Money, everybody is different on SSRI and all psychotropical medications for that matter. For me, it took years of different meds to get myself to a cocktail that was both beneficial mentally while remaining with little side-effects, esspecially sexual. The best advice on thos matter to those who are sacrificing sexuality for mentality, STOP! Go back to your doctor and work with him/her until you achieve the perfect dose.
Understand this to, sometimes the dose or even the medication can change and cause issues so be open to adjustments over time as needed.
Lastly, what I want to emphasize the most is COGNITIVE THERAPY...this is above all things the best method of change in mentality. The medication can be a way to get yourself to the place where you can wean yourself off while all the while working, physically, on your mental issues. Remember what I have said many times, a seemingly debilitating issue can sometimes be a hidden, special gift! OCD for some is a total waste of time but to others, who take discipline and control cognitively, they actually benefit from the OCD in ways of greater concentration on the things that truly matter. For me, Borderline Personality Disorder is a challenge of great labor. But I have addressed trhis disorder with great dedication to making it a virtue of benefit. I see my disorder as a benefit in the sense that I have 12 people working in my head all the time
They all have a job and they all do it because, ultimately, I am the boss. In addition to my medicine I NEED to practice good, cognitive behavior modification. The goal, in my opinion, is positive, personal correction!