Space! Just what is out there.

I've opened this thread because recently i have been looking at the latest news regarding space travel.

After the pandemonium of the space race it seems the public at large have put space to the back of their minds, how many people could tell us even which Rover landed on Mars recently and i think that this is because for the layman space is still not within touching distance (the preserve of governments, scientists and the rich - in short the elite).

I'm here in this thread now to inspire at least one person to go and read because there are several notable things afoot.

1) Viable nuclear fusion - The EU primarily (i think the USA has a project in Canada) could well have an operable plant between 2020-2025 (currently under construction) which will revolutionize space travel as we can travel upto 10% the speed of light collecting the Hydrogen fuel en route once smaller versions of the generator are produced (lets say 2040 as a reasonable aim) which means two things..

a) Mining of the solar system - a near infinite number of resources with the power and capability to transport these - costs of rare earth metals and the like will plummet

b) Most importantly perhaps is that at 10% speed of light a probe could be in the Alpha Centauri star system in around 40 years from departure - as a trinary system the likely-hood is that no liquid bearing planets exist due to excessive solar radiation and cosmic winds however one rocky planet has been identified and with no gas giants in the system chances are that small earth sized planets do exist and so we have the potential for a Mars like planet. The nearest star system similar to ours with no gas giant near the sun is about 10 light years away so still out of reach however anti-matter research is already underway and viable for faster than light travel once produced.


Now with the future developments out of the way we still many things to explore in our own solar system...

1) [words=]Titan[/words] - Atmosphere as thick as earths mostly covered by Saturn's magnetic shield with a likely-hood of liquid Methane on the surface coupled with a primary Nitrogen atmosphere means that if we can warm [words=]Titan[/words] up then it would be very possible for microbial life to survive (though there is evidence that it may do already because simulations and experiments have found that [words=]Titan[/words] contains all 5 building blocks for DNA, RNA and Protein (likely based on a Hydrogen-Methane cycle)

2) Other water bearing moons - A couple of moons are basically all water so if we can get under there's a good chance of being able to find potential life, if we can create a cavern in the ice close to water than we could potentially stand outside as we would here (pitch black though).

3) Most importantly, Mars! Comparable to Earth for around half its life it died 2 billion years ago but there is frozen water and aquifers. Potential exists for terraforming.

4) As mentioned earlier, mining will do wonders for our planet!
It's been announced that super blimps will be back by 2015, a super Concorde by 2025 and probes will be sent out to prospect asteroids in 2015 as well. Additionally a new company called deep space industries has also been formed to challenge planetary resources.
I have quite the background in Physics and Mathematics and would love to get involved with this thread, don't have enough time now but subscribing for when I do. Be prepared, I am quite the Salvinistein:)
doublelongdaddy;529580 said:
I have quite the background in Physics and Mathematics and would love to get involved with this thread, don't have enough time now but subscribing for when I do. Be prepared, I am quite the Salvinistein:)

Aye, we need to crack warp drive so i can have my empire. :cool:
STill gonna post, just catching up on the Penis Enlargement shit first:)
Potentially large breakthrough!

Scientists examining efforts to discover new planets (about 2000 so far) have discovered that Red Dwarfs could feasibly have planets and rocky ones at that, these stars are cool, long lasting but are the most common type in the galaxy and that 6% of these will have rocky planets. What this means is that in our galaxy there are now suspected to be 17 billion rocky earth size planets with 20% of these in the habitable zones of stars (3.4 billion). Based on the size of our galaxy this means that there is likely a rocky planet in the habitable zone of another star roughly every ten light years on average. Now most importantly however is that our particular region of space is quite dense when it comes to stars and so excluding binary/trinary systems we have possibilities at a red dwarf just 5 light years away and a G type star with already confirmed gas giants just 10 light years away.

The likely-hood of the human race being alone is now in my opinion quite minuscule.
lol, thank God I can use a time machine eventually to go back and answer this thread I promised to answer months ago:)
In more recent news, 2 missions to Mars have been planned by private companies.

The first is simply to fly there, around the planet and then fly back. This could be in 2018.

The second which is asking for candidates is to fly there and actually live there, unfortunately however there won't be a return mission as things stand (it's actually quite cheap to fly in space, it's getting off the planet that is expensive).
I am actually going to go back in time and space and post my answer that way I can prove space and time don't exist:)
Good and bad news.

It appears that the Keppler telescope which has identified all these planets is on its last legs, only designed to last 3 years (until 2012) its actually doing quite well but its going a bit dodgy now.

The good news however is that planet finding will continue, the ESA is sending up a telescope in October and 2017, and then NASA and MIT are sending 1 up in 2017 and 1 up in 2018. All three should be able to pick out smaller planets.
More exciting space news now i'm back.

The first is that the estimates for habitable planets keep going ever higher. There could now be as many as 100 billion habitable planets.

Secondly we have lift off.. Two companies have now being created pushing for interstellar travel by 2100 (viable, just not faster than light), the links are below...

Finally i thought this was a good link..

Right now i'd suggest an electric/ion solar sail is probably the most viable.
Got news for y'all, Space does not exist as we perceive it and I can prove it! I just don't have enough space to do so:)