To all Christians on the board

whats your stance on masturbation? i used to do it, but never thinking about having sex, looking at nudity (which pretty much makes you think about having sex), or near nudity. is it still a sin then?
the Bible says not to lust, and i always thought that means to not look at women and think about having sex with them. is it wrong to get aroused by looking at a reasonably clothed woman (example attatched) and then going at it?
i mean i dont do it anymore, but i do get tempted and wonder.
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Yeah, doesnt matter if they're clothed or not. Lust is lust and according to the bible, lust is only good if its for your wife. So find a hottie and get to work, lol.
I completely disagree with Christianity on this aspect. I think it is human nature to lust after those we find attractive. It is basic animal instinct, and whether you want to admit it or not we are animals...although be it highly intelligent ones. I believe masturbation should be removed from the list of sins, as the sex drive of humans (especially men) is too powerful not to allow some form of release, even if it is self induced.
Spektrum said:
Yeah, doesnt matter if they're clothed or not. Lust is lust and according to the bible, lust is only good if its for your wife. So find a hottie and get to work, lol.

see, thats what i thought and thats why i dont do it anymore. im not real big on trying to find loopholes in the Bible, but with masturbation its hard not to fool yourself sometimes. its tough cause its like the one sin that we are genetically inclined to commit. i mean when you turn 14 there isnt a hormone that specfically makes you want to steal, kill, lie, or hate people.
Although I'm a christian, I don't believe the actual act of masturbation is a sin. I just think the lust that usually comes with it is, lol
What about a man attracted to a man, hehe it shoudnt be a crime then, according to the bible. lol

Cant get it why you cant look at beutiful women and must hide the attraction... Guess thats only ortodox christianity?
I get attracted by the hot girls everyday, and think of sex! :D
Damn, if I didnt masturbate a couple times a week, I'd go nuts.
In Christianity, everything you feel naturally is a sin.

Wouldn't wanting a bigger dick be a sin in some twisted way as well?

I have nothing against Christianity, just the people who practice it. Ironically, Christians will be the first ones to shoot you if you go against their beliefs. Funny.
Godsize said:
In Christianity, everything you feel naturally is a sin.

Wouldn't wanting a bigger dick be a sin in some twisted way as well?

I have nothing against Christianity, just the people who practice it. Ironically, Christians will be the first ones to shoot you if you go against their beliefs. Funny.

Wait, let me get my popcorn. This is going to be good.
In truth, Scripture does not say to not masterbate, because the way the body functions, the pressure created by not masterbating, and the build up of hormones, and over abundance of testosterone in the testes causes cancer. Paul wrote of lust in the heart being equal with the actual practice. The covenant changed when Christ came into the picture, because our thoughts, not just actions have a tremendous effect on the spirit of a man. A woman walks by, a quick glance, that first glance is Satan, the second look is your flesh filled with lust. My point in all this is to say that in Christ we are responsible for our thoughts because no one else can know our thoughts and our heart, if in your heart you are not pure then how can you serve the Lord? The new covenant for us is to serve the Lord with all out hearts, mind, body, and soul, and to love others unconditionally.

I also wish to say that as Christian if someone wishes to discuss beliefs with me that's awesome. I have no problem listening to others beliefs as long as both sides are heard. Have you ever noticed how people react at the mention of the name Jesus Christ? Never have I seen so many people react violently to juwst a name. Why? Think on that for a while. I have no reason to try to force my beliefs on someone, my calling is to serve the Lord and to spread the word. If a person accepts the word because of words I have been blessed to share with them then He be praised, and if not then God be praised for allowing me to share with them, and having the opportunity. Everyday I wake up is a blessing, cause all I have is today, I'm not guaranteed tomorrow, can't worry about something that may not be there. How many hours can you add to your life by worrying? Be blessed.
If it weren't for LUST, men and women wouldn't be attracted to each other and then they could never "be fruitful and multiply".
Godsize said:
If it weren't for LUST, men and women wouldn't be attracted to each other and then they could never "be fruitful and multiply".

thats defintely something to think about. i really wish God would have set out a book in the Bible dealing with lust, masturbation, and sex, but oh well. its not like everything you feel naturally is a sin, i mean asides from issues with sex and masturbation or swearing Christianity entails all the things that humans and societies wish to maintain: no murder, no hate/discrimination, no stealing, no cheating, love and understanding, kindness and helping others, and especially no war. i mean Jesus really does not ask much of us, just to believe in Him and what He did for us, and to honor Him and express our love for Him in how we live by following His teachings in the Bible (ten commandments). you dont have to do any radical "religous" practices or totally warp your lifestyle, the Christians that get all the publicity like televangelists and judgemental protesters (for example the John 3:16 guy on sportscenter today) and such really take advantage of the Bible to justify the things they do to fit their own personality issues. please dont think Christianity means being an uptight self hating and eccentric geek, Jesus wants us to live and enjoy life, in the Bible God gave us the gift of sex and wants us to enjoy it (its not just for procreation as some might say, its an expression of love and should be enjoyed according to the Bible) its not sinful to have big boobs or a big dick or to like or appreciate either. imo i think all these different denominations and interpretations are only rooted in man's desire to massage their own ego by claiming "greater understandings" of God and spiritual matters, but if you really just take Jesus and His teachings for what they are i dont think its supposed to be that complicated and alienating, with "holy" popes, priests, large elaborate shiny churches, and difficult traditions. you can worship God anywhere and in everything you do, church on sunday and what not is really just so that Christians can get together share their faith, its not a rule, but we should get together with other Christians and worship. im not complaining about anti-Jesus and Christianity things that have gone on, i mean the Bible says its supposed to happen, i just to want to maybe have you guys look at it in a different light. its tough when it comes to sex, since almost everything we do is in some way connected to attracting the opposite sex, but Jesus has the right idea, you just gotta trust Him and your conscience will let you know.
GhosT_DoGG said:
What about a man attracted to a man, hehe it shoudnt be a crime then, according to the bible. lol

Cant get it why you cant look at beutiful women and must hide the attraction... Guess thats only ortodox christianity?
I get attracted by the hot girls everyday, and think of sex! :D

well being gay is wrong b/c its a form of perversion that happens when a man gets bored with women, its not genetic. i mean come on if we accept gays then we should accept pedophiles and beastiality think about it, why is being gay looked down upon? because its unnatural right, just like with sex between people of extremely disaproportiante ages and sex with animals. i mean if being gay is okay any unnatural sex and other weird perverted acts between two things should be accpeted as long as its consentual like sex with animals or whatever.
I do not believe gay sex is a perversion. If two adults have a conscenting sex then nobody is hurt, whether they are smae sex, different ages, ect. When sex is wrong it has the capacity to hurt other people. Pedophiles injure the lives of the children they molest. The compariosn is ridiculous. The fact that Christianity leads people to place these types of judgements, and by that I mean moral rationalizing, makes me dislike the practice to an extent. I think what Jesus has to say is terrific: peace, forgiveness and brotherhood. I think what people take from the rest of that book and do as a result is less beneficial to the world as a whole. Follow Jesus's model, forgive and forget. If two men or women enjoy having sex with each other, then accept that is their personal preferance and most likely does not offend whatever particular god it is you have decided reigns hegemony over existence.
Just remember that God created Satan. Everything comes from God. Satan didn't put lust in your heart, GOD DID. If God made us in his own image, then that would mean that God can be capable of love AND hate, creation and destruction. Satan is just a patsy (and the Church's best friend).

That's the trap of religion. Enjoy.
Godsize said:
Just remember that God created Satan. Everything comes from God. Satan didn't put lust in your heart, GOD DID. If God made us in his own image, then that would mean that God can be capable of love AND hate, creation and destruction. Satan is just a patsy (and the Church's best friend).

That's the trap of religion. Enjoy.


I enjoy many of your posts, and I think you are very intelligent. It saddens me to see that you are so hell-bent on showing your intelligence by proving everyone else wrong, and, thus, preventing yourself from seeing the truth. It's kind of like your 'Does Penis Enlargement work?' post. Just because you don't see the gains you think you should you are ready to call it all bullshit, even though you have numerous guys here telling you it works, just some people respond physically different to Penis Enlargement. To me that's not intelligent, that's cynical. You strike me as one of those people (and yes, contrary to what your ego would have you believe, you are not alone- there are a whole bunch of you) that are smart enough to raise good questions about Christianity (FYI, many of us Christians ask the same questions), but not smart enough to realize your own intellectual limitations. Think about it... the Bible is the Word of you really think that you are so smart that you understand everything that God says? Or is it maybe, just possible that the God who created everything, knows everything, and allows everything to happen according to His will is a little bit smarter than you?

I'm sure you will have a quick, smart response to this, but I wish you would think about it a little first. You can be very smart and still believe in Christ; I for one, wouldn't think any less of you.
Wow this is cool

Well about lust....the Bible says that we should only have lust towards our wifes....and when your not married it is real hard when you don't know who she says if you lust for another woman you are commiting adultry toward your future wife....confusing

About masterbation...i don't know the exact scripture but the Bible says...."if your hand causes you to sin....cut it is keeping you from God"....something like that

Get your knifes ready
>>>>>>>>>I enjoy many of your posts, and I think you are very intelligent. It saddens me to see that you are so hell-bent on showing your intelligence by proving everyone else wrong, and, thus, preventing yourself from seeing the truth.

It is not Godsize's fault that he acts this way. It is all part of God's divine plan that he act this way. So if you have a problem with GS's behavior, take it up with God - the guy "who created everything, knows everything, and allows everything to happen according to His will", and who is therefore to blame for everything that goes wrong, everywhere, anytime.
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Hm...interesting views.

Lust is wrong. Lust toward your wife does not exist. That is love. When I get married I'm going to want to nail my wife's brains out because I love her and I want her to feel that pleasure.

The whole masturbation thing has been brought up before in the thread called "Christianity and Penis Enlargement: Can they co-exist?" or whatever it was called. My views on masturbation can be read there.

The Bible is a unit. To take only part of it and ignore the rest is not possible for intelligent people that know what the Bible contains. To say one part is false is saying the whole thing must be discarded.

God created Satan, yes. And gave him a free will. Satan chose to rebel against God, so God separated Satan from Himself. Satan is now the 'prince of darkness' or whatever you want to refer to him as. There is no evil in God. There is no good in Satan. God allowed Satan to make a choice. He made his choice. God did not put lust into our hearts. Satan did, but we allow him to. We also have free will. You don't have to allow yourself to think sinful thoughts. But don't blame it on God when you do. He gave you the choice. You should have chosen better.

God made us in His own image. In the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve chose to mess that up. We are no longer completely in God's image. God is capable of hate though. A righteous hatred of sin. That is all.

Metal Ed, you are missing the point. God ALLOWS everything to happen. He does not CAUSE it to happen. You cannot blame it on Him. Sin is the product of our own unwillingness to act in the way in which God would want us to act. Its about free choice. God tells us, "You can either do it My way, the right way, or you can do it your way, the wrong way. It's your choice."

Before you start attacking the Bible and God and my beliefs, why don't you learn about what you're fighting against. In order to make a decent argument, you need to know what you're talking about.

I will be glad to discuss Christianity with anyone who will be open-minded about it. Sounds odd coming from a Christian, yes? Well I've found that people that are truly open minded are the ones that come to a realization that Christianity is THE way. It is closed-minded people who don't want to hear our views. I will also be glad to listen to any opposing religious views, but be prepared for me to try to prove you wrong ;) .

>>>>Metal Ed, you are missing the point.

Do not blur Texan's beliefs with your own. Just because you are both "Christian" does not mean that you believe the same thing. I have seen enough debates between proponents of Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic to know that much.

Texan says God "created everything, knows everything, and allows everything to happen according to His will"

You point to the "allow" part of the above sentence. I point to the "according to his will" part. This is a contradiction. If it is "his will", then he made it happen. He did not merely "allow" it to happen.... he made it happen. That is what "according to his will" means. Remember that this being is supposedly all-powerful (Texan's word's, not mine). One cannot posit an all powerful, all knowing, creator of everything, in which all things happen "according to his will", and then also posit that we have free will. You'll sooner convince me that 2 + 2 = 5.

>>>>God ALLOWS everything to happen. He does not CAUSE it to happen.

So he's not the creator of everything, then. You must disagree with Texan on that point.

>>>>>>You cannot blame it on Him. Sin is the product of our own unwillingness to act in the way in which God would want us to act.
Its about free choice. God tells us, "You can either do it My way, the right way, or you can do it your way, the wrong way. It's your choice."

So God didn't create everything, then. He certainly doesn't create my decisions, according to what you are saying here. Or my thoughts. Or my actions. These are all things.
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Metal Ed said:
>>>>Metal Ed, you are missing the point.

Do not blur Texan's beliefs with your own. Just because you are both "Christian" does not mean that you believe the same thing. I have seen enough debates between proponents of Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic to know that much.

Texan says God "created everything, knows everything, and allows everything to happen according to His will"

You point to the "allow" part of the above sentence. I point to the "according to his will" part. This is a contradiction. If it is "his will", then he made it happen. He did not merely "allow" it to happen.... he made it happen. That is what "according to his will" means. Remember that this being is supposedly all-powerful (Texan's word's, not mine). One cannot posit an all powerful, all knowing, creator of everything, in which all things happen "according to his will", and then also posit that we have free will. You'll sooner convince me that 2 + 2 = 5.

>>>>God ALLOWS everything to happen. He does not CAUSE it to happen.

So he's not the creator of everything, then. You must disagree with Texan on that point.

>>>>>>You cannot blame it on Him. Sin is the product of our own unwillingness to act in the way in which God would want us to act.
Its about free choice. God tells us, "You can either do it My way, the right way, or you can do it your way, the wrong way. It's your choice."

So God didn't create everything, then. He certainly doesn't create my decisions, according to what you are saying here. Or my thoughts. Or my actions. These are all things.

Metal Ed, you are off on this one. Yes, God allows everything to happen according to His will. There is no contradiction in this statement unless you want to try to show everyone how smart you think you are by misconstruing the statement. Our free choice IS His will. Not a difficult concept for most 4-year-olds. Yes, He is saddened by the poor choices we often make, but it is still His will that we have the ability to choose. You have to try harder to read a contradiction into that sentence than you do to see the obvious simplicity of it. But then I guess that makes you "smart." ;)

And, yes, God did create everything. God created the ability for you to freely think, reason (some of us, anyway), and make choices. Your attacks are abstract and, frankly, humorous. Don't you think it's ironic that you are trying to show everyone how smart you are by picking apart four-word phrases, yet you show us all that you have a hard time grasping the most basic of concepts. There are intelligent questions to ask about Christianity, but you are just exemplifying obtuse cynicism.
You can't put God in a box. His will is not for a moment. It encompasses everything for all time. There is a REASON for him allowing things to happen. I don't know what it is, and neither do you, and neither does anyone else.

God created all physical things. Things we can see, hear, taste, etc. He did not create every thought that we have, nor did he create sin. He allowed it to come about though. For a reason. We'll find out one day what that reason was.

Different denominations may have different beliefs over certain things, but they all believe the same MAIN issue - that Christ is our savior. The other stuff is not nearly as important, and they get blown way out of proportion.

Dang, I didn't back to this board for 5 days, and only 2 responses?

>>>>>>>Metal Ed, you are off on this one. Yes, God allows everything to happen according to His will. There is no contradiction in this statement unless you want to try to show everyone how smart you think you are by misconstruing the statement. Our free choice IS His will. Not a difficult concept for most 4-year-olds. Yes, He is saddened by the poor choices we often make, but it is still His will that we have the ability to choose. You have to try harder to read a contradiction into that sentence than you do to see the obvious simplicity of it. But then I guess that makes you "smart." ;)
And, yes, God did create everything.

Enough psycho babble double talk. If he created everything, then he created my thoughts, actions and decisions.

>>>>>>God created the ability for you to freely think, reason (some of us, anyway), and make choices. Your attacks are abstract and, frankly, humorous. Don't you think it's ironic that you are trying to show everyone how smart you are by picking apart four-word phrases, yet you show us all that you have a hard time grasping the most basic of concepts. There are intelligent questions to ask about Christianity, but you are just exemplifying obtuse cynicism.[/QUOTE]

All I know is, I just learned that "everything" no longer includes everything.

And that God knows everthing.... which would mean that he knew what I would do when he made me. But he didn't know that, even though he knows everything.

You're right, Texan.... I must REALLY be an idiot. I have problems envisioning a God who is the creator of everything, except for the stuff that he didn't create. The bad stuff. I created that.

Of course, he must've known that I'd do that when he made me, because he knows everything. Except for what he doesn't know.

I'm an idiot all right.
Last edited: can't grasp the concept of "God created all things" to mean "God created all things?" I don't get it. Since when is a thought a tangible thing? Or a decision? I think you're bright enough to understand that.
9cyclops9 said: can't grasp the concept of "God created all things" to mean "God created all things?" I don't get it. Since when is a thought a tangible thing? Or a decision? I think you're bright enough to understand that.

So now you're adding the stipulation that everything only includes everything *tangible"?

Since when? "Everything" includes many things that are tangible, but also things that are not tangible. Events, ideas, etc.

From the dictionary:


An entity, an idea, or a quality perceived, known, or thought to have its own existence.
The real or concrete substance of an entity.
An entity existing in space and time.
An inanimate object.
Something referred to by a word, a symbol, a sign, or an idea; a referent.
A creature: the poor little thing.
An individual object: There wasn't a thing in sight.
An act, deed, or work: promised to do great things.
The result of work or activity: is always building things.
A thought, a notion, or an utterance: What a rotten thing to say!
A piece of information: wouldn't tell me a thing about the project.
A means to an end: just the thing to increase sales.
An end or objective: In blackjack, the thing is to get nearest to 21 without going over.
A matter of concern: many things on my mind.
A turn of events; a circumstance: The accident was a terrible thing.

>>>>>>>>>>I think you're bright enough to understand that.[/QUOTE]

Real cute. Christ would be pleased with your sarcasm, I'm pretty sure there's this part in the New Testament where he says that "Thou shalt be sarcastic to thy neighbor".

But hey, I thought that YOU were intelligent enough to understand the English language, so right back at ya.

Nevertheless, let's play it your way. Let's accept your arbitrary stipulation and say that "everything" does indeed include only *physical* objects. Is the human brain a physical object? Are not our thoughts and actions the result of the physical properties of our brains? Wouldn't an all knowing being know how my brain would operate when he made me? Or will you add the stipulation that "all knowing" doesn't include knowing the future?
Sorry about the sarcasm.

You're going way around it to make your point. You're really stretching.

Since you like definitions, the more accurate translation of "created all things" would be "fabricated originally all." And why don't we look up the definition of fabricated?

To form by art and labor; to manufacture; to produce; as, to fabricate woolens
To invent and form; to forge

Sounds very physical to me.

You are right. The brain is a physical object. And thoughts are results of the physical properties of our brains. And of course an all-knowing being such as God knows how our brains operate. But, have they yet found a way to know what you're thinking just by monitoring your electric impulses in your brain? I don't think so. So a thought is a very intangible thing. God gave us the ability to have thoughts. And he knows every thought we have. But that doesn't mean he created each thought.

God does know the future. That doesn't mean that we don't have free will, though. He leaves us free to choose, but He knows what we will do. That doesn't mean that He forces us to do it.
In Genesis, when God created everything, he refers to himself in the plural.

What is up with that? Get out your King James versions and see for yourself.

"Let us make him in our image." What's that bullshit all about? I thought there was only one God? And don't pull no "Holy Trinity" shit on me, because that idea wasn't introduced at that point yet.

Why wouldn't God want his creation to know the difference between good and evil? Perhaps maybe the serpent was God.

The way god has it set up, we are ALL born to lose. If He knew that Adam and Eve would disobey him, why even fucking bother? God is a prankster.

I guess we'll all find out when we die, but then again, maybe not.

I don't think God exists in the sense you guys are trying to discuss Him in. WE are God. God is US. We have free will and all, but really, no one has any control over anything. You want to end the world? You can. Commit suicide.

Some people think that other beings came down and mixed their genes with ape genes and created us in their image. But that's some Freemason conspiracy theory shit. The coincidences are really wicked though if you read up on it.
Just because God hadn't revealed the concept of the Trinity doesn't mean it didn't exist yet.

The other stuff...that's your deal haha. I'm not going to argue. Especially after not having slept in 2 days lol

But let me suggest a site. You seem to be interested in the 'coincidences' of how we got here. You should check out this site:

Watch the first video. I'll go ahead and say this: he is extremely right winged, so don't pay attention to that, just the content of the video. He demonstrates how evolution/the big bang etc are pretty bad, unstable theories. He also shows how there is plenty of evidence to support Creation about 6000ish years ago. Its very interesting.

As it is there are those individuals who feel it is their duty to dispell all things of God, so that they may set themselves up as the ultimate being in their own created world. Making them responsible for themselves in totality, meaning that even the people closest to them have no right to tell them what to do. Because if God doesn't exist then who do I answer to, I am old enough to make my own decisions and be who I am. The idea won't work. You can look into that person's life and there will be one thing that looms over everything else, whether it be work, relationships, alcohol, sex, etc. Now there will be debate on this. In genesis it is written that when God left Adam and eve's prescence there was a void left in their souls. We search for things to fill that void. Some people decide they are too advanced intelectually to even consider that a man died two thousand years ago for the sins they comitt today. I personally searched through the teachings of the world, and I found no comfort, because there was a severe uneasiness in my soul. I tried to make things fit in my own plan and found that I can do nothing right. God created us in his image, true, he told Adam not to eat from the tree of life, he did, his choice was made, he decided he knew better than God, The choices we make daily are our own, Through prayer and seeking of His will we are able to make the best decision, it comes down the same as analizing a situation and deciding by gathering information what would be best to do. When you ask God for His will to be done you are asking for guidance and influenece in that situation.

I know that in my walk with Christ I have not been perfect, I struggle with the same things that most men struggle with. I have been blessed with very Godly women in my life, and brothers in Christ that I can share in my struggles with. For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16. I say to anyone who has doubts about Who Christ was read the book The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel. Strobel set out to write a book discrediting Christ, but in the end found himself writing a book that supports Christ for who he is, the evidence is clear Christ claimed deity, the Gospels are accurate accounts of Him, not religiously but historically, archaeology supports the places mentioned in the Gospels, and the fact that the evidence used in the book is not scriptually based but based on information the world would accept as accurate. Give the book a read through, it's a good read either way. In christ, Paul
Yeah I took a trip out to dallas and had the opportunity to read it. The funny thing about the trip to dallas, I didn't want to go, I didn't have any money to go, but the tuesday before I was to leave, one of my friends and I were talking and she looks at me and says, "you need to go, I don't know where you're going but you need to go" She had no idea about me going to Dallas, I was slightly freaked. To add to that I was talking with her best friend about an hour later and she said the exact same thing, but I asked if she had talked with Shelbs and she said no in the last three or four hours. God has a really awesome way of getting your attention, and changing people's hearts. I am one of those whose heart He has changed. Living for myself and satisfying my desires was only making me happy for the moment, then that all came to an end, and when you are flat on your face it's really easy to look for where God is. I truly believe a lot of the time the people who have the most don't feel they need to look at anything past today, or this life. There's so much more to it. Scripturally, this life is a grain of sand in the hour glass of time, like all things this too shall pass. We are so short sited, for the here and now, God had a blessing for me out in Dallas and if I had not gone then I would not have the business that I have so much faith in now, because He showed me parts of His plan. My life has been turned upside down, and inside out. I love all the guys on this board, but I think it is really important that everything including Penis Enlargement is in the end insignificant to the one choice God asks us to make, to accept His son Jesus Christ as Lord and savior. God is an awesome God, and I just want to share my joy with the world, and not to force people into having my faith, but to share it with them in His love and for His glory. It's not my job to change the hearts of men, but God. Be blessed in all your days.