Hey Guys; I am a little bit pissed off right now. For the last couple of decades, P.E surgeries have been in existence. Now every time I look at Before and After photos of P.E surgeries, I still feel that I am no where near impressed with the results that they are showing.
Now they always say that the more cells that your penis has, means the bigger your penis will be. This is due to the fact that not only the cells help hold up stretched tissue walls; but they also help keep our members filled with more blood, which in reality should give us all bigger members.
Now on that knowledge alone; everybody on this site finds themselves stretching for the hopes of mitosis (the multiplication of cells).
Now the human body has all types of cells. But Stem Cells are universal cells which can act like any other of the many cells that your body has.
So my question is: Why can't the phucking doctors simply hook our members up to an [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] on a evenly balanced position and then feel us up evenly with stem cells. Why should we have to endure months of training just to help penile cells mitosis?
Now I understand that Stem Cells ( and not that fat cell B.S ) take time to attach to other cells; So they may inject 1 million cells but only a quarter of them will stay in place. So you may have to go back for a weekly/monthly injection until all cells are evenly where they need to be. But shit for a 12 inch cock, then that's ok with me.
So my last question to our members is; Do you guys think this idea could work? Because even though I am flat broke; I would rob 1,000 banks just to pay for a 100% risk free ( guaranteed to work ) penile injection STEM CELL surgery in order to come out the same size that I am while hooked up to an [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words]. LOL
Now they always say that the more cells that your penis has, means the bigger your penis will be. This is due to the fact that not only the cells help hold up stretched tissue walls; but they also help keep our members filled with more blood, which in reality should give us all bigger members.
Now on that knowledge alone; everybody on this site finds themselves stretching for the hopes of mitosis (the multiplication of cells).
Now the human body has all types of cells. But Stem Cells are universal cells which can act like any other of the many cells that your body has.
So my question is: Why can't the phucking doctors simply hook our members up to an [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] on a evenly balanced position and then feel us up evenly with stem cells. Why should we have to endure months of training just to help penile cells mitosis?
Now I understand that Stem Cells ( and not that fat cell B.S ) take time to attach to other cells; So they may inject 1 million cells but only a quarter of them will stay in place. So you may have to go back for a weekly/monthly injection until all cells are evenly where they need to be. But shit for a 12 inch cock, then that's ok with me.
So my last question to our members is; Do you guys think this idea could work? Because even though I am flat broke; I would rob 1,000 banks just to pay for a 100% risk free ( guaranteed to work ) penile injection STEM CELL surgery in order to come out the same size that I am while hooked up to an [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words]. LOL