
Well-known member
This is what I base my hanging philosophy around. This is my original content. It does borrow a little from concepts like Dash's "Hardcore Hanging", to give respect where it's due. Thanks Dash for being a leader and someone I respect in this area of knowledge.

Progressive Weight Hanging.​

Where to begin. Many men get into weight hanging with preset notions. I guess you could say the same for men who approach other types of PE as well. Things have been done a certain way for a certain time, so that must be the only way to do them. Many men see results approaching hanging the way the men before them have done it. However, a great number of men simply, do not. The old standby per se is get yourself a hanger and learn how to wrap. Once you figure out the basics of wrapping and hanger fit, your next task is adapting your penis to the weights. Most of us agree on the "low and slow" approach to weight progression. It is usually advised to start with one to two pounds for a beginner's weight regardless of past PE experience. Hanging is after all, a "new beast". Most hanger devices grip the penis quite differently than a hand can, placing more pressure on usually a much smaller area. One thing this does is make the amount of weight used seem heavier than it is. Most men eventually figure out how to make decent progress on the weight levels they hang with. They add a pound or two per week for their first month or two. Then, the focus tends to (for whatever the reason) shift away from continuing to force re-adaptation of the penis to a focus on sticking with the current weight they have worked so hard to get to, and hanging much more time with it.

Many men work up to hanging six or more sets per day, five days per week, and all with the same weight. Lowering the weight a little as needed when fatigue hits. However, when the following week rolls around again, it's back to that same weight from the week before. I have met men who hang upwards of twelve or more sets per day. They work from home usually and have the time to do so. Some of these men make very good gains with this approach. However, you have to ask yourself a simple question. The question that comes to my mind is "Who can really hang this much???" For most men, the answer is "not me!". Not only that, but I do not care how much you multitask while you hang, eventually it gets old fast and PE, regardless of the type you engage in is not supposed to consume your life.

I think it is time that many of us take another look at what we are doing with our hanging routines. Have your gains come to a halt, or has it been more than a couple months since you have made a gain that you can actually measure? Do you find yourself hanging more than three days in a row within the same week before you hit fatigue and have to lower your hanging weight? I would like to introduce you to a concept called "progressive hanging". The basic idea behind progressive hanging is very simple. If you are using a weight level that does not give you fatigue to the point that you need to lower your weight by the second day of each week you are not using enough weight and need to add one to two pounds to your current weight. You continue to add one to two pounds until you find that weight level that requires the weight reduction by the second day of each week.

A quick example of what this routine would look like using some EXAMPLE weight levels:

Monday: 15lbs, hung 3 sets, 15 minutes each

Tuesday: 15lbs, hung 2 sets, 15 minutes each. Had to drop to 13lbs to hang the third set.

Wednesday: 15lbs, only managed 1 set, dropped to 13lbs for 1 set, 12lbs for the third.

Thursday: 15lbs could not be done, too much tissue fatigue. Managed 13lbs for two sets, 12lbs for the third.

Friday: 13lbs for one set, 12lbs for 1, 10lbs for third.

Took Saturday/Sunday off.

Monday start over with 15lbs.

So, using this approach, you start each week attempting to hang the weight you started the previous week with. You continue to shoot for a required weight reduction on the second day of each week. If you do not need to reduce your weight on day two, add first one pound, test that new weight and if you can hang it, try two pounds. Try to hang as much as you can that day with the new weight. If you are able to hang all three sets with the new weight, add another pound or two on the following day. Eventually, you will find the new weight level that will cause you to hit fatigue and require a weight reduction to finish your sets. You will notice, this approach focuses on three sets per day. I feel that with the progressive hanging approach three sets is plenty of time per day. That is mainly because, you are now focusing on reaching fatigue and forcing your penis to re-adapt every time it gets used to the weight level you are using.

Now, from my experience, a time does eventually come when you are not adding more weight every week. Sometimes, it's only once a month. When your weight progression slows, this is likely because the fatigue is being maintained for a longer period of time with your heaviest weight. You are still finding yourself having to reduce weight as before, but each week the reduction is still happening around the same day and similar set number. Believe it or not, this is not the time to adopt the "I've arrived" mentality. You will eventually stop seeing new gains. This is when you start getting creative and doing things like forcing a little extra fatigue. How do you do that? Very simple. On the first day of the week, go ahead and add a pound to your heaviest weight that you start your week with. Hang your sets for the day and use that same weight (+1lb) on the next day. If you are able to hang more than your first set with that new weight, you know what you need to do. Add another pound.

I'm not saying this is the "end all, be all" approach to hanging by the way. However, it has worked over the last year for me and the men I share it with.
Cool man. I know I've had my issues in the past, but I'm doing my best to keep growing as a person and bring my best to [words=]MOS[/words] and the Brotherhood. If you, or anyone has a question about anything just ask.
Thank you so much for this!! Hanging is something i am very interested in and have been lookin through in other threads for and also keeping track of others progress with. Your explanation is clear and totally logical. Once I round out the 3 month run I've been on this is what I shall be doing. Great post!! 😀
As I was explaining yesterday in a reply on my support forum, the point of hanging weights to include what has already been outlined above, is to NEED to decrease weight by the 2nd to 3rd day at the LATEST of every week. You should resume each Monday with your starting weight of the week before. If you do NOT have to reduce your weight by the 2nd to 3rd day of the week, you need to add 1-2.5lbs, finish out the week and start the following Monday with the heavier weight again, looking for the need to reduce the weight by the 2nd-3rd day. On those days where you initially feel too sore to hang as heavy as you know you should, using "Dave's Technique" (Click To Watch) is VERY helpful with keeping on track with steady weight progression. If you are sailing through each week with the same weight no matter how many sets you hang per day, you're not going to be as productive over the long term with your gain potential from hanging. Keep a detailed progress log! This will help you stay accurate with your progression. You can see where you've been, as well as more easily determine where you might need to make a change.

Happy hanging boys and girls! (Yes I have some 'girls' who hang too)
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I agree with that rule of using a weight that will require coming down after some sets.

I went up by a half a pound from ten pounds to 42 pounds for 20 minutes per set. That took several years.

I wanted to hang more but the hanger was hurting with more weight. I can use the rule of hanging a weight that will require coming down on weight after a few sets, with 90 pounds for one minute sets with a rock climbing web sling and a sock for wrap. I learned how to injure myself and how to barely make a mark. If it hurts with that much weight, serious injury is happening, so always stop--pain NO gain.

My next goal is to shorten time between one minute sets(tabata?!) at 90 pounds, to synthesize a longer time under tension. Even if the time was ten total minutes a day with 90 pounds, that should be ten minutes within the same repair cycle, and we don't care about glycogen recovery or oxygen transport(VO2), so why not. One kind of pain means quit, another means good stress has happened so then lowerring weight would be good according to the usual rule. I'd like to reach ten minutes per day at 90 pounds, plus more conventional weight more conventional time like 10-20 minutes per set.

Two weeks ago I ignored the pain rule, and got a lot of internal bleeding. I massaged for a long time to work the blood back into the system, and that worked for rapid healing not to mention fear control. I did not hang while healing, only massaged several times a day. Wow, scary, but I learned not to ignore the pain, and to rig at a different spot and other tricks.

Health benefits include easier urination(flow), and feeling sexy later as if hormones were stimulated.
What hanger are you using pnoewbe? I have only tested mine up to 38lbs so far, but have a few guys hanging in the 40s. Higher weights likely require some re-thinking on hanger settings and/or wrap depending on a guys' girth. Explored other hangers like the Snake Hanger? I acknowledge that my hanger is not for everyone and possibly not even all weight levels.
Good read, and awesome routine. 3 sets sounds alot better than 6 sets. I may have to try this out, since 6 sets at 20mins each gets time consuming. Thanks for posting this up!
After a long break, i had to come back here!

I swear, once I started hanging, last year, it has been a game changer.
In 6 months, my wife has noticed, and verbally. “ I heard men could get bigger with age(55 now), but now I believe what I’ve heard.”
I had to ask her what she had heard, after her comments a couple times. She said women say we can get longer as we age.
I scoffed, at her comment. And laughed quietly.
I started at 2 lbs., after reading thru here, and a couple other places, to find a hanger, and wound up making my own. 4th version has worked.
I’m working at 12 lbs now, 2 times a day. 30 min in the morning and 2 hrs at night.
Working away from home has afforded me some work out time.
It’s worth the effort !
After a long break, i had to come back here!

I swear, once I started hanging, last year, it has been a game changer.
In 6 months, my wife has noticed, and verbally. “ I heard men could get bigger with age(55 now), but now I believe what I’ve heard.”
I had to ask her what she had heard, after her comments a couple times. She said women say we can get longer as we age.
I scoffed, at her comment. And laughed quietly.
I started at 2 lbs., after reading thru here, and a couple other places, to find a hanger, and wound up making my own. 4th version has worked.
I’m working at 12 lbs now, 2 times a day. 30 min in the morning and 2 hrs at night.
Working away from home has afforded me some work out time.
It’s worth the effort !

Great to have you here and I welcome you to the brotherhood. You have had great success in the past I think the successes are only going to grow from this point forward. I hope you start to progress strength and we can see you and help you grow.
Question! So right now, I'm's my first day trying it out. I'm using 2.5 pounds. Is it bad to do 2, one hour sessions? One in the morning and one in the evening?
Depends on the device used. If you're vac hanging, longer sets are ok as long as you can do them. That is until you reach that wall with weight+time. You're best going with a compression hanger long term. No back pedaling later once you get to the wall where longer and longer sets no longer make sense and you can't move up in weight because no matter what barrier you put on your penis, you get blisters.
Hey @stillwantmore thanks for the great info in this thread. I have started hanging few months ago so its really helpful to know how to do it correctly. Could you maybe check my log and give me some feedback so I know if Im doing it right? My log is called "20cm by the end of 2020" I would be super grateful for that! All the best!
Hey @stillwantmore thanks for the great info in this thread. I have started hanging few months ago so its really helpful to know how to do it correctly. Could you maybe check my log and give me some feedback so I know if Im doing it right? My log is called "20cm by the end of 2020" I would be super grateful for that! All the best!
Still want more isn't here anymore. But just ask questions man many members here will try to help their best, of course DLD as well is awesome, really a godsend in helping us!
Hey @stillwantmore thanks for the great info in this thread. I have started hanging few months ago so its really helpful to know how to do it correctly. Could you maybe check my log and give me some feedback so I know if Im doing it right? My log is called "20cm by the end of 2020" I would be super grateful for that! All the best!

Could you give me a link to your thread you’re referring to and I can come over and see if I can help.