I have questions for the Guru of penis enlargement mister Double Long Daddy,
1- It said somewhere you are a smoker and that you smoke often, were you a smoker when you first began enlarging? and when were you a smoker during penis enlargement and how long have you been a smoker for?
2- jerking off. or having sex. did you have sex on or off etc during penis enlargement especially when you first began enlargement ?
3- i am 8.5" i want to be a double long too. what exactly should i do ?
4- do you drink alcohol ? if so, when and how does it affect penis growth?
1- It said somewhere you are a smoker and that you smoke often, were you a smoker when you first began enlarging? and when were you a smoker during penis enlargement and how long have you been a smoker for?
2- jerking off. or having sex. did you have sex on or off etc during penis enlargement especially when you first began enlargement ?
3- i am 8.5" i want to be a double long too. what exactly should i do ?
4- do you drink alcohol ? if so, when and how does it affect penis growth?
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