Pro-hormones and PE

A search yielded no results as to the question I have. And I think this is the right spot for this...

Starting this past Monday, I started a cycle of HD-50. Google didn't help all that much either in regards to this. Some people say they notice an increase in penis size, some say a decrease in penis size. So I come to ya'll with this question.

Will taking this stuff hinder my Penis Enlargement gains and/or EQ?

Now, before anyone tries talking me out of this, don't waste you time. I am hard headed and stubborn and have been doing research on this stuff for weeks. I know the side-effects and possible risks.

Also, does anyone else here have any experience with it? again has members going both ways.
Seeing as how no one has posted, I'll assume that no one here (maybe at one point) has tried it, so I'll be the guinea pig and give my results after my cycle.
Im taking A-HD right now, dont waste your money of your looking to increase Penis Enlargement size. Get extend or something else. Or get into real Penis Enlargement.
MoreGains123;457174 said:
You're taking this stuff???

"HD-50 is a fast setting, fiber reinforced, latex modified, and heavy duty concrete repair mortar designed for areas where a rapid strength gain is required to minimize downtime."

The stuff I am taking is Double Dragon HD-50. It's pretty legit.

@Supra, I'm not taking it to get Penis Enlargement gains. I'm just wondering if it'll have any hindering effects on my Penis Enlargement gains from doing real Penis Enlargement.
You'd be better off taking steroids then pro-hormones, not that I'm endorsing either though. I dont think pro-hormones and steroids affect the penis during Penis Enlargement. I have used steroids several years ago albeit nothing major and it didnt affect my cock. I used to think that the increased testosterone would do something with dick growth but I never noticed it personally! however could it be possible if you were aged 17-21 using pro-hormones and doing Penis Enlargement to notice dick gains more then normal? Just things I have thought about for a few and drop um in here.
OMG! I thought when everyone was saying hormones it was ebonics for a whore, I feel harmoniously wrong:)
A search yielded no results as to the question I have. And I think this is the right spot for this...

Starting this past Monday, I started a cycle of HD-50. Google didn't help all that much either in regards to this. Some people say they notice an increase in penis size, some say a decrease in penis size. So I come to ya'll with this question.

Will taking this stuff hinder my Penis Enlargement gains and/or EQ?

Now, before anyone tries talking me out of this, don't waste you time. I am hard headed and stubborn and have been doing research on this stuff for weeks. I know the side-effects and possible risks.

Also, does anyone else here have any experience with it? again has members going both ways.
You don't need drugs for penis enlargement. Maybe Vigra (I don't use it) for girthwork...but that's it.
With the correct stimulation, your body will grow tissue. It has no choice.
I hope this guy didn't take that stuff. Liver toxicity is really high, not to mention hair loss. Kidney issues is common also.
What is trt?
Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

Testosterone decline big time when we get older. This is scary for me.
Maybe I can demand that they will check the levels for me.
But in Sweden it is not that easy. You need to get to a private clinic in order to get the help you need. If you don't they will probably just say that the levels are normal.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

Testosterone decline big time when we get older. This is scary for me.
Maybe I can demand that they will check the levels for me.
But in Sweden it is not that easy. You need to get to a private clinic in order to get the help you need. If you don't they will probably just say that the levels are normal.
Thanks for that information, my brother.
I hope this guy didn't take that stuff. Liver toxicity is really high, not to mention hair loss. Kidney issues is common also.
Have you ever taken hd50 lol. I'm guessing no. It's a very mild compound and the not many sides for most users. Now msten SD, Dmz and stronger ph's the most I'd be worried about is guys who ate prone to gyno. Typically if you are chunkier you may have this issue. The liver toxicity is due to users who run to longer than recommended Cycles 8 or 10 weeks.
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Have you ever taken hd50 LOL. I'm guessing no. It's a very mild compound and the not many sides for most users. Now msten SD, Dmz and stronger ph's the most I'd be worried about is guys who ate prone to gyno. Typically if you are chunkier you may have this issue. The liver toxicity is due to users who run to longer than recommended Cycles 8 or 10 weeks.
Pro hormones do elevate liver toxins. Just facts. Most lifters need to take a lover sup along with good product to prevent natural testosterone from stagnation. My humble opinion is just lift, eat good and sleep good. If you party that lowers natural testosterone, same with lack of sleep. Ive seen natural guys get great progress without drugs and they don't have to worry about all the negative things by taking pro hormones. Even a mild streiod affects liver and kidney function. I know plenty of giys who had really damaged the kidneys and liver while taking mild gear. But do what you want.
Pro hormones do elevate liver toxins. Just facts. Most lifters need to take a lover sup along with good product to prevent natural testosterone from stagnation. My humble opinion is just lift, eat good and sleep good. If you party that lowers natural testosterone, same with lack of sleep. Ive seen natural guys get great progress without drugs and they don't have to worry about all the negative things by taking pro hormones. Even a mild streiod affects liver and kidney function. I know plenty of giys who had really damaged the kidneys and liver while taking mild gear. But do what you want.
I managed to get to almost 50 kg skeletal muscle mass without drugs. But it took my entire life to build up the strength to get there. I'm naturally a slim guy, but was able to have the body composition of a strongman.

This was not super healthy, but I was 99% more health then the majority of people around me. When they took blood pressure on me they needed to get a cuff for legs. I have lost this mass now. Much easier to have a more normal body composition...but I'm still very strong.

I prefer no drugs but feel okay about medication if you really need them to live a good life. Som medications can be life changing.
This is so beyond me I don't understand any of it
Pro hormones do elevate liver toxins. Just facts. Most lifters need to take a lover sup along with good product to prevent natural testosterone from stagnation. My humble opinion is just lift, eat good and sleep good. If you party that lowers natural testosterone, same with lack of sleep. Ive seen natural guys get great progress without drugs and they don't have to worry about all the negative things by taking pro hormones. Even a mild streiod affects liver and kidney function. I know plenty of giys who had really damaged the kidneys and liver while taking mild gear. But do what you want.

Yes you are correct a mild steroid will cause problems. Tylenol is just as bad and alot of prescription drugs doctors prescribed patients do the same to the liver and kidneys. The thing is most prohormones and or oral steroids are supposed to be used no longer then 4 weeks. Guys get addicted to the strength and size of these compounds and decide hey I still feel pretty good I'll run it another 4 weeks or 8 weeks making it a 2 or 3 month Cycle which is why they have this problem with their organs. The liver support supplements help but to a extent and these guys think because they take the liver support they are fine. Also any steroid or prohormone will shut down your natural testosterone, this is why anything you take should have a test base to keep your test levels up while on a Cycle. I have ran dbol, anavar and 1 andro. All 4 week cycles as recommended great gains no problems. I also am doing home trt I'm 35 but rather keep my physique and test levels stable. I don't think I had low test I always had energy and pretty good erection quality. But test is so cheap an it's beneficial why not.
This is so beyond me I don't understand any of it

So prohormones are legal steroids basically. It's not a steroid until you digest it, it then goes through a two stage conversion which in turn becomes a anabolic agent. So it's a 2 stage steroid this is how it's legal. They are toxic to the liver as any oral steroid is and must being taken in short cycles. Any oral is only recommended as a 4 week cycle then you need to come off at least 8 weeks before doing another oral cycle. But lot of guy will run these oral 8,12 and even 16 weeks. It's addicting I get it they wanna keep getting bigger and adding size. But do it safely and follow protocol. Prohormones or any steroid will shut down you natural testosterone. So when taking these products you should always use a test base. A test base replaces synthetic test into your system since your natural test will be shut down from the oral you are using. And as for trt (testosterone replacement therapy) for men as we get older our test levels drop. If you are not in the normal test range you can be fatigue all the time, low sex drive, weak erections, not able to keep quality muscle mass etc. So you get a weekly shot of around 150mg of test weekly to keep you at a normal range this will bring back your energy, sex drive, libido some say they even feel like in their 20's.
Man, I laughed so hard reading some of the comical statements posted in the chain. Nearly lost all my tea on the computer screen.

I'm there with squirt_inducer_man. The moment we hit 45, testosterone level drops in a linear fashion. However, don't be too proactive using a-HD or HD-50 without the necessary weight training behind the supplements. There is a point of diminishing returns using either supplements or straight up steroids and also side effects/onsets of inflammation of the bowel diseases. Quite a few medical and biochemical journal publishing discussed about high concentrations of steroidal influences in concert with consumption of particular diets. Do read up on sarcopenia conditions in aging populus and supplement assistances. So, focus on the following if you haven't done so, in tandem to weight bearing exercises (free weight or your own weight). I do long resistance cycling up the hills at 1000 ft elevation. Blood supplying down to the penile region through intense circulation is not a problem.

Intake of essential proteins & essential amino acids (I can provide the Bulk Supplement packages if you want to see it)
Vit D
Citrulline (currently finishing up my L-arginine)

We can expand even further if you like. My list is longer.

Currently I'm testing my wife's leftover if the Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides in combinations with my daily doses of the aforementioned and more. My muscles are repairing at a phenomenal rate, on top of my sexual appetite going berserk on me. This is without red light therapy for muscular and cellular regenerative enhancement. PE is generating some impressive results as well.

Last night was some interesting result with the lady being spellbound with strong strings or orgasms and climaxes and I couldn't stop even past 50 minutes of gentle and rough pleasures.

Thanks DLD for encouraging the high intensity pump at short intervals. I made it to 14 mmHg for 5 minutes, 2 sessions. Girth went to 5.5in and made the lady squirted like crazy. Mature women love their filling sizes. SMH.