I think what the point is that for some people the Bible works, for some people religion works, and what wasn't discussed very much is for some people not believing works. No one can argue the Bible is a very old book. The way I see it all the stories are so prehistoric that today to relate a story with now and compare it to a story when people road donkey thousands of miles to get around I have to say times have drastically changed entirely. Back then people were different, laws were different, wars were different. Now we have a nuclear bomb and we can decimate an entire country with the push of a button. I believe the Bible has a good moral value with it, and the story of Jesus is a beautiful story that brings tears to my eyes even though I do not practice his methods of living. I agree with MAXAMEYES, the Bible has too many misinterpretations to be taken so literally in the year 2000. As well too many Christians today go to church, put on a holy attitude, and go home to beat there kids. I know that how my childhood church experience was (I wasn't physically beaten; verbally unquestionably). Overall a religion has too much corruption for me to ever think about basing my existence on. I enjoy being around spiritual people who have a better sense of love, relationships, and forgiveness, but from personal experience it is these same people who you put so much trust into only to let you down because after all no matter who you are we are
all human.
I gotta say honestly I have a personal relationship with God. It is not He or She. It is not a spiritual being upon a cloud looking down casting good or bad on events seen. Too me God is like an energetic motion. I have never been able to write out an explanation. Simply I have my own views for my reasons and you have yours (speaking to anyone) and I would like mine respected back. I see God as something that you feel. I am typing on a keyboard and this keyboard is God, the chair I'm sitting on is God, the air I'm breathing. I don't believe if you are good or bad you are punished, I believe if you make bad choices you will receive bad consequences and vice-versa for good. You see the way I feel about God is that it is another realm of existence so no way is it possible for you and I to be able to connect on the same understanding. We have a personal relationship each one of ours is different. If you are to teach me that something I disagree with is what God says I don't have to follow you. When I have a problem is when a religion tries forcing that belief on someone. I have an even bigger problem when a church is full of people trying to force a belief on people when they themselves do not follow that belief- very common in religions. I'll also add Christianity is technically not considered a religion.
MAXAMEYES is also right about nothing else in the Bible has much relevance besides the fact that Jesus repeats and is very clear that if you believe in Him and accept Him into your heart you are thus forgiven and allowed into Heaven. The 2nd step being to tell other people this as your new life as a Christian, after which studying the Bible is what you would be your new life. It is so basic an easy to understand it is the foundation of Christianity and is the reason it is separated from a title of religion because in religion you are saved by "acts". Well whether the story of Jesus is real, and whether if I follow the rest of the beliefs of what other people would have me practice so I can "go to Heaven" I prefer to look at my life as on a
scale. So much fucked up shit has happen to me, and I am very lucky to have been raised in an environment where people are brought up with intelligence, I feel I have enough understanding of
life by now I am 26 going on 27 I don't need Joe SHydromaxo from Kokomo standing at a pedistool telling me to repent or I'm going to Hell because for all I know that guy is a big fat hypocrite. And I'm sick of listening to people who get into a place of power and judging me when honestly nothing I'm doing is evil, bad, or wrong. I am healthy, I am forgiving, I am full of love and passion and I don't need to concern my mind with did I pray enough today? Did I allow myself to spread the word of God today? It touching my pee pee bad? Is not forgiving my fucked up neighbor for being a loud piece of shit going to be what sends me to Hell???
You know for some people it works and that why I believe its here. Because not everybody has been through the fucked up shit I have, and not everyone was lucky enough to go to a good highschool and a couple colleges to have a good head on their shoulders. I know better than to murder people, or steal, or lie, because I knw the consequences- I'm don't want to go to prison, I don't want to lose the ones I love, and etc, so I'm not going to do irrational shit to make let that happen therefore viola I'm going to Heaven
My favorite is DLD who says "I got news for you, everyone gets to go to Heaven" I told my mom this and she rolled her eyes. To me it makes sense. At the foundation of all religions God wants one thing for all people and that is true happiness. When you have Jesus you are supposed to be
happy. Do you know how miserable people in religion, including Christianity, are? Some of the most lame-hopeless scHydromaxucks you will ever come into contact with....that is the opposite of what Jesus promises by asking Him into your heart. If ya ask me something huge is missing. To me it is just a-whole-llota mumbo-jumbo passed down from parent's generation-to-generation-to-generation and so forth. Again I'm going to say it MAXAMEYES is right about never being able to stop learning. When you truly admit you know nothing is when you truly can being to know something. Why is religion not school, I think for Asian's it is. I believe there is another world of spirituality and indeed there is a God, but I don't believe for the most part you are
ANYBODY is better than I am to teach me about it. If God wants me to know something, trust me, God lets me know, I am always willing to hear it. If I sit on my ass and not care I wont see what God has in-store for me thus my consequence is a pretty boring existence. I believe God uses human beings to interact with each other and it works through us. That is the energetic force. Some people are used more. Some maybe Satanic and I think if it works for them then more power to them.
The Bible says God knew all things from the beginning to the end. So in the beginning when the world was created God knew man would sin, so God knew the world would be cursed, and knew the Devil would retaliate, and it knew all about what life was going to be like for you and I to try and discover what it is exactly that is God, just like it knows how it is all going to end. So tell me how is ANY of it bad? If God created
ALL of it and God Is Good- then Its ALL Good........and the rest is, well, history.