Penis's sizes according by women

Longth;675807 said:
They ever done a study like this where they ask men what they'd want their size to be? Because that's more interesting than a survey of people with poor spacial relations.

LOL. Judging from the size people say they are and then seeing their pics- I would say men have the same problems judging size as women.
deadwood187;675813 said:
LOL. Judging from the size people say they are and then seeing their pics- I would say men have the same problems judging size as women.

This is true, generally guys come into P.E. not realizing what their actual size is. Often they don't know how to properly measure either and that contributes to the problem.
Longth;675807 said:
They ever done a study like this where they ask men what they'd want their size to be? Because that's more interesting than a survey of people with poor spacial relations.

hahaha yep would be interesting i think most men would have no idea what to choose,If you ask me maybe 10 + X6.5 id be satisfied whit that size..:cool:
JakeM82;675815 said:
This is true, generally guys come into P.E. not realizing what their actual size is. Often they don't know how to properly measure either and that contributes to the problem.

If most men knew how to measure their penises correctly we would have a world full of frustrated men :Orofl
JakeM82;675815 said:
This is true, generally guys come into P.E. not realizing what their actual size is. Often they don't know how to properly measure either and that contributes to the problem.

A lot of people blatantly exaggerate too. Doesn't make sense to me since it's basically kidding yourself and probably exacerbating the insecurity. Not really anyone's problem but theirs.
shortdick;675796 said:
im about 7.25 BPEL n i feel im are7.75 BPEL n you consider yourself big,maybe its time to understand that im not that short LOL.

I feel short at 7.75" BPEL too...almost feels like the ruler shrunk, even though I know it did not.
Phoenix7672;675869 said:
I feel short at 7.75" BPEL too...almost feels like the ruler shrunk, even though I know it did not.

In scale it looks like it did because you have grown compared to the ruler. It makes it look like the ruler shrunk because your mind is still used to the perspective of what it used to look like when you were 6.8", your just starting to make the ruler look small now is all as you get to 2/3 of the rulers size bro. I had this same effect happen to me too.
Another good reason to shoot for rapid gains. Doing things very gradually just tricks you into seeing bigger and bigger as the same size. Your brain will literally trick you like a douche over a long period of time to convince you it's the same. It's almost like auto correct for the brain. It'll do it with a lot of expected norms too.
Longth;675962 said:
Another good reason to shoot for rapid gains. Doing things very gradually just tricks you into seeing bigger and bigger as the same size. Your brain will literally trick you like a douche over a long period of time to convince you it's the same. It's almost like auto correct for the brain. It'll do it with a lot of expected norms too.

This is why it is so important for men to take advantage of the amazing help in the Mental Penis Enlargement forum.
I have seen this before, it is off a bit. They make it appear that average size is larger than it really is and this is due to poor reporting and research. Average size is 5.5 x 4.75. Thanks for the post though, I have not seen this chart for a while.

Wow, I'm above average in length and girth. I feel blessed but I need that 7 inches mid shaft girth.