I dont know but i have gained i was 5.3 years ago n now im 7+bpel,DLD is the living proof that thsi crazy stuff called PE, works along whit lots of brothers that can prove they have gained i think, i had a lot of doubts and i still have and i get paranoid sometimes about things like maybe my penis is going to fall off my body because the stretching and the squeezing...maybe you should start a routine in case you havent and after a few monthsof exercising you can go to an urologist and get checked the same thing whit a doctor and from there youd decide whats next.
Any scientific studies for the existance of God?

God must not exist then. That concludes that.
Scientists are so clever. They know everything.

Except how to make their dicks grow, how to be more attractive to the hottest mates, how to have the best sex. How to be a man. Unimportant shit like that, that wouldn't really improve their lives at all.
(Not all scientists of course, just most).

disclosure: a lot of people in my family are scientists.
They're great at quantifying, some maths, some programming, chess, and setting up studies.. pretty hopeless at almost everything else.
They are gifted high iq people,they arent average joes,and being honest i would like to have a brilliant mind too but i dont,they deal whit a lot of bull.because most people cant understand them. They are in a completely different world,i think most of them want someone in their lives,but they wouldnt be able to keep a relationship..besides as youve said before they may have really short peckers but i dont think they care about that otherwise they would get bigger in no time..Maybe i have a bit of PE knowledge but thats it..rofl
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shortdick;639345 said:
They are gifted high iq people,they arent average joes,and being honest i would like to have a brilliant mind too but i dont,they deal whit a lot of bull.because most people cant understand them. They are in a completely different world,i think most of them want someone in their lives,but they wouldnt be able to keep a relationship..besides as youve said before they may have really short peckers but i dont think they care about that otherwise they would get bigger in no time..Maybe i have a bit of PE knowledge but thats it..rofl

yes no one understands us :( although it is fun to see the world differently :D
mosbrother123;639349 said:
yes no one understands us :( although it is fun to see the world differently :D
Nothing wrong with scientific approach, it allows comprehension of much of the world that would be hidden otherwise - though knowing about something for the sake of knowing is often a distraction from what is most significant in life...
...and science up its own ass, is just as restrictive as when religion gets up its own ass.

What is your field mosbrother?
owmaballs;639353 said:
Nothing wrong with scientific approach, it allows comprehension of much of the world that would be hidden otherwise - though knowing about something for the sake of knowing is often a distraction from what is most significant in life...
...and science up its own ass, is just as restrictive as when religion gets up its own ass.

What is your field mosbrother?

I don't have a field or a degree due to health reasons , but I near enough live in my bedroom reading things etc . if I had the resources in my room I would probably test things (I do love maths though) . I just like to read up about stuff and am not all that interested by regular things like clothes , image etc .
Are there any scientific studies for PE?

There are a few (in your sense) around, and far far more if you expand your concept of a study.

The basic principles of PE have all been either mimicked or 'cured' by various medical disciplines and all of that information is available at [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MoS[/words] (and from other sources) along with advanced innovations based upon some older proven medical devices for non-surgical enlargement using [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] and/or vacuum.

That is to say - some of this knowledge is thousands of years old, and at various points innovators have created devices accepted into the medical fields, which have then been improved upon by private experimenting to be even more effective. In seeking a 'study', one is looking for favorable reports from an imagined authority, when favorable reports from a group authority are already widely available.

[In fact this effect of aggregation of independently deciding individuals (crowd information) is so bizarrely powerful that ..for example.. the US Navy has used it to find missing submarines. The story goes that they asked 100 people where they thought a lost sub had gone down. The people they asked didn't know the first thing about subs or the navy, but the mean of their answers turned out to be where the sub was laying. Effing trippy stuff, man. But back to a more narrow point.. ]

Studies are expensive, and typically performed by elements of the allopathic medical model for subjects they desire to either market (sell to) or slander (remove from competition).

Since PE tends to be performed at the individual level by 'Amateurs', there's no deep market base in which professional doctors could profit by undertaking and publishing studies on PE. Except arguably for penile enlargement surgery, but surgery and PE are usually different things, in fact they compete with each other, so once again there's no economic rationale for any large organized interest to fund a study on PE, when the best the study could do is cause an even higher increase in competition by private individuals who would then just use PE methods rather than seeking medical enlargement surgery.

I said Amateur above on purpose. "Amateur" doesn't mean 'incompetent' or 'unskilled'. Tyro, and a few other terms can mean that, but Amateur does not. Guarded professions try to use the term 'Amateur' as a bludgeon to protect their profit models, they use the psychological method known as Priming to cast doubt and disrepute at anyone who is not a 'professional', regardless of whether or not those professionals themselves, in all their learned wisdom, can actually tell their hole from an ass in the ground.

They act as if any private person is automatically a blunderer or bumbler for (in effect) not pursuing a career or profit-motive, when it is the very pursuit of a profit-motive which can tend to impugn results. But the fact is that most leaps in every type of technology come from individuals who were not following the "known wisdom". Makes sense when you look at it. Doing what everyone else has always done will just get you the same thing. To ever get a different result you have to take a different course. And better equals better no matter "who" its originator 'is' or 'is not'. Either someone is right, or they are not. Anyone's overblown sense of 'professional authority' does not bend a preference into being the truth.

'Professional' interests like to adorn themselves in a golden-hand argument of having "Empiricism" on their side, that their methods lead to results that are "provable or verifiable by experience or experiment", that's one of the definitions of the empirical method, but ultimately the best that empiricism can ever be is the exact same thing as anecdotes, ie - 'I saw that this occurred and made a note of it.' On the surface they're the same thing.

There can even be arguments for preferring anecdotal evidence, because while the granular results are not presented with as much potential regard for rigor, the lack of invested bias in any particular outcome can make anecdotes, across size, more reliable. This is why one of the older definitions of the highly-lauded 'empiricism' is "undue reliance upon experience, as in medicine; quackery".

LOL, .. scientists and lexicographers defined the empirical medical model as quackery. Lmao. Not exactly as authoritative and impressive as commonly advertised.

So, here's the two major takeaways from all of this 'not' direct answering of your question:

- Amateur simply means someone "pursuing an activity for the love of it .. rather than for financial benefit or professional reasons." It's not actually derogatory. Most innovators tend to come from outside of any particular system.

- "Data" is only Anecdotes times Size. No one, nor no group, can actually do any better, for that is all that data is, and the aggregation of independently deciding individuals phenomenon is some truly next-gen stuff the science peeps are only just now trying to wrap their heads around.

Essentially what you have in the PE fields is crowd-sourcing of the study subjects, by throngs and throngs of dedicated individuals. No one wants to follow a methodology yielding inferior results if one showing superior results is equally available. Failures are posted and marginalized. Successes are posted and emulated. It's the very definition of a comprised report of favorable or dis-favorable results, which is exactly what a study does.
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Im just a guy that found this PE thing years ago,i have realized the possibilties of getting bigger and thats the way we can prove other people that we can improve our male anatomy,the pros and the cons? maybe lots ,evenso i took the risk and i would continue whit my journey until i i think its time to stop,once we get the gains we were looking for we can be happy and satisfied and show to ourselves how far weve gotten...
She is a scientist and she says PE works!