Active Member
What is an educated person for you guys just a question i had in mind,characteristics,manners,values,morals,etc .The way they act etc..Thanks:)
One simple word; modesty. One can have a lot of knowledge and know-how; the willingness to share it and not boast about it in my books stands golden.
The cover doesn't always tell everything about a person's knowledge; manners might be so-so even on an educated person.

I think this is a good question for debate. I just personally feel that whatever education one has, it's better to be more modest about it. Just my opinion ... Some educated people have actually bad manners when they boast about the schools they've gone to etc.
I think that's bad taste; I think your actions in everyday life count more than the schools and education you've received. And I know people who have good education but poor everyday skills or know-how powers.
arkailija;725844 said:
One simple word; modesty. One can have a lot of knowledge and know-how; the willingness to share it and not boast about it in my books stands golden.
The cover doesn't always tell everything about a person's knowledge; manners might be so-so even on an educated person.

I think this is a good question for debate. I just personally feel that whatever education one has, it's better to be more modest about it. Just my opinion ... Some educated people have actually bad manners when they boast about the schools they've gone to etc.
I think that's bad taste; I think your actions in everyday life count more than the schools and education you've received. And I know people who have good education but poor everyday skills or know-how powers.

yep school means nothing, people can learn things but there are some other things that arent available at school,such as Wisdom,patience,respect,Honesty, among others...Modesty is something that is not that easy to get.

Yep besides we as humans we still have so much left to learn...
Humbleness, long suffering, patient, kind, generous, quiet, recollected, charitable.
doublelongdaddy;725864 said:
Humbleness, long suffering, patient, kind, generous, quiet, recollected, charitable.

Suffering for long periods of time can be unbereable,people cant take all that shit and theyd end up completely wrong....has happened before:P
LONGERDICK7+;725934 said:
Suffering for long periods of time can be unbereable,people cant take all that shit and theyd end up completely wrong....has happened before:P

Our bodies and our minds are designed specifically to cope with suffering. The human has the capacity for more long term physical endurance than any other mammal, and our minds have the ability to plan far ahead and for abstract contingencies. Man has attempted to elevate himself above the brutality of nature, but it can be seen that even in the absence of survival-type challenges man's mind will create new forms of suffering to impose upon himself.
Big Al;725974 said:
Our bodies and our minds are designed specifically to cope with suffering. The human has the capacity for more long term physical endurance than any other mammal, and our minds have the ability to plan far ahead and for abstract contingencies. Man has attempted to elevate himself above the brutality of nature, but it can be seen that even in the absence of survival-type challenges man's mind will create new forms of suffering to impose upon himself.

Agree that s the reason some civilizations "prevailed" and some others didnt .We can take more long term physical endurance than any other mammal that is true.But as you have stated we have created new forms of suffering that we impose upon ourselves...And unto others too
When we learn to suffer with grace it becomes a blessing. To live is to suffer, finding meaning in the suffering is the root of happiness. And remember, the root of suffering is attachment. When you can let go of the corporal things in this world you start to gain spiritual enlightenment. You will quickly realize that the thing you thought you needed so badly only held you back from what will truly make you happy. All things of this world are transitory, entropy happens all around us and we tend to go for things that will make us feel better when we suffer. The problem with this is it is temporary and short lived and after the suffering remains or even becomes worse. If a man truly wants to find his joy in this pilgrimage he needs to let go of all things corporal (of the flesh) and attain to all things of higher value, virtues of the Spirit. "Corporal works of mercy" which concern the material needs of self and others. "Spiritual works of mercy" which concern the spiritual needs of self and others.

Let go and let God is the best way to sum this up!
LONGERDICK7+;725980 said:
Agree that s the reason some civilizations "prevailed" and some others didnt .We can take more long term physical endurance than any other mammal that is true.But as you have stated we have created new forms of suffering that we impose upon ourselves...And unto others too

Yes :) "Civilization" essentially means the compact we make with each other to get along. Too often this gets conflated with the level of technology and comfort.
Big Al;726103 said:
Yes :) "Civilization" essentially means the compact we make with each other to get along. Too often this gets conflated with the level of technology and comfort.

Civilization is not that civilized yet then LOL :)
Big Al;726103 said:
Yes :) "Civilization" essentially means the compact we make with each other to get along. Too often this gets conflated with the level of technology and comfort.

And in an age where getting along is near impossible. If everyone tried to imitated Jesus in all things the world would be so much happier.
doublelongdaddy;726165 said:
And in an age where getting along is near impossible. If everyone tried to imitated Jesus in all things the world would be so much happier.

that may never happen wars and disgrace since day one but maybe there was a time when the world as we know it was a peaceful place ADAM N EVE, but the whole thing went straight down to hell,when the snake showed up LOL
LONGERDICK7+;726203 said:
that may never happen wars and disgrace since day one but maybe there was a time when the world as we know it was a peaceful place ADAM N EVE, but the whole thing went straight down to hell,when the snake showed up LOL

Remember what was said by Jesus and I am paraphrasing; "There will be wars and earthquakes, famines and disease, nation against nation, but remember, these things must happen before I come, these are the start of the birthing pains"
doublelongdaddy;726363 said:
Remember what was said by Jesus and I am paraphrasing; "There will be wars and earthquakes, famines and disease, nation against nation, but remember, these things must happen before I come, these are the start of the birthing pains"

Yep what else do we need to see, evry thing is so devastated,destroyed not only the material world but the spiritual world too
LONGERDICK7+;726394 said:
Yep what else do we need to see, evry thing is so devastated,destroyed not only the material world but the spiritual world too

Both Spiritual and Physical world are screwed. It is so important to follow the Bible and ignore man's version of God's word. The Word of God is sufficient, nothing added or taken away, it is perfect. The only time the Word of God suffers is when man pollutes it!
doublelongdaddy;726443 said:
Both Spiritual and Physical world are screwed. It is so important to follow the Bible and ignore man's version of God's word. The Word of God is sufficient, nothing added or taken away, it is perfect. The only time the Word of God suffers is when man pollutes it!

true when the word of God gets distorted, every man can use the word to get their desires...
LONGERDICK7+;726469 said:
true when the word of God gets distorted, every man can use the word to get their desires...

There is where the problem is, God's Word is pure, true, perfect and needs nothing added or taken away. The problem with religion is the second man touches the Word of God it becomes his own version. The distortion can become so bad that it makes it very hard for any Christian to know if he is following the Word of God or the word of man. Man changes the Gospels and Scriptures to fit an agenda that is not from Christ, but from the church. Jesus told us very plainly this would be the case when He said "“See to it that no one deceives you. 5For many will come in My name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. 6You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. These things must happen, but the end is still to come" and in another Gospel He said "they are about to take place?” 8Jesus answered, “See to it that you are not deceived. For many will come in My name, claiming, ‘I am He,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them. 9When you hear of wars and rebellions, do not be alarmed. These things must happen first, but the end is not imminent." So we were forewarns and we can see this prophesy playing out all around us.
"However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows.

True We can see terrible things around us and even bad things happen to us.In the mean time i want to get to 9 in lenght whit a decent girth Hope i get to that size ASAP,my [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words] should help me to get there..
Someone who has book smarts, street smarts, social smarts and is a [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MoS[/words] member(don't forget they do Penis Enlargement too).
Pump4girth;726552 said:
Someone who has book smarts, street smarts, social smarts and is a [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MoS[/words] member(don't forget they do Penis Enlargement too).

hehehe nice answer
Man has tainted the bible many times over thousands of years but jesus did keep it fairly simple for us. It will all end eventually so in the words of the great Maynard James Keenan "learn to swim"
Sneakystretcher;726564 said:
Man has tainted the bible many times over thousands of years but jesus did keep it fairly simple for us. It will all end eventually so in the words of the great Maynard James Keenan "learn to swim"

it will all end eventually that is true,learning to swim is a great advice..:)
LONGERDICK7+;726546 said:
"However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows.

We can know the season but not the hour. He will come like a thief in the night....Oh, how I can't wait for Him to steal me away! :)

LONGERDICK7+;726546 said:
True We can see terrible things around us and even bad things happen to us.In the mean time i want to get to 9 in lenght whit a decent girth Hope i get to that size ASAP,my [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words] should help me to get there..

[words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words] is the master of length!
Sneakystretcher;726564 said:
Man has tainted the bible many times over thousands of years but jesus did keep it fairly simple for us. It will all end eventually so in the words of the great Maynard James Keenan "learn to swim"

Believe it or not most of my understandings of God and the work of Jesus came to me directly by God! I have read and studies the Bible many times, I have read almost every religious text I could get my hands on from the earliest years after Christ death to the modern day. The Bible is true is all ways and there are no mistakes or guesses in the text, it is all confirmed and true or it would not be accepted by theologians all over the planet. So there is no problem wit the Bible when it is translated from the Greek to English without adding or subtracting. With that said, every other version that has been brought forth has changed one thing or another in efforts to either help understand or distort the meaning. I suggest all stick with the NIV version as this is directly translated from the Greek.

Jesus did keep it simple and peaceful and loving and kind and every other loving virtue. He fulfilled all prophesy, He fulfilled the Law and once and for all He ended the curse against us and gave us access to God Himself. There is NO CHURCH OF GOD! We are told in Revelations that the church will be built by Christ, iwe will be part of His church here on Earth on His return. Man + Religion = Lies. If you want to find Jesus find Him in the Gospels and in your meditations. Jesus will speak volumes if you listen.
This one's for you, Sneaky

Here comes the water

All I knew and all I believed
Are crumbling images
That no longer comfort me
I scramble to reach higher ground
Some order and sanity
Or something to comfort me

So I take what is mine,and hold what is mine
Suffocate what is mine, and bury what's mine
Soon the water will come
And claim what is mine
I must leave it behind
And climb to a new place now

This ground is not the rock I thought it to be

Thought I was high
Thought I was free
I thought I was there
Divine destiny

I was wrong
This changes everything

The water is rising up on me
Thought the sun would come deliver me
But the truth has come to punish me instead

The ground is breaking down right under me
Cleanse and purge me
In the water

This, (and many other songs by MJK) piloted me through many trials
Big Schwanz Acht;726621 said:
This one's for you, Sneaky

Here comes the water

All I knew and all I believed
Are crumbling images
That no longer comfort me
I scramble to reach higher ground
Some order and sanity
Or something to comfort me

So I take what is mine,and hold what is mine
Suffocate what is mine, and bury what's mine
Soon the water will come
And claim what is mine
I must leave it behind
And climb to a new place now

This ground is not the rock I thought it to be

Thought I was high
Thought I was free
I thought I was there
Divine destiny

I was wrong
This changes everything

The water is rising up on me
Thought the sun would come deliver me
But the truth has come to punish me instead

The ground is breaking down right under me
Cleanse and purge me
In the water

This, (and many other songs by MJK) piloted me through many trials

Incredible words and truth across the spectrum!
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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