templnite;674439 said:
You save them today you'll have to save them tomorrow. The brave don't live long, cowards don't live at all
Bro, because I respect and like you I will not take this as an indictment to my character, but use it as an opportunity to share some wisdom from someone who has lived some life... (Married, Children, Business Owner, Veteran, Counselor) You can take it as you will, or disregard it, your call.
I think you may be confusing bravado with bravery. This is an issue I see very often in young men I counsel as the world affords very little opportunity for men to establish and prove themselves absent of bravado. So in turn men make up for the lack of opportunity through verbal expression, which in turn makes them appear less like they want to be and more like what they want to mature away from.
It could be construed by what you said, that being derogatory to women is bravery. Is that what you believe? I have had the opportunity to know bravery in this life... to know some truly brave men and to serve elbow to elbow with them. Bravado was not required when your life stated everything bravado would have felt the need to say. And derogatory behavior to anyone, especially those weaker or unable to defend themselves was rarely tolerated among that crowd. Just saying bro.
I honor the women in my life, the same way my Grandma and Mom taught me too but don't mistake me for being weak as a result of that. It takes way more character and bravery to be the kind of man who is willing to show honor (not worship, let's be clear on that) and not objectify. It's easy to be a womanizer, but being the kind of man who is worthy of the love of a good women, that's bravery in my opinion. Brave enough to not care about men who will look down on you for being faithful and monogamous, strong enough to get past the desires of your flesh to pursue other women. Confident enough to get over the need to be affirmed by the chase and capture of another's heart. Living with enough integrity to be willing to maintain your character in private when pornography comes a calling... This, is bravery gents. Don't confuse it with bravado.
Furthermore, and only because I have seen you quote the Bible numerous times I will share this scripture which I often use to correct my own behavior when it get's out of line or disrespectful to the women I chose to share my heart with.
2 Peter 3:7 "In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in God's gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered."
That's written from Peter to the Church, to edify them, to teach them what relationship between man and women should look like according to God. As if to accentuate the importance of honoring the place of the women in your life. It's interesting to note that some of Jesus's
very last words were used in honoring and providing for His own mother.
John 19:26 "When Jesus then saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby, He said to His mother, "Woman, behold, your son!" Then He said to the disciple, "Behold, your mother!" From that hour the disciple took her into his own household"
While on the cross, while dying, He's thinking of provision for His Mother.
These are the things I try to keep in mind when I am reminding myself of why I stopped being the womanizing, disrespectful, adulterer I used to be. Why I started trying to live a life that is a testament to what I believe, living out loud the kind of man I wanted to be so that bravado and words were required less and action was the result more (because Faith, without works.. is dead (James)). Hence my previous statements about not needing to be derogatory to be strong in your own identity. The greatest opposition you could ever bring to the feminist mindset I see that you oppose in many of your posts (as well as I do) is to simply be the strong man they despise, to honor them regardless of their choices and to be the bigger man (no, not your penis, your character
). Don't care about their opinion, just be.
I hope you don't take any of this as insult or as patronizing. Just wanted to share some wisdom that was hard fought for and acquired despite much ignorance, stubbornness and stupidity on my part.