Plummeting testosterone levels?

[FONT=Verdana,][FONT=Verdana,]15 June 2009[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,]Sugar causes testosterone to plummet[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,]by George Atkinson[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,]Sugary foods can cause testosterone levels to drop by as much as 25 percent, regardless of whether a man has diabetes or normal glucose tolerance. The new findings mean that men with low testosterone should have their hormone levels retested after they fast overnight, as eating may transiently lower them, say the researchers.[/FONT]

Article continued HERE

Interesting article, but it fails to mention that insulin is crucial to those involved with weight training before, dureing and especially after the routine to get the bodies depleted glycogen stores backup and studies show carbs [sugary] & protein taken together are more effective than one on its own. This hardly helps to lower testosterone, but helps turn the anabolic switch to on after your session otherwise one would be on catabolic mode.

Just had to point this out otherwise it looks like its always bad.
This scares me.
Although Im in great shape (athlete), I eat more candy than anyone I know.
Do you think the impact of candy is a long-term thing? Or something that goes away after taking a good break from sugar?
