Cheerio :)

Me and my girl wanna start having sex soon (She still hasnt seen the beast yet, maybe she might think twice once she sees it ;)).

We were talking and I said Id rather not use a condom after the first few times because condoms are a pain in the ass. It takes me like 5 min to put one on and it totally desensitses me.

She wanted me to find out the pros and cons of the pill, and I thought you guys could give me some help, especially the ladies (Kittie, how about some help?)

So, how safe is the pill really? how often do you have to take it? What have your experiances of the pill been like? Is it safe enough to do it without condoms?

Any info would be much appriciated. rofl
Unless youre planning on marrying this girl, I would still wrap it up. Look into the ultra thin type condoms. Use lube inside and outside of the condom. Just speaking from's not always easy to tell if a girl has STDs. Dated a girl I thought I could trust....she was on the pill....and a few months after we break up ....I hadnt had sex since seeing her...I had genital warts. Not a scare tactic, just a dose of reallity. When it's your own life and future sexual health youre taking the gamble with, it's always better to be on the safe side...especially these days with so many STDs out there.
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yea u both need to do a lot of thinking b4 she decides to do this. it will change a lot of things in ur relationship...b4 my girl got on the pill we would have sex several times a day when we would see eachother....sadly now, even tho i only see her once every few weeks, we have sex once right b4 bed if im lucky. it does cause fridgidity and also caused my gf to become too emotional. and the worst part is now i cant talk her into getting off it <:(
The pill works much better as a contraceptive than a condom ever could... but the pill comes with some side effects as Shithead mentioned. The pill can cause bloating, bleeding/spotting, blood clots, stroke, and heart attacks. Smoking can/will increase the risk of cardiovascular side effects. Although the results of studies have been inconclusive, some doctors believe that some birth control pills can increase the risk of breast cancer. Each woman is different and will experience more or less sides depending on which pill she is taking. She may have to switch to several different ones until she finds one where the sides are minimal and tolerable. All that aside, the most important concern with birth control pill is the fact that it does not, in any way, protect either partner from STD's as Still mentioned.

Regardless of whether your gf goes on the pill or not, YOU MUST ALWAYS wear a condom. This not only protects you but her as well. There are too many dieases that can permanently affect your quality of life: AIDS, HIV, Herpes, and Human Papolonia Virus (HPV). HPV is one of the most prevelent virii spread thru sex and is the cause for many (permanent) fertility issues in young women. It has no outward symptoms and men are only carriers so you will never know that you have it. Bro, think twice about using condoms... for both your sakes.
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sikdogg said:
Human Papolonia Virus (HPV). HPV is one of the most prevelent virii spread thru sex and is the cause for many (permanent) fertility issues in young women. It has no outward symptoms and men are only carriers so you will never know that you have it. Bro, think twice about using condoms... for both your sakes.

I was just getting ready to start a thread asking about HPV. Basically I have just been told by someone I think I am in love with but have not had sex with yet that she has HPV. She wanted to warn me and told me to take some time to think it over before I decide if I still want to have sex with her. For her she felt really bad and I guess really thought it could be a dealbreaker for the relationship.

I really want to know anyone's thoughts on this and what this really means and how bad it is if I should get it. Would condoms even protect? If it was just someone I was going to have a one night stand with I would definitely not do it, but this is someone I was planning to pursue a permanent relationship with and at thsi point it hasnt really turned me off to that idea. I just want to be well informed I guess.
I'll go ahead and chime in with my thoughts because I will eventually be in the same position your g/f is in. She told you about her HPV because she cares about you. If she hadnt told you, she obviously would not have cared enough about you right? If you care about her, and are willing to accept her for who she is including her personal "flaws", the HPV should be a non issue for you...right now anyway. Wear condoms. There's still a chance of getting HPV on your scrotum, but the chances of getting the HPV are a lot less with condoms. You need to get some more details from her. Does she know how long she's had HPV? Has she been treated at all? In women, if HPV goes untreated for long enough, it can cause uterine ulcers, and eventually infertility. You need to do your own homework as well, and because you care about her...learn what you can, and then discuss what you have learned with HER, because you never know what she may or may not know. If she has not been treated, you need to strongly encourage her to do so. Offer to go with her if she's uncomfortable with going to a gynocologist by herself to get an accurate diagnosis.

The most important thing you can do as her boyfriend...who's obviously not in the relationship for the short term, is be as supportive as possible. Tell her something along the lines of "I really appreciate you telling me about this...." and take it from there. Bear in mind, there are MUCH WORSE STD's out there. From my own experience with having HPV, I had a pretty severe bout of warts before finally breaking down and realising that I needed to go to a doctor and find out WTF was up with the bumps on my dick, because I really had no clue. I was treated about 4 different times over the course of three months, and now only get one small wart every several months. I have an acid based ointment that I treat a wart with for maybe 3 days and it's gone.
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For the girls I have had experience with that were on the pill, it drastically reduced the effect of their period. For one of them it went from 5 days to about a day and a half, on the exact same day each month. The other girl used to have such a bad first day of her period she would either not go to school or call in to work every time.

I didn't know that it made girls less horny though, both girls seemed very horny to me.

Pills are supposedly 99% effective when taken correctly, and they are supposed to be taken every day at the same time. If she misses a day, she can take it the next day without it being too much of a problem, but these pills are hormones, so it may make her a bit strange. Trust me, I've experienced my girl taking 3 pills in one day...and its not a fun time.

But unless you plan on marrying this girl, like everyone else said, wear a condom! Yeah I like it without much better as well, but I guess that will have to wait till I find someone that I know is disease free, and that I wouldn't mind having kids with.
Well my g/f has been on the pill for a long, long time and she hasn't gained any weight from it, nor does she have only 2 day periods. Hers usually goes for 4 days and maybe a little light after that. She says its not near as heavy as the days before the pill.

I'm not sure what affect it has on hornyness, b/c we didn't have sex, before she was on the pill. She is always most horny before the peiod though. Most girls are.

We seldom use condoms. And when we do I get off inside. I pull out when I don't use a rubber.
Yeah one of the girls I was with would still have 5 day periods, but the other wouldn't. And one didn't gain any weight, she was still very fit, but the other kinda did. It varies depending on the pill and the girl.
How the pill affects a woman is different from one woman to the next and from one type of pill to the next. A good doctor will discuss the effects with each patient and change the pill depending on how she reacts to it. There are at least a half dozen diffferent kinds of pills. There are also implants, injections, IUD's, patches, and such that a woman can use in lieu of the pill. Because the pill effects her hormonal cycle, things like her mood and libido are definitely within the realm of what the pill can effect. If your girl isn't experiencing any bad sides, count your blessings... if she is, then send her back to her doctor.
My Wife went on the seasonale(for the 4 period a year thing)I had a vasectomy 13 years ago.after 4 daysI took them away from her ,she turned into an estrogen monster.Remember that estrogen is in any meat you eat from the grocery store(they use it for growth in animals).She usually stays horny all the time and those pills put her badout of wack.she's been off of them 4 days now and is not totally back to normal.Iwould suggest condoms over synthetic hormones.I did a lot of reading on the subject.Pms is mainly caused from too much estrogen or to much progesterone.My wife wanted to ease occasional pms bouts(she gets them from time to time)on those pills it was like bad PMS all the time.She told me that she completely lost her sex drive,she didn't want to be touched and was very unreasonable.She is usually very easy going and we have a very good relationship with a very,very good sex life,those pills completely changed her personality in four days and four days after coming off them she still is not totally back to normal,but she will help with PMS now I have her taking double magnesium and lots of b6 vitamin,hopefully it will ease those occasional PMS Bouts.