Hey everyone, hope everything is going well in the PE realm we all inhabit! As it is, just have a question about shaving on and around your C N B's; which is to say what and how do you do it \ what do you use in general? And now that I'm on a steady supp routine for my gym goings and what not, this is the best time for me to add something else, as I'm a creature of routine and want to build on that and the momentum supps can offer...
And this is no doubt been talked about, often, as I know I have as well, however I'm curious if there's any new updates in the world of PE supps and what new recommendations might be out there, and or what anyone has tried or used recently that has showed promise... As I'd love to be able to augment my routine, again, with something that could help promote or at least assist in all that is the PE we do!
Thanks as always!
And this is no doubt been talked about, often, as I know I have as well, however I'm curious if there's any new updates in the world of PE supps and what new recommendations might be out there, and or what anyone has tried or used recently that has showed promise... As I'd love to be able to augment my routine, again, with something that could help promote or at least assist in all that is the PE we do!
Thanks as always!