Ron Jeremy Sex Pill Guru

Ron just needs money to pay one is renting his dick anymore:)
Not to mention many ingredient the pills are potentially LIFE THREATENING to certain individuals with or without knowing about a health issue. After my near brush with death in March from Caffeine I have become very aware of shit in pills and how ignorant companies are to talk about the dangers of them to people and even warn you! PLEASE research research and than research more if you are going to buy any pill from the internet ... check all the ingredients and what they do incl studies done. Yohimbe is potentially lethal and causes heart malfunction in many ... I cant stress this enough and these companies should be shut the fuck down.

Sides with Yohimbe for example
Yohimbe should be used cautiously by anyone with a medical condition, particularly those with unstable hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, or those taking medicines, particularly tranquilizers, antidepressants, sedatives, antihistamines, amphetamines and other stimulants, including caffeine and herbal stimulants such as ginseng. Some of the side effects of high dose yohimbe include anxiety, changes in blood pressure, heart rate increase, palpitations, dizziness, headache, visual disturbances, nausea or abdominal cramps, increased body temperature and sweating

Also check 12 most dangerous supplements

Side Effects

The American Urological Association officials' guidelines state that yohimbine is not helpful for sexual dysfunction that has "physical causes". The guidelines say that many men and women taking yohimbine benefit from the mere belief that the herb might help them.

At the same time, concerns about the side effects is emerging. Published studies from the A.U.A had found some serious problems. As yohimbine has become more popular in both prescription and over-the-counter forms, the A.U.A. had reported many cases of headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, increased urination, elevated blood pressure, increased heart rate (irregularities), irritability, anxiety, psychosis, spontaneous abortion in women, kidney damage, heart attack, and even death.

If you have liver or kidney disease, do NOT use Yohimbine. If you have chest pain (Angina), depression or another psychiatric illness, heart disease, high blood pressure, or liver disease, be sure to inform your doctor before taking yohimbine. Do NOT use yohimbine if you are using any anti-depressants.

Medical site

I used Yohimbe as an example because people think its safe and because companies sell it, than its good .... no ... it will kill you eventually, takes time but in time it will yield its ugly head and is it worth it? no when you can get the goodness naturally i.e. penis enlargement.
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If you take his pills they really work. I took them for only 30 days and I made AMZING GAINS! I gained a full 10 inches on my belly and gained another 3" of hair:)
doublelongdaddy;408814 said:
If you take his pills they really work. I took them for only 30 days and I made AMZING GAINS! I gained a full 10 inches on my belly and gained another 3" of hair:)

LMAO, it must be like sitting on Santa's lap lol
He's a hairy jerk. I was in a club he was at one night and I was talking to a girl that was doing adult entertainment. He was sitting on the other side of her. I guess he thought we were getting too friendly. He looked at her and shook his head and she told me she had to go and got up and left.
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TheStick;409079 said:
And he's STILL had more sex with more beautiful women than any guy posting here. LOL

No doubt
doublelongdaddy;408814 said:
If you take his pills they really work. I took them for only 30 days and I made AMZING GAINS! I gained a full 10 inches on my belly and gained another 3" of hair:)

Haha, I took them too and grew a really bad mustache and yellow teeth. They didn't mention these side effects on the label? :)
BornToBeBig;409225 said:
Haha, I took them too and grew a really bad mustache and yellow teeth. They didn't mention these side effects on the label? :)

For real?