

I have adressed the fact that I will do my best in all areas of life and never give up. I do not care if anyone is better than me,I will just learn from them and I can teach them something too. Its all about exchanging experiences and helping each other. Sticking to what we learn.

Being "good at something" is not important for me,having "fun & understanding with something is".

Good article to think about:
Negative self-talk is like a leaking faucet of acid dripping on
your positive self-image -it is super corrosive. Unfortunately
negative self talk does not go away on its own.

Here are some steps that you can take to stop the negative self
talk and install positive, self confidence tapes.

Put Those Old Negative Self Talk Loops On Hold.
You already know what your negative self talk tapes sound like. The
first step is to stop the ongoing loop. Simply press pause
mentally. When those defeatist tapes getting going, acknowledge
them, cancel them and verbally state a positive personal statement.

For example, you hear the "you will never find true love" tapes.
From the onset acknowledge the fact that you have been unhappy with
some of your past relationship choices. Next, state cancel, cancel
and make a positive personal statement such as "Now, I am open to
receive true love.

Purge The Negative
Purge as many sources of negativity in your life as you can on a
daily basis. These sources can be toxic people and depressing

For example, do not join in the Monday morning gripe session with
your office co-workers. While you need to keep informed, you do not
have to listen to the ongoing updates of natural disasters, crime
and other negative developments that are available from your news
station, every hour on the hour.

As a guy more than twice your age I'll throw a little advice at you that may sound really simplistic, a little cornball and maybe just a bit condescending; but it's valid nonetheless. (Believe me, I never wanted to hear what I'm about to say either...at your age.)

Kid: you ain't done baking yet. Twenty years old is not a time in most anybody's life when they are expected to "have it all figured out". So, please, please, please, don't let the "demons" persuade you that you are anything less than that which you choose to be.

You are at the prime age of confusion and indecision, simply put, it's normal, actually very healthy to feel that way. Honest, critical self examination is just about the most valuable gift one can give himself. But don't let the question of "What am I good at?" lead you to anything less than an honest appraisal of your skills.

Perhaps the better question would be; "Am I as good at what I aspired to as I should be?" And again, use this as a productive starting point rather than a destructive whipping point. If you find deficiencies in your development, ask yourself how they came to be. If you find excellencies in your development, again, ask yourself how these also came to be.
Then strive for the excellent to to correct the deficient.
Achieve balance through seeking balance.

One last piece of advice; about the demons.

Maybe "killing" them is not the best solution: in killing your demons the best you can learn is what makes them die. Perhaps a better approach is to subdue your demons, interrogate them, make them your servants as opposed to enemies. Discover how they came to live in the first place.
Find out what about yourself gave them power in the first place, claim their power as your own. Because if they are your demons something about you gave them life.
You own them... now put 'em to work for you.

Sometimes, in removing something powerful a void is created into which something even more powerful attempts take residence. But if you absorb and transmute the once destuctive power no void is left, instead a strength is created in its place, leaving you no longer susceptible to that influence any longer.
As a demon diminishes, you become stronger.

Just a thought.
Good Luck.
Thanks for the thumbs up guys. I've got more'n a few miles under my belt and hope that I've learned a little along the way. Try to gain a little wisdom from those who preceded or just plain inspire me and pass it along as well as I can.

And, somehow, the general atmosphere here at [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] just makes me want to contribute, in whatever positive way I can, to whatever meager extent I can.
And if anybody's benefitted from my semi-coherent ramblings...so much the better.

Always keep moving forward!
Couldn't have put it better than Max. And I'm 21.

If you don't feel you're good at anything, just keep doing what you enjoy and just through the laws of nature you will become good at it. If you don't, something is wrong and you should see a doctor but there's no cutoff point where you suddenly become good.
Everything we aspire to be in life takes a journey, and it starts from the very moment we experience something. To a great artist, they remember their first drawing or one close to it. To a basketball player, it could be someone introduced them to the game. Same with music, or even shit kids don't do like studying, law practice, doctoring and the like.

The best way to figure out which of your aspirations you're already good at is to present your work to people and see what is most admired by the most people. I love to draw; I thought my drawing would be appreciated. Turns out I'm wrong; it's my writing people love. Shit happens, but all for the better.

Hope that keeps ya going. Good luck!