Question for pll that are or were at one point around 5inchs

im about five inchs and and really afraid to have sex because i think the girl will just laugh at my size or whatever. i dont want to be emmaressed, if something like that was to happen i would be so hurt i wouldnt have sex until i felt like my dick was at a good enuff size. i wanna ask to anyone who was around 5inchs or is at the moment about their experiences. do you guys have sex often? do most girls call you small or are unsatisfied with you size or turned off by it? just wanna know cause im a virgin and am going pretty crazy cause im 22 yrs old almost 23. and was just seeking advise from pll who have been there really, so any advice help would be much appreciated, thanks.
hey man,don't worry,that could change.Try some of of the excersises on here.I was 16 when I seen them and when I tried them,I went up a few inches.I was about five inches but months of pe I became about 6.14 inches.Im trying to reach 8 inches at the most.My girl doesn't see why I pe cause she is just she is ok with my size.So im on an off with it.Look through the forums and find excersises,Dld and others have some great exercises..they really helped me. I really wish u good luck.

send me a message some time.
Well, it depends on the kind of women you're gonna have sex with, if you pick some slut from a club who probably slept with 20 guys before you she might care about size (just due to psychological reasons) if you're sleeping with a nice girl then she probably wouldn't hurt your feelings.

Now physically, 5 inches is definitely enough to satisfy almost all girls, you're average man, don't worry about it. I'm 6 bpel but 5 non-bone pressed (and it looks even smaller cause I'm overweight) and I haven't been made fun of, in fact I always gave my girl an orgasm, I've been sexually involved with two girls only though.

bottom line it depends on who you're sleeping with, find a girl who'd sleep with you for you and not for your dick size, and after all you're average say you're not short of dick to do the job. If you sleep with a stupid bitch who'd make fun of your average penis size(or even if it was actually small) then you're not short on penis but short on brains.
Don't worry man, girls are different though. I don't want to sugarcoat anything for you either. For me, just like guys, girls have different vagina shapes and sizes. You will most def find one that you can accomidate very well. Not only that, men are more physical and women are more mental. So just get to know her, and her body, get in her head and you can make her go crazy during sex. Find out what makes her wild and trigger that everytime, communication, and intimacy is powerful stuff. P.S. stop reading, and start Penis Enlargement'ing!
Any progress Want2GetBig? You been Penis Enlargementing at all. These guys are right. Most girls really don't care. They want a man not a Penis. All this stuff around the Media about size matters is mostly to take money from all us insecure people in the world.
Been married 4 years and had a sexual accident early on that left my penis unable to get completely erect all the time. Didn't affect my wife's orgasm to no orgasm ratio. Treat a girl with love and be confident and they will be pleased (sexually) 99 times out of 100. Just remember one are going to cherish you future woman's body and that's what she'll really desire.
Okay, as Ninja's wife, I'll tell you all. Size SO does not matter. I've had some bigger ones, and to be honest they hurt. I don't know about most women, but I don't like to be stretched to the limit there. 5 inches is perfect. I have had more orgasms with my hubby (who is 5) than anyone else. I usually have like, 5 or 6 orgasms in a session. Most was 40, (I had an astHydromaxa attack after that, lol) But like I said, it's all in how you use it!
lifted;311271 said:
You have been watching to mu ch adult entertainment hav'nt you?

It never occured to me that seeing large penises in pornographies disturb men that are insecure with their penis size.... I feel sorta dense right now.
I'm 5 inches erect (as of 2 weeks ago, before I started Penis Enlargement) and I have given girls some of the most intense sex they've ever had. I'm speaking on experience, and comments they have given me after. I was 19 years old when I lost my virginity, and I am currently 19 years old. I have had sex with three woman so far and made all three of them orgasm multiple times each session.

There are sex positions for deep penetration that I think also contributed to the intense sex. Doggy, their knees to chest, spread their legs like a big v....use all of these and you should have no problem. Foreplay is very important as well, as it builds up a womans urge for penis-to-pussy action so be sure to rub, suck, and lick on all those sensitive spots for a good 20 minutes prior to going in!

dont sweat it man, you'll do fine.