Potential New Stack to Augment Routine...

As my continual struggle to augment my routine presses on; which is to say I'm always trying to find the right supps \ stack to help out with my daily routine, I had a friend recommend me his stack... Now he's on other stuff I believe for other reasons, but this is his primary for his PE routine.

- Swanson Arginine AKG powder (5gm scoop)
- Swanson Citrulline Malate capsules (3-4gms)
- A Creatine monohydrate powder from Walmart (3-5gm scoop)
- C4 Preworkout powder (just like half a serving)
- Yohimbe tincture (about 1/2 a gram worth)

And with my routine having changed very little for a while, I would imagine I'm plateaued for sure, something I no doubt have talked about before... But with time money engagement etc being as it is, it's definitely helping and locking gains in, just not increasing exactly. Currently I wear the [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]Phallosan[/words] only at night, for at least 6 hours... Use the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]X30[/words] for at least one if not two fifteen minute sets... And I do an hour of manual Jelqing \ [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s \ and Kegels a night as well.

But I really have to imagine that, depending on your perspective of course; as simple or expert as this routine is, if this is the one I stick with for a while longer, that it would only benefit from the right stack. So as always gents, your thoughts and everything else is welcome!
Doesnt C4 contain caffeine? Caffeine may restrict your blood vessels which I imagine is bad for your expansion.
kak03;762388 said:
Doesnt C4 contain caffeine? Caffeine may restrict your blood vessels which I imagine is bad for your expansion.

Since C4 is all about giving everyone the best experience, its caffeine content is seriously impressive offering a massive 300mg per serving! So their is about as much caffeine that is in 3 cups of coffee. So it is a pretty big amount.
[MENTION=183323]kak03[/MENTION] - Good point, which concerns me!

@DLD - So what do you think of the stack as a whole? And I take it you'd be fine with the caffeine?
iGrowSteady;762657 said:
[MENTION=183323]kak03[/MENTION] - Good point, which concerns me!

@DLD - So what do you think of the stack as a whole? And I take it you'd be fine with the caffeine?

I think the caffein will benefit more than hurt. That extra boost in energy will be helpful. You can always stop if you are not digging it.
300mg of caffeine is way more than you need for some extra focus. In general your stack already has all you need that is already in the c4. So skip the c4 and get your caffeine from something else if you want it. Taking 300mg of caffeine in one sitting like that is just overkill. Why not enjoy a delicious and healthy cup of coffee after you down all the other powders?
@DLD \ [MENTION=183323]kak03[/MENTION] - Appreciate your thoughts! As it is I don't necessarily consume a lot that already has caffeine, soda here and there and dark chocolate(?) And where I like the smell of coffee, never dug the taste... So maybe just go with the C4 and everything else minus the caffeine... Really just looking for something to get that much more \ augment my routine.
Addition: Clearly I forgot in the above post that the C4 IS the caffeine! So my question is, are any of the ingredients \ components to this stack redundant? I'm thinking yes but am curious what the vets know.
iGrowSteady;763185 said:
@DLD \ [MENTION=183323]kak03[/MENTION] - Appreciate your thoughts! As it is I don't necessarily consume a lot that already has caffeine, soda here and there and dark chocolate(?) And where I like the smell of coffee, never dug the taste... So maybe just go with the C4 and everything else minus the caffeine... Really just looking for something to get that much more \ augment my routine.

If you calculate all of your caffein intake for the day you may find some places to cut back so the C4 is not redundant. Smartest move imo.
I wish I can reply on this thread but I'm so lost in all the English words so I avoid the thread like a disease ;)
huge-girth;763751 said:
I wish I can reply on this thread but I'm so lost in all the English words so I avoid the thread like a disease ;)

Ha, well maybe you shouldn't avoid it like a disease, but with all the supplements I listed, I can see how things would get lost in translation!
In my opinion the Arginine could be dropped and replaced totally with L-Citrulline. I don't have experience with Creatine, just slight knowledge that bodybuilders use it as a bulking help, from what I recall.

Yohimbine to my knowledge is very strong. I haven't had experience with it. 300mg of Caffeine in that C4 and possible combination of Yohimbine sounds a bit overkill. Especially the caffeine content troubles me.
Caffeine build up is relatively easy and the extra boost might diminish. And even if you take just half of a serving, it's still 150mg. I find that amount on the higher scale as well.

Others have said about Matcha tea powder and I concur, it is a wonderful pick me up. Of course it's totally different in taste compared to coffee.
I wrote a follow up about some supplements to a thread I made: http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-pills-and-supplements/89251-the-array-of-supplements-ive-tried-health-and-pe-wise-2.html
Did you try the Swedish Flower Pollen? ;-)
iGrowSteady;763908 said:
Ha, well maybe you shouldn't avoid it like a disease, but with all the supplements I listed, I can see how things would get lost in translation!

Exactly and I'm not really good with those supplements.
arkailija;763909 said:
In my opinion the Arginine could be dropped and replaced totally with L-Citrulline. I don't have experience with Creatine, just slight knowledge that bodybuilders use it as a bulking help, from what I recall.

Yohimbine to my knowledge is very strong. I haven't had experience with it. 300mg of Caffeine in that C4 and possible combination of Yohimbine sounds a bit overkill. Especially the caffeine content troubles me.
Caffeine build up is relatively easy and the extra boost might diminish. And even if you take just half of a serving, it's still 150mg. I find that amount on the higher scale as well.

Others have said about Matcha tea powder and I concur, it is a wonderful pick me up. Of course it's totally different in taste compared to coffee.
I wrote a follow up about some supplements to a thread I made: http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-pills-and-supplements/89251-the-array-of-supplements-ive-tried-health-and-pe-wise-2.html
Did you try the Swedish Flower Pollen? ;-)

I'm surely going to buy L-Citrulline when it's time for me to resume girth work.
arkailija Yep, since L-Arg is a precursor to L-Cit, or vice versa, taking both could be redundant… I’ve tried a combination of them in the same capsule from Walmart I believe, and didn’t notice anything. I think since I’ve been taking the Arg powder and Cit capsules there has been a little benefit, but will probably need to up the dosages to really experience the benefits.

As for the Yohimbe, yeah man that messed up my sleeping a good bit, and I’m an insomniac to begin with! So I’m finally going to try it at 150 and like you said, that may be even too much, but it’s a good place to go after the 300. As for the Matcha, I may give that a try for when I’m at the gym and hopefully experience the all around neural benefits as well.

As for the link you linked, probably because I’m just seeing your response 2.5 months later, it’s no longer active! But I’d still love to read what you had to say! And you know, I did try the Pollen and like so many other times, no affect! Maybe not enough, maybe this or that, but like I said, no luck.
Ehh ... Is the forum being hacked or what the fuck went wrong? Several hours ago I couldn't even access this forum and now it seems AGAIN my replies are gone.
In this and one other thread.

I am not too fond of the new layout, sorry to say. :-( And all this is off the topic, but I just don't want to write my stuff again and again, in hopes that it'll stay online, it's not that vital information, but pisses me off anyway.
arkailija Yeah it's been a little weird on my end, I'll have notifications waiting and I'll go and click and nothing will be there... Either way, lol, if you don't mind of course, let me know what you said, or at least copy it to an office program to be safe!
I try to sum it up quickly: L-Citrulline is the precursor, I would stick to that. With L-Arginine the effective dose was around 3000-5000mg for many, L-Citrulline could be a bit less, like from 1000-3000mg. Body build, metabolism etc., matter in the equation.

Yohimbe; works for some, others get the side effects. A divider so to speak of, I haven't personally tried it, I'd rather try Maca.

Matcha is pretty much the "safest" supplement. Everyday usage can take the biggest edge off from it, just like with many other supplements. I hardly feel anything from coffee with 1 cup and we brew strong coffee. A build up so to speak of, tolerance for caffeine and such. I would have to drink too much and the effects are jitteriness etc..

Bee pollen hasn't effected my output either for a moment. But overall I do vouch for it, it's very energy dense supplement and contains a lot of good vitamins. A very pleasant supplement if one isn't allergic to bees. Some people with allergies do take one pellet to get less allergic during the season. Immunotherapy of some sort.
When I did get results from it related to ejaculation, my life was overall better. So bigger ejaculation is also an equation of several things.
My dose was about a big spoonful or a bit more in the morning. Nowadays when I take bee pollen, it's mostly just a good dose of steady energy I get, which is great though.

I post the link in next post, to see if it makes any change on the forum ...
Indeed, the forum looked way different when I posted that link.
Supplements and stuff.

I like the look of the forum as it is now; I did favor the oldest look the most, but seeing this forum go through changes in the few days, I'll say that at the moment it's a good look. Unread forums show clearly and it's quite intuitive to go to the newest message.

Really hoping we got rid of the spammers!
@arkailija - Hey, so I got the Matcha in the mail today! Not a big container at all, and of course the scoop is bigger than I thought it would be, indicating this won't last long, but I look forward to trying it. So if I've read correctly, it'll definitely help with energy, which is good for my nightly gym activity and the like, but how about related to PE?

I'm also thinking of trying the Swedish Flower Pollen again, but want to see how you're still liking it.

As for the look of the forum, it definitely looks great, even though like you I was partial to the older version... Tell me, I noticed on the one before this we were able to find threads we created, and then posts to other threads; is that functionality gone? Is there a way to find threads we created only?
Indeed, the forum looked way different when I posted that link.
Supplements and stuff.

I like the look of the forum as it is now; I did favor the oldest look the most, but seeing this forum go through changes in the few days, I'll say that at the moment it's a good look. Unread forums show clearly and it's quite intuitive to go to the newest message.

Really hoping we got rid of the spammers!

We have an even bigger surprise coming. I have not seen the layout myself but I am promised I will be blown away.
@arkailija - Hey, so I got the Matcha in the mail today! Not a big container at all, and of course the scoop is bigger than I thought it would be, indicating this won't last long, but I look forward to trying it. So if I've read correctly, it'll definitely help with energy, which is good for my nightly gym activity and the like, but how about related to PE?

I'm also thinking of trying the Swedish Flower Pollen again, but want to see how you're still liking it.

As for the look of the forum, it definitely looks great, even though like you I was partial to the older version... Tell me, I noticed on the one before this we were able to find threads we created, and then posts to other threads; is that functionality gone? Is there a way to find threads we created only?

Hey there!

Yeah, the usual Matcha containers are not very big. I wouldn't necessarily take it daily, but even with off day usage it doesn't last too long. It's one of the more expensive add-ons in my diet / supplementation. In terms of PE, the energy boost and mental clarity could boost workouts in mental sense. In physical sense the extra energy can help with PE exercises, but it's not a miracle tea to make your shlong bigger. :-D

The Flower Pollen is very energy dense; my life as it is now doesn't require that so much, but if I do have a longer day coming or have to wake up earlier, it certainly helps me a lot. It's an overall great boost for one's life, including a lot of necessary vitamins and so on. One could have a multivitamin pill, but in a way the bioavailability is better in pollen, granted that one isn't allergic to it.

I think it's the nature of us humans, favoring often the older things and being against new things. ;-) Not everyone is like so, of course, but it's still partial to our DNA to favor the safe old things.
I haven't experienced about that thread search so much, I'm sure things will clarify in the nearby future.
Hey there!

Yeah, the usual Matcha containers are not very big. I wouldn't necessarily take it daily, but even with off day usage it doesn't last too long. It's one of the more expensive add-ons in my diet / supplementation. In terms of PE, the energy boost and mental clarity could boost workouts in mental sense. In physical sense the extra energy can help with PE exercises, but it's not a miracle tea to make your shlong bigger. :-D

The Flower Pollen is very energy dense; my life as it is now doesn't require that so much, but if I do have a longer day coming or have to wake up earlier, it certainly helps me a lot. It's an overall great boost for one's life, including a lot of necessary vitamins and so on. One could have a multivitamin pill, but in a way the bioavailability is better in pollen, granted that one isn't allergic to it.

I think it's the nature of us humans, favoring often the older things and being against new things. ;-) Not everyone is like so, of course, but it's still partial to our DNA to favor the safe old things.
I haven't experienced about that thread search so much, I'm sure things will clarify in the nearby future.

Arc are you a moderator?
@arkailija - Lol, oh would it only BE that miracle tea that could make all our dicks bigger! Yeah I mean at this point I’m happy with anything that will have ANY positive affect on me; as I’ve generally found that in most cases I don’t experience anything really, and occasionally a negative like insomnia with Yohimbe.

So to confirm, the SWP is still helping with your volume \ loads and all that? As far as I recall it doesn’t assist \ supplement with PE, but want to make sure obviously... And yep, ha, it’ll take some time like anything I suppose!
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Any positive effect; that's what I get from flower pollen. Doesn't necessarily have to be Swedish.
My loads are so-so, but it's more due to the muscles I have or don't have; they've seriously have taken a toll for some reason.
I booked a doctor, but that's in December, to have blood work done and so on, it's been almost 10 years since I last had my blood work done.

SWP can be synergic with PE. While it's not targeting blood vessels as some nitric oxide product might do, it is an overall booster and therefore can help with gaining.
It's supposed to be good for your prostate action as well, but at the moment I'm sandwiched / very neutral about the volume/load effect of SWP.
Flower pollen, propolis, good raw honey; they're a very good add-on to one's diet, in my opinion. Granted one isn't allergic, as I've mentioned before.

I'm going to have a run of some flower pollen with papaya extract soon enough.
At the moment I'm taking some flower pollen granules, NAC and Mucuna Dopa. The last one is mainly for my mental well-being; I've been really cranky as of late, that's why I booked the doctor.

Now to another thread with other question you made iGrowSteady! ;-)
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Great information guys! This is the type of in-depth work that needs to be done to understand these things and I’m so appreciative that you guys are here doing just that. I wish you both the best gains ever!
@arkailija - Oh geeze dude, well I wish you well and that you’ll be doing better! But good you’re taking control and not letting anything negative get out of hand.

As it is, there’s just so much variation and the like when it comes to supps, as you know far better than I do! If nothing else I just want to find what works and stick with it, but of course who doesn’t?! Either way I think I’ll give the SFP a try again from Swanson supps. And lol, I just responded to that thread as well and was hoping you’d contribute!

@doublelongdaddy - Appreciate that dude, and you and I both!
@doublelongdaddy - Appreciate that dude, and you and I both![/QUOTE]

I am just overjoyed at the influx of veterans with such priceless knowledge, you guys are doing some great work for the community and the Brotherhood's future.
As my continual struggle to augment my routine presses on; which is to say I'm always trying to find the right supps \ stack to help out with my daily routine, I had a friend recommend me his stack... Now he's on other stuff I believe for other reasons, but this is his primary for his PE routine.

- Swanson Arginine AKG powder (5gm scoop)
- Swanson Citrulline Malate capsules (3-4gms)
- A Creatine monohydrate powder from Walmart (3-5gm scoop)
- C4 Preworkout powder (just like half a serving)
- Yohimbe tincture (about 1/2 a gram worth)

And with my routine having changed very little for a while, I would imagine I'm plateaued for sure, something I no doubt have talked about before... But with time money engagement etc being as it is, it's definitely helping and locking gains in, just not increasing exactly. Currently I wear the [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]Phallosan[/words] only at night, for at least 6 hours... Use the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]X30[/words] for at least one if not two fifteen minute sets... And I do an hour of manual Jelqing \ [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s \ and Kegels a night as well.

But I really have to imagine that, depending on your perspective of course; as simple or expert as this routine is, if this is the one I stick with for a while longer, that it would only benefit from the right stack. So as always gents, your thoughts and everything else is welcome!

You need a length master. The Phallosan is not enough for length gains.
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