
My stretched flaccid length = my BPenis EnlargementL. Is this normal? or does it mean the stretch of my penile skin is the limit to my length/girth rather than the penis tissue?


PS I'm a cut 5.75 X 4.5 now BTW. I started at 5.25 X 4.25 and seem to have hit a brick wall ?:(
i found that when that happens, you're going to gain in flacid hang, and then that'll shift over to erect. keep workin at it, you'll see what i mean
Hey Ivan,

Dont worry about that at all buddy, my flaccid stretch is about .5-.75 "LESS" than my BPenis EnlargementL, and thats when im all stretched out....we are rarer, but i know theres other guys made the same statement....
Never think it makes you a hard gainer though, cuz beleiving is growing....
If the skin feels tight when you stretch it out, that could be the case. If so, I would recommend some skin expansion techniques to fix that and jumpstart your gains. Skin expansion techniques are elaborated upon in the Foreskin Restoration section of the forum. Don't let the name mislead you, the techniques can be used by all so that the skin grows at the same rate as your gains, skin is a limiting factor too. :)
Skin is extremely easy to stretch and you will run out of penile gains long before the skin can't stretch anymore.