living at home this is such a problem. so there i am, just got myself set up for a jelq session. locked my room door, put on some adult entertainment on the ps3. got my clothes off lay on my bed. got the towel beside me and tissue for clean up later on. my hands were greased in vasiline and my cock. i was about 10 mins into it when my dad started banging my door about some shit. i didnt open it i couldnt, it would take so long to clean up and stuff. i thought of what i could tell him to make him go away, but my mind drew a blank. he kept knocking for a few mins before he went away. this is such a problem, it wrecked my fucking mood and i stopped my jelqing session. fuck, like now im all filled with anxiety and paranoia. he must be thinking why i didnt open the door. he probably thinking im up to some horned out shit because its like 11:30am i was already awake n had breakfast before so he knows i wasnt sleeping. fucking gay, i cant afford to move out for at least a couple of years.