My thoughts to all of you out of LOVE

There will be a lot of resistance to you reading what i'm about to quote and that is because the devil does not want you to read this, he is VERY manipulative. Try and clear your mind and read this short message.

"The Bible nowhere mentions anyone asking for someone in Heaven to pray for them. The Bible nowhere describes anyone in Heaven praying for anyone on earth. (2) The Bible gives absolutely no indication that Mary or the saints can hear our prayers. Mary and the saints are not omniscient. Even glorified in Heaven, they are still finite beings with limitations. How could they possibly hear the prayers of millions of people? Whenever the Bible mentions praying to or speaking with the dead, it is in the context of sorcery, witchcraft, necromancy, and divination - activities the Bible strongly condemns (Leviticus 20:27; Deuteronomy 18:10-13). The one instance when a "saint" is spoken to, Samuel in 1 Samuel 28:7-19, Samuel was not exactly happy to be disturbed. It is plainly clear that praying to Mary or the saints is completely different from asking someone here on earth to pray for you. One has a strong Biblical basis, the other has no Biblical basis whatsoever." Got Questions Ministries

I copied this because i feel it words my opinions very well. God nowhere says that we should COMMUNICATE WITH THE DEAD!! I am telling you this because i love you all!! I care for you. Praying to the DEAD will only provide you with FALSE securities. The SPIRITS OF THE DEAD will glady do the LITTLE things that they can to hold you captive.

Please read the HOLY BIBLE, the Word of the LORD, He speaks the Truth through it.

I expect to be bashed for my words of love to YOU.

No one is going to bash you for this. Its interpretation like all things. I see no problem with praying to the saints and know millions do it around the world and they do listen and answer prayers through god. St Jude for example is for hopless and lost causes. Has a national shrine in Chicago which has a website here. THOUSANDS go and pray, its hardly evil or going against god at all.

I know in the bible it says not to use Ouija boards and tarot cards etc that mediums who speak with the dead are speaking with demons because god wont allow unless in exceptional circumstances a dead human spirit to communicate like this.

Its all interpretation I think of the religious scriptures.
Hey Red, I appreciate your response and in my most respectful manner i just want to say that because there are lots of websites and millions of people doing it doesn't make it right. I was just trying to point out the Word of the LORD not the word of the world. It is so easy to believe something is true because lots of people do it.... The bible is God's word and if its not biblical then it is not of Him.

Dude with all due respect I would rather see u post ur religious beliefs on a related forum not on a penis enlargement forum.
Happy stretching!

QUOTE=BANANAxBOY;415805]Hey Red, I appreciate your response and in my most respectful manner i just want to say that because there are lots of websites and millions of people doing it doesn't make it right. I was just trying to point out the Word of the LORD not the word of the world. It is so easy to believe something is true because lots of people do it.... The bible is God's word and if its not biblical then it is not of Him.

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Never forget, though, that: 1) "The Bible" is an incomplete document. By both accident & omission as well as design. 2) It is just that; a document. & 3) What has been translated into English has quite a few glaring deficiencies and mistranslations.

Couple these with the, almost literally, Universe of difference between knowledge meant for the common people and knowledge meant for Levites and the Rulers of Houses, and "The Bible" starts looking like the Dark Energy/Matter we've only just discovered.

BANANAxBOY;415805 said:
Hey Red, I appreciate your response and in my most respectful manner i just want to say that because there are lots of websites and millions of people doing it doesn't make it right. I was just trying to point out the Word of the LORD not the word of the world. It is so easy to believe something is true because lots of people do it.... The bible is God's word and if its not biblical then it is not of Him.

With all due respect MAXAMEYES, try and prove your number 1 point and if you can, 2 and 3. The word of the Lord was, is, and never will be an accident. I tell you this because i care for you GREATLY and i don't want you to be deceived by the devil. If you could carefully explain why the bible is an accident or is an incomplete document, could you please explain it to me? I am someone that really seeks truth and i want to know what is true and whats going to happen by fact. You see, everything i have read in the bible Has been fulfilled, IS Being fulfilled, and i am lead to believe Will be fulfilled. MAXAMEYES, if you could help me i would greatly appreciate it, I want to know what is true, and if you know Truth then please help me!!


BANANAxBOY;415842 said:
Thank you for your response Dickleaker, but this is "THE ART OF ATTRACTION FORUM" not penis enlargement forum.


I agree
Yes I know what the bible says, I also have read the Koran in part as well amongst other religious literature. I respect ALL religions and ALL views from them. I NEVER think my own religion, which is Church of England (COE which is Protestant) is the one and all, the be all and end all. I know of religious fanatics who think they are the messiah and what they say is IT ... no it isn't and many times what they say from the bible or Koran as being said by god is INTERPRETATION of it from what they would like to see it as .... this is human nature, we interpret things differently and is why lunatics did the 9/11 horror in the name of Islam when it was not Islam at all, but brainwashed demons I would say.

God loves us all ... I truly believe this. We can sin and sin badly, yet we can make amends with him by confessing, hail marry, our father by being better and altering our ways to become merciful in his eyes again.

People pray to saints and this is fine. St Mary is prayed to, many pray to St Michael and indeed Catholic churches recited his prayer for protection at each mass.

Exorcists pray to St Mary and St Michael, miracles are performed by saints and this is held in high regard by many myself incl. This was not acts of demons pretending to be something else, but true divine intervention. Jesus Christ the lord works in mysterious ways.
This thread could be how darkness has infiltrated religion and twisted it to suit those with evil intentions. A good site to visit here will show references to how the Devil has already started to influence various prayers as such. Always say Jesus Christ and not just simply Jesus when you pray.
In my opinion you dont need a book like the bible. Did you forget that the bible was written by human beeing? Religions are made for controlling the crowd!
Just believe in God, but dont give a shit of the worlds a human being wrote on a document, that´s my opinion. As long as your Soul doesn´t feels any "pain" when you´re doing something, you´re doing the right. You don´t have to act like someone tells you in a book...
Just act like you think it´s the right way and God will appreciate this. Relegions always were the reason´s for war and they still are, so they can´t be a product of God. Nothing against ur opinion, just my two cents.

Sorry for the bad english ;)
NT: JOHN 21 25 And there are also many other things -- as many as Jesus did -- which, if they may be written one by one, not even the world itself I think to have place for the books written. Amen.

OT: DANIEL 12 1`And at that time stand up doth Michael, the great head, who is standing up for the sons of thy people, and there hath been a time of distress, such as hath not been since there hath been a nation till that time, and at that time do thy people escape, every one who is found written in the book.

2`And the multitude of those sleeping in the dust of the ground do awake, some to life age-during, and some to reproaches -- to abhorrence age-during.

3And those teaching do shine as the brightness of the expanse, and those justifying the multitude as stars to the age and for ever.

4And thou, O Daniel, hide the things, and seal the book till the time of the end, many do go to and fro, and knowledge is multiplied.'

5And I have looked -- I, Daniel -- and lo, two others are standing, one here at the edge of the flood, and one there at the edge of the flood,

6and he saith to the one clothed in linen, who [is] upon the waters of the flood, `Till when [is] the end of these wonders?'

7And I hear the one clothed in linen, who [is] upon the waters of the flood, and he doth lift up his right hand and his left unto the heavens, and sweareth by Him who is living to the age, that, `After a time, times, and a half, and at the completion of the scattering of the power of the holy people, finished are all these.'

8And I have heard, and I do not understand, and I say, `O my lord, what [is] the latter end of these?'

9And he saith, `Go, Daniel; for hidden and sealed [are] the things till the time of the end;

10Purify themselves, yea, make themselves white, yea, refined are many: and the wicked have done wickedly, and none of the wicked understand, and those acting wisely do understand;

11and from the time of the turning aside of the perpetual [sacrifice], and to the giving out of the desolating abomination, [are] days a thousand, two hundred, and ninety.

REDZULU2003;415910 said:
Yes I know what the bible says, I also have read the Koran in part as well amongst other religious literature. I respect ALL religions and ALL views from them. I NEVER think my own religion, which is Church of England (COE which is Protestant) is the one and all, the be all and end all. I know of religious fanatics who think they are the messiah and what they say is IT ... no it isn't and many times what they say from the bible or Koran as being said by god is INTERPRETATION of it from what they would like to see it as .... this is human nature, we interpret things differently and is why lunatics did the 9/11 horror in the name of Islam when it was not Islam at all, but brainwashed demons I would say.

God loves us all ... I truly believe this. We can sin and sin badly, yet we can make amends with him by confessing, hail marry, our father by being better and altering our ways to become merciful in his eyes again.

People pray to saints and this is fine. St Mary is prayed to, many pray to St Michael and indeed Catholic churches recited his prayer for protection at each mass.

Exorcists pray to St Mary and St Michael, miracles are performed by saints and this is held in high regard by many myself incl. This was not acts of demons pretending to be something else, but true divine intervention. Jesus Christ the lord works in mysterious ways.

I guess we will have to agree to disagre then brother, i don't believe that some of these things come straight from the Bible. I'm glad we can agree that the Lord loves us all! Praise Him for that.

MAXAMEYES;415983 said:
NT: JOHN 21 25 And there are also many other things -- as many as Jesus did -- which, if they may be written one by one, not even the world itself I think to have place for the books written. Amen.

OT: DANIEL 12 1`And at that time stand up doth Michael, the great head, who is standing up for the sons of thy people, and there hath been a time of distress, such as hath not been since there hath been a nation till that time, and at that time do thy people escape, every one who is found written in the book.

2`And the multitude of those sleeping in the dust of the ground do awake, some to life age-during, and some to reproaches -- to abhorrence age-during.

3And those teaching do shine as the brightness of the expanse, and those justifying the multitude as stars to the age and for ever.

4And thou, O Daniel, hide the things, and seal the book till the time of the end, many do go to and fro, and knowledge is multiplied.'

5And I have looked -- I, Daniel -- and lo, two others are standing, one here at the edge of the flood, and one there at the edge of the flood,

6and he saith to the one clothed in linen, who [is] upon the waters of the flood, `Till when [is] the end of these wonders?'

7And I hear the one clothed in linen, who [is] upon the waters of the flood, and he doth lift up his right hand and his left unto the heavens, and sweareth by Him who is living to the age, that, `After a time, times, and a half, and at the completion of the scattering of the power of the holy people, finished are all these.'

8And I have heard, and I do not understand, and I say, `O my lord, what [is] the latter end of these?'

9And he saith, `Go, Daniel; for hidden and sealed [are] the things till the time of the end;

10Purify themselves, yea, make themselves white, yea, refined are many: and the wicked have done wickedly, and none of the wicked understand, and those acting wisely do understand;

11and from the time of the turning aside of the perpetual [sacrifice], and to the giving out of the desolating abomination, [are] days a thousand, two hundred, and ninety.


Becuase I care for you, i would like to go over each individual verse that you have taken out of context to try and make look bad, i'm assuming your trying to make the bible look bad becuase you have taken just single verses and not the whole message that is being taught in the chapter.

JOHN 21 25 And there are also many other things -- as many as Jesus did -- which, if they may be written one by one, not even the world itself I think to have place for the books written. Amen.

I will assume that you think Jesus has not allowed every single thing to be written that happened in his lifetime since you have not specified, and that you have a problem with this.

The things that were chosen to be written in the bible were those Chosen by the Lord. For the bible says many times it is the word of the Lord.
BBOY: I'm not out to make anything look BAD, I'm illustrating, as you requested, that the Bible, as we know it, is an incomplete document. Simply that, no need for ire.
If I had wanted to make the bible look bad I would have pointed out much of the blatantly contradictory, bloodthirsty or simply eradicated details.

Not to mention the fact that if you read the Old Testament in anything other than its original Hebrew you are reading a highly adulterated version; which is/was in and of itself forbidden to the point of nullifying the book, and its intended message.
The Great Commandment


34(AM) But when the Pharisees heard that he had silenced(AN) the Sadducees, they gathered together. 35(AO) And one of them,(AP) a lawyer, asked him a question(AQ) to test him. 36"Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?" 37And he said to him, (AR) "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38This is the great and first commandment. 39And(AS) a second is like it:(AT) You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40(AU) On these two commandments depend(AV) all the Law and the Prophets."

See: Rabbi Hillel "...the rest is commentary. Now go and study."
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MAXAMEYES;416278 said:
The Great Commandment


34(AM) But when the Pharisees heard that he had silenced(AN) the Sadducees, they gathered together. 35(AO) And one of them,(AP) a lawyer, asked him a question(AQ) to test him. 36"Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?" 37And he said to him, (AR) "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38This is the great and first commandment. 39And(AS) a second is like it:(AT) You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40(AU) On these two commandments depend(AV) all the Law and the Prophets."

See: Rabbi Hillel "...the rest is commentary. Now go and study."

Hey MAXAMEYES, I see you have posted this passage, but what is your point here? There is nothing that you can prove incomplete or wrong about the bible. Is there something contradictory? There is nothing incorrect or incomplete about this as far as i'm concerned but maybe you could help me understand otherwise?

MAXAMEYES;416302 said:
Just let it sink in a bit.

I don't know what to think dude, i've read this over with an open mind and don't see anything wrong or incorrect. Can you explain your thinking on this one please?

What it means is that it is all you need...for meaning.
All the blesseds, all the curseds, all the begats, all the shall do's and shall nots. All meaningless, useless and worthless, if you can't love & treat all of life as if it was worth your entire soul.

Not one letter, not one word, not one law; if your heart is empty.
If your heart & mind and soul are full; even the Bible itself is superfluous.

In the end, it's just a book.

Now go and study.
I understand where your coming from I think. The bible or any holy text for that matter is not going to change or alter someone into a good person or whatever if they dont have the heart and desire inside them? is this what you mean Max? I agree with what I just typed anyway.

You have to not be brainwashed and understand it to an extent, otherwise your just imo a sheep that is nothing individual than others who do the same and I also believe that god the creator and our lord Jesus Christ wouldn't judge us negatively for being different or not following something to the letter, so long as we were good at heart, confess sins and change yourself to alter that way ... this is important, no point confessing if you never want to change or make the effort. Be kind to people where you can, tip people when you can i.e. after a haircut to show gratitude ... one doesn't have to go into church regularly and know every chapter and verse of the bible to be angelic and pure ... thats archaic nonsense imo and makes no one better than the other ....

Max, its in the heart & soul thats for sure and I have known rough guys who came from prisons that ended up inside for violence being an example, but lived hard lives sometimes in the army and they found God while inside yet dont go church everyday or pray everyday yet they were some of the best men I knew afterwards, because they opened their heart to god and allowed the goodness from within to outshine the darkness and make a difference ... without having to rant about chapter and verse of a holy book which some church goers would say I'm bad for saying ... I know of some in the past who would say I'm not worthy of my religion if I dont go to church which is silly... god clearly states that anyone can pray and worship him .. get this ... ANYWHERE at ANYTIME incl I'm sure its been the gallows awaiting death, indeed the late Saddam Hussein did that did he not? albeit to Allah through his faith.

I will say that I do not negatively view or judge those that read the holy scriptures chapter & verse or go into the church daily, pray daily etc as its choice. Shows dedication but what I'm saying is people can do much less and still be as good, at the end though no one can judge you but he and I quote the late Mother Teresa
In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.
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RED, I am in total agreement with you!
I've always maintained that there is a world of difference between religion, faith & spirituality.
Personally, I like what Edgar Cayce reported: "You don't GO to GROW to heaven."
I agree with you too Max :) You don't go, you grow! and at the same time, something else also grows :)
MAXAMEYES;417055 said:
RED, I am in total agreement with you!
I've always maintained that there is a world of difference between religion, faith & spirituality.
Personally, I like what Edgar Cayce reported: "You don't GO to GROW to heaven."
MAXAMEYES;416970 said:
What it means is that it is all you need...for meaning.

When you say "it" i don't know whether you are talking about the bible passage of Mathew 22 or if you are talking about the Lord God. In post number 21, Just let "it" sink in a bit, I believe you are referring to the passage of Mathew 22. At no point in that passage does it say that the passage is "all you need", so i can't understand where you are going with this statement.

MAXAMEYES;416970 said:
All the blesseds, all the curseds, all the begats, all the shall do's and shall nots. All meaningless, useless and worthless, if you can't love & treat all of life as if it was worth your entire soul.

Regardless if we agree or disagree i just want you to know that i care about you and i want you to know what i believe is true. If there were a heaven that the bible talks about, i would want you to be there my friend.

First thing about this statement is that Mathew 22:37 does not speak of how we are to treat life, it specifically says that we are to love the Lord your God with all our heart, soul and mind not your altered version of "love & treat all of life as if it was worth your entire soul", that is absolutely not what the verse says. I am sorry to sound picky but if we accidentally alter what it is the bible is saying it can now become easy to believe that parts of it are twisted, untrue and unfeasible. All i'm trying to do here is point out that the bible is true and that there is nothing incorrect about it, i will continue to show you.

MAXAMEYES;416970 said:
Not one letter, not one word, not one law; if your heart is empty.

Ok, this seems true but as a true christian your heart will not be empty, it will be filled with the Spirit. Do you think i'm wrong here?

MAXAMEYES;416970 said:
If your heart & mind and soul are full; even the Bible itself is superfluous.
In the end, it's just a book.

I guess i can only share an opinion here. I believe that the bible repeats itself and gives a great deal of information often implying importance on a certain topic. I understand this statement though, at times i wonder why the bible will give so much detail, but all i can say is that it is important beyond what i know if it is stated.

MAXAMEYES;416970 said:
Now go and study.

I'm doing my best. Are you implying that i am not studying?
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MAXAMEYES;416970 said:
What it means is that it is all you need...for meaning.

When you say "it" i don't know whether you are talking about the bible passage of Mathew 22 or if you are talking about the Lord God. In post number 21, Just let "it" sink in a bit, I believe you are referring to the passage of Mathew 22. At no point in that passage does it say that the passage is "all you need", so i can't understand where you are going with this statement.

MAXAMEYES;416970 said:
All the blesseds, all the curseds, all the begats, all the shall do's and shall nots. All meaningless, useless and worthless, if you can't love & treat all of life as if it was worth your entire soul.

First thing about this statement is that Mathew 22:37 does not speak of how we are to treat life, it specifically says that we are to love the Lord your God with all our heart, soul and mind not your altered version of "love & treat all of life as if it was worth your entire soul", that is absolutely not what the verse says. I am sorry to sound picky but if we accidentally alter what it is the bible is saying it can now become easy to believe that parts of it are twisted, untrue and unfeasible. All i'm trying to do here is point out that the bible is true and that there is nothing incorrect about it, i will continue to show you.

MAXAMEYES;416970 said:
Not one letter, not one word, not one law; if your heart is empty.

Ok, this seems true but as a true christian your heart will not be empty, it will be filled with the Spirit. Do you think i'm wrong here?

MAXAMEYES;416970 said:
If your heart & mind and soul are full; even the Bible itself is superfluous.
In the end, it's just a book.

I guess i can only share an opinion here. I believe that the bible repeats itself and gives a great deal of information often implying importance on a certain topic. I understand this statement though, at times i wonder why the bible will give so much detail, but all i can say is that it is important beyond what i know if it is stated.

MAXAMEYES;416970 said:
Now go and study.

I'm doing my best. Are you implying that i am not studying?

Regardless if we agree or disagree i just want you to know that i care about you and i want you to know what i believe is true. If there were a heaven that the bible talks about, i would want you to be there my friend.

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B-boy, this is not a debate. I', m not going to try to open your mind, I got better things to do with my life. I could sit here, copy and paste for years, all to no discernable conclusion.

I'll just leave you with one of the, literally hundreds, of blatantly contradictory Bible passages that convinced me, without a shred of doubt, that the Bible as we know it is a flawed and incomplete document.
And all of your apologistic gymnastics will never, ever convince me otherwise.

Also; having never met any one of my great grandfathers, I sure as hell ain't suffering for their actions.

Isaiah 14:21 Prepare for his sons a place of slaughter
Because of the iniquity of their fathers.
They must not arise and take possession of the earth
And fill the face of the world with cities.

Exodus 20:5 You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me,

Yet directly contradicted here:

Deut. 24:16 Fathers shall not be put to death for their sons, nor shall sons be put to death for their fathers; everyone shall be put to death for his own sin.

Ezek.18:20 "The person who sins will die. The son will not bear the punisHydromaxent for the father's iniquity, nor will the father bear the punisHydromaxent for the son's iniquity; the righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself.
I tend to run out of patience with folks who declare, "WE" have learned all there is to learn (about any given subject), and I possess full personal knowledge of it.
Once a mind snaps shut, growth stops.
If I am not mistaken you said you were seeking the truth? You will never find the truth reading the bible ,qur'an or any other "holy book".

Religion is a poison,and it's really sad to see people in 21st century typing on forum that they are right and if you think differently you have been controlled by the devil... Who are you to tell me I am wrong? Why would I go to this place you call hell just because I don't believe what you believe? What about other people who have different believes? What if I was born on a tropical island and never got in touch with any book or belief system- will I go to hell ,will Jesus abandon me because I never accepted him as my savior? Do you ever think about the absurdity of priests and churches? Do you have any idea how idiotic that actually is,to say some priest is someone with more power who has the ability to forgive me by saying I have to pray for 15 minutes? And why would I even have to go to him in the first place? It's all about a perverted way to clear your conscious by lying to yourself that everything is gonna be alright if you get forgiveness from a ordinary human just like yourself that you assigned power to by following a religion as he does.Not only that but it also gives you a dangerous weapon ,a thought that even if you do harm you will be forgiven just by saying I'm sorry in a form of prayer.

One more thing, I am a guy that is very interested in spirituality ,quantum mechanics,meditation,mysticism and personal growth in general,in any way shape or form. My journey has led me to meditation as a practical and individual way to truth and happiness and I would recommend it to everyone:) Little by little as you live in the present moment more and more you will start to realize the people sleepwalking past you in every part of your life, self proclaimed "saved" or religiously-enlightened-touched-by-Jesus people along with priests are the most interesting to observe :blush:

Since we are on Penis Enlargement forum ....finding truth and enlarging a penis using these 2 methods...
Religious: Believe and it shall grow!
Meditation: Practice daily and you will get results.

Which one would you choose ?:blush:
rofl just kidding a bit

I decided to get into this thread in a hope that I will get answer different than what I usually get 1) bible quotations 2) "God works in mysterious way" 3) " God ways are so much higher than we can understand " ... and so on... For once I hope I will get a rational answer,but than again .... how can I expect rational from the irrational ?:blush:
MAXAMEYES;417265 said:
1) Whom are you addressing?
2) What, actually, is your question?

Hey Max,I was addressing BANANAxBOY because he started the thread but anyone can comment. My questions are in my post in the first paragraph ( sentences that end with a question mark )

And BANANAxBOY , my first post there may have been a little aggressive,didn't really mean to be like that.I like topics like this so I get a little worked up .
And if you're honest about your feelings of love it would be better to thank you than to bash you regardless what is the driving force behind it...

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I gotcha,

Hey Max,I was addressing BANANAxBOY because he started the thread but anyone can comment. My questions are in my post in the first paragraph ( sentences that end with a question mark )

my bust; thought those were rhetorical.
Alex to each his own and if meditation rocks your boat than good for you but religion plays a large part in many peoples lives mine incl. Meditation I have used often alongside religion with good results. I have seen miracles manifest many times. I dont want to see anyone here badgered into a corner because of someone else's ideology on how things are or should be because nothing is the bee all and end all, meditation, religion or anything else ... its to each individual choice.
Forgot to make this point but regarding prayers to saints, all intercessory prayer, even through the saints, is directed to man's relationship with God.
I think what the point is that for some people the Bible works, for some people religion works, and what wasn't discussed very much is for some people not believing works. No one can argue the Bible is a very old book. The way I see it all the stories are so prehistoric that today to relate a story with now and compare it to a story when people road donkey thousands of miles to get around I have to say times have drastically changed entirely. Back then people were different, laws were different, wars were different. Now we have a nuclear bomb and we can decimate an entire country with the push of a button. I believe the Bible has a good moral value with it, and the story of Jesus is a beautiful story that brings tears to my eyes even though I do not practice his methods of living. I agree with MAXAMEYES, the Bible has too many misinterpretations to be taken so literally in the year 2000. As well too many Christians today go to church, put on a holy attitude, and go home to beat there kids. I know that how my childhood church experience was (I wasn't physically beaten; verbally unquestionably). Overall a religion has too much corruption for me to ever think about basing my existence on. I enjoy being around spiritual people who have a better sense of love, relationships, and forgiveness, but from personal experience it is these same people who you put so much trust into only to let you down because after all no matter who you are we are all human.

I gotta say honestly I have a personal relationship with God. It is not He or She. It is not a spiritual being upon a cloud looking down casting good or bad on events seen. Too me God is like an energetic motion. I have never been able to write out an explanation. Simply I have my own views for my reasons and you have yours (speaking to anyone) and I would like mine respected back. I see God as something that you feel. I am typing on a keyboard and this keyboard is God, the chair I'm sitting on is God, the air I'm breathing. I don't believe if you are good or bad you are punished, I believe if you make bad choices you will receive bad consequences and vice-versa for good. You see the way I feel about God is that it is another realm of existence so no way is it possible for you and I to be able to connect on the same understanding. We have a personal relationship each one of ours is different. If you are to teach me that something I disagree with is what God says I don't have to follow you. When I have a problem is when a religion tries forcing that belief on someone. I have an even bigger problem when a church is full of people trying to force a belief on people when they themselves do not follow that belief- very common in religions. I'll also add Christianity is technically not considered a religion.

MAXAMEYES is also right about nothing else in the Bible has much relevance besides the fact that Jesus repeats and is very clear that if you believe in Him and accept Him into your heart you are thus forgiven and allowed into Heaven. The 2nd step being to tell other people this as your new life as a Christian, after which studying the Bible is what you would be your new life. It is so basic an easy to understand it is the foundation of Christianity and is the reason it is separated from a title of religion because in religion you are saved by "acts". Well whether the story of Jesus is real, and whether if I follow the rest of the beliefs of what other people would have me practice so I can "go to Heaven" I prefer to look at my life as on a scale. So much fucked up shit has happen to me, and I am very lucky to have been raised in an environment where people are brought up with intelligence, I feel I have enough understanding of life by now I am 26 going on 27 I don't need Joe SHydromaxo from Kokomo standing at a pedistool telling me to repent or I'm going to Hell because for all I know that guy is a big fat hypocrite. And I'm sick of listening to people who get into a place of power and judging me when honestly nothing I'm doing is evil, bad, or wrong. I am healthy, I am forgiving, I am full of love and passion and I don't need to concern my mind with did I pray enough today? Did I allow myself to spread the word of God today? It touching my pee pee bad? Is not forgiving my fucked up neighbor for being a loud piece of shit going to be what sends me to Hell???

You know for some people it works and that why I believe its here. Because not everybody has been through the fucked up shit I have, and not everyone was lucky enough to go to a good highschool and a couple colleges to have a good head on their shoulders. I know better than to murder people, or steal, or lie, because I knw the consequences- I'm don't want to go to prison, I don't want to lose the ones I love, and etc, so I'm not going to do irrational shit to make let that happen therefore viola I'm going to Heaven :):):) My favorite is DLD who says "I got news for you, everyone gets to go to Heaven" I told my mom this and she rolled her eyes. To me it makes sense. At the foundation of all religions God wants one thing for all people and that is true happiness. When you have Jesus you are supposed to be happy. Do you know how miserable people in religion, including Christianity, are? Some of the most lame-hopeless scHydromaxucks you will ever come into contact with....that is the opposite of what Jesus promises by asking Him into your heart. If ya ask me something huge is missing. To me it is just a-whole-llota mumbo-jumbo passed down from parent's generation-to-generation-to-generation and so forth. Again I'm going to say it MAXAMEYES is right about never being able to stop learning. When you truly admit you know nothing is when you truly can being to know something. Why is religion not school, I think for Asian's it is. I believe there is another world of spirituality and indeed there is a God, but I don't believe for the most part you are ANYBODY is better than I am to teach me about it. If God wants me to know something, trust me, God lets me know, I am always willing to hear it. If I sit on my ass and not care I wont see what God has in-store for me thus my consequence is a pretty boring existence. I believe God uses human beings to interact with each other and it works through us. That is the energetic force. Some people are used more. Some maybe Satanic and I think if it works for them then more power to them.

The Bible says God knew all things from the beginning to the end. So in the beginning when the world was created God knew man would sin, so God knew the world would be cursed, and knew the Devil would retaliate, and it knew all about what life was going to be like for you and I to try and discover what it is exactly that is God, just like it knows how it is all going to end. So tell me how is ANY of it bad? If God created ALL of it and God Is Good- then Its ALL Good........and the rest is, well, history.
BANANAxBOY;416292 said:
There is nothing incorrect or incomplete about this as far as i'm concerned but maybe you could help me understand otherwise?


BB, that is really a strange statement-are you serious???
Here's just a few for you:

Bats are NOT birds.
Life is NOT static, it evolves-it is impossible that all things were created as we now see them-and will forever remain that way, not evolving.
The planet is NOT 6,000 years old.
Stars CANNNOT fall to the earth (but meteors can-those boys were just confused).
Plants CANNOT be here before the Sun.
People CANNOT live to 600 or 900 years old!! lol
Your god did NOT write the bible, neither did men of a god, Constantine and Politicians and Rabbis did.

The list is endless-but either you have a sense of reason or you don't-delusion is a powerful enemy of the mind. But I'd avoid making silly statements like "there's nothing you can prove wrong with the bible". Don't get me started on the moral wrongs of it-I was nice and just stuck to some of the obvious claims that are false and that list alone is quite long.
BANANAxBOY;415740 said:
There will be a lot of resistance to you reading what i'm about to quote and that is because the devil does not want you to read this, he is VERY manipulative. Try and clear your mind and read this short message.

"The Bible nowhere mentions anyone asking for someone in Heaven to pray for them. The Bible nowhere describes anyone in Heaven praying for anyone on earth. (2) The Bible gives absolutely no indication that Mary or the saints can hear our prayers. Mary and the saints are not omniscient. Even glorified in Heaven, they are still finite beings with limitations. How could they possibly hear the prayers of millions of people? Whenever the Bible mentions praying to or speaking with the dead, it is in the context of sorcery, witchcraft, necromancy, and divination - activities the Bible strongly condemns (Leviticus 20:27; Deuteronomy 18:10-13). The one instance when a "saint" is spoken to, Samuel in 1 Samuel 28:7-19, Samuel was not exactly happy to be disturbed. It is plainly clear that praying to Mary or the saints is completely different from asking someone here on earth to pray for you. One has a strong Biblical basis, the other has no Biblical basis whatsoever." Got Questions Ministries

I copied this because i feel it words my opinions very well. God nowhere says that we should COMMUNICATE WITH THE DEAD!! I am telling you this because i love you all!! I care for you. Praying to the DEAD will only provide you with FALSE securities. The SPIRITS OF THE DEAD will glady do the LITTLE things that they can to hold you captive.

Please read the HOLY BIBLE, the Word of the LORD, He speaks the Truth through it.

I expect to be bashed for my words of love to YOU.


Love and arrogance seem married in xianity to me.... You may have good intentions-but the xian concept of "love" is pretty twisted and self absorbed if you ask me, and I would say it's more self serving than compassionate whenever I see it. Sounds like you are addressing catholics to me... Which is strange, I haven't heard a lot of catholic stuff on this forum so you must have a beef with catholics and perhaps be a bit of a "fundamentalist"? That's what it sounds like BB.

Also-there is nothing wrong with a statement of faith such as "well, I BELIEVE it is true, I have faith in it." Nobody can argue with that, that is yours, you have a monopoly on it and you'll always win any argument about what you BELIEVE in my opinion. However-you CANNOT use reason to defend the bible without adhering to rules of reason.

Here is an example of this: You cannot use the document's claim as proof that the document is true.

Allow me to demonstrate: The bible is false. God has told me so. By your logic-I just proved the bible is false with "reason". Did I? No, what is in that book proves nothing except what the people of the day thought, or wanted others to think-that is ALL it proves, nothing more. There is no proof of anything coming from the bible other than a peek into history and how ignorant man was in its day. There are THOUSANDS of documents like the bible-they all claim to be the word of a god or gods also. So if you wish to use your argument-you've only disproven the bible as your argument proves all the other gods by the same statement ("it is the word of god") and those other books will contradict and many of them PREDATE YOUR GOD.

There is nothing valuable in the bible that cannot be found somewhere else. There is nothing special about Jesus that some other guy didn't do first according to some other book. As a result-you cannot use the bible to prove anything. You have to use real reason or you sound nothing short of silly. Reason tells us that most of the bible is false and as I said-a book written by politicians.

You DO realize the bible was compiled, edited, and created in the 4th Century (over 300 years after Jesus died) by politicians. There is no question of that, it is a historical fact. If you are not aware of this, start researching the bible outside of fundy web sites. Start with the "Council of Nicea". That one is interesting as it indicates that christians didn't decide how many gods they had until again, 300 years after Jesus died. Do you know how they decided it? There is no mention of godly presence or interference at that council-no, they debated it and argued it and decided-and as a result the bible was edited to indicate one god in 3 persons. There is however indications of the fact that your god was originally part of a pantheon of gods, this group of gods (very similar to other religions of the day, like the Greek system) was called the "elohim". This is still mentioned in some bibles. Another indication is that there are TWO creation stories in Genesis-and they don't line up, they are different. They are different because they are NOT the same story-there are 2 creations: One by the elohim, and one by Jehovah or "Yahweh" as he was called in that day-Yahweh/Jehovah has his own little "science experiment" going on in the garden of eden.

The fundy explanation for "the other people" of Nod (remember-that's where Cain goes and finds a wife after he is banished from the garden)-you cannot answer the question of the "other people" from your view of the bible as there IS no explanation as your view is simply inaccurate. However, if you know the history of xianity and the bible-you know about the 2 creations which explains "the other people" outside the garden... I could go on and on, but even the bible proves my claims like "2 creations" and "group of gods" (and Yahweh was just the chief god, of THUNDER, as the chief god commonly is in many cultures for thunder is the seemingly most powerful force in nature to the ignorant eye).

I'd research real history on your religion before staking your life on it. Good intentions are much more powerful when they are based on truth.

Lastly-back to your silly argument of "the bible says it's the word of god, therefore it's true". Don't think it's silly? Then play a game with me:

Now allow me one claim: That I found in a cave, a drawing of a circle, and inside the circle there is a drawing of a man, and the word truth. This is no different nor less substantial than your TRUE claim: that you have a bible.
Now with your christian arguments, I can prove that the circle is the most powerful force in the world (or universe if you wish to claim that even though it didn't mention it, contradicts it, that "the bible claims god creates the universe") and that it created all things and that it will destroy all things, and that it is the one truth of all things. Try me.
Lets keep this RESPenis EnlargementCTFUL and not insultful. The guy has his core beliefs and so do you, lets respect it and move on. Keep this civilised and not a I know best thread.
REDZULU2003;424344 said:
Lets keep this RESPenis EnlargementCTFUL and not insultful. The guy has his core beliefs and so do you, lets respect it and move on. Keep this civilised and not a I know best thread.

I don't see how it was disrespectful. The only thing close was calling him out on the "silly" argument that a document can be used to prove itself. Also, maybe in your culture it is bad manners to debate religion or cite historical reasons why it has problems. In my culture-this is quite common, you settle issues of religion with fierce debate. It's true that in christianity, debate is NOT respected and historically they'd just murder anyone that didn't go along... but that's not my fault. If you are going to base your life on something, you should be willing to critically think about it and discuss it in a very serious way. I find it much more insulting when someone uses bogus logic to tell me or someone else that they know the truth and I or they should follow and agree. And when they DO THAT, they've asked to sit down and discuss it in a serious way.

I respect the man's faith-I said that, I simply think the arguments are very poor and have demonstrated why. That's fair, he brought it up-he asked for such responses. If you're going to open the door on religion, you cannot complain when the tax man comes into the house. So I gotta go ahead and disagree with you here ZULU.
Your very emotional about it is all and its nothing personal but remember that for some here religion is there life and no one else can judge them for it, its a choice of ones choosing. This thread is good but as usual with religious threads emotions run high and can erupt. I'm just gently reminding you of the fact.
REDZULU2003;424351 said:
Your very emotional about it is all and its nothing personal but remember that for some here religion is there life and no one else can judge them for it, its a choice of ones choosing. This thread is good but as usual with religious threads emotions run high and can erupt. I'm just gently reminding you of the fact.

Point taken-but allow me to reiterate one: Religious fanatics are like flashers.. they run around flashing their junk at strangers. So I do think they open themselves up to whatever responses they get. I'm also passionate about my faith-but mine doesn't depend on others believing or agreeing-that's why you don't see me pimping it! If they didn't try to shove it down the throats of others-they wouldn't get responses like mine. I'd also point out that BB's post is actually quite offensive to both catholics and mormons -about how the bible says not to talk to the dead, not to pray to mary and so forth. So while in a much more "slippery" fashion-BB also essentially opened by attacking at least 2 other religions. So if I have attacked HIS religion, A/ he asked for it and B/ turn about is fair play...
I understand. My points were earlier in the thread when the thread creator pulled me up about praying to saints as not allowed which to me is offensive but its his choice and view, I have to respect it but on the same token he needs to respect other folks views and differences.
Alex DeLarge;417263 said:
If I am not mistaken you said y

One more thing, I am a guy that is very interested in spirituality ,quantum mechanics,meditation,mysticism and personal growth in general,in any way shape or form. My journey has led me to meditation as a practical and individual way to truth and happiness and I would recommend it to everyone:) Little by little as you live in the present moment more and more you will start to realize the people sleepwalking past you in every part of your life, self proclaimed "saved" or religiously-enlightened-touched-by-Jesus people along with priests are the most interesting to observe :blush:

I totally understand and respect your points (I am a total convert of Meditation and would suggest the entire planet did this).

However, it dawned on me that perhaps praying, is a form of meditation.

I meditate twice a day, morning and evening (30 minutes each time) and would be interested in your take on what I'm claiming here.