So a little bit about myself. I'm 20 year old. I never lifted in highschool, now and again I would go with friends, but it was rare. I didn't play any school sports. I've been racing downhill mountain bike since I was about 12. I've never been in real great shape. I was 195lbs at 5'11" when I graduated highschool and I was not very muscular. I've always had strong legs from the years of cycling, but my upper body was weak. As well I've always been a bit chunky. Not fat but definitely over weight.
After graduating highschool I went to school in Chicago for one year. This was not good at all for my body. My cycling went away almost completely for a year, and I had my first year of to much beer and late night food.
June 2005 roles around I get home from school(which is Vermont). I hop on the scale the next morning and I see the awful number of 217. Wasn't to happy. Over the next couple of months I lost around 7 pounds just from getting back on the bicycle and riding again.
I decided to take a year off from school and I stay living at home. October 2005 my Dad(who has been into martial arts his entire life and has been a fair bit of lifting in the past) stumbles upon a local Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gym run by Julio Fernandez(anyone who knows anything about MMA he was one of Carlos Gracies top students and is 200-0 in Jiu Jitsu competition).
New Years. I've gotten into the Jiu-Jitsu thing quite a bit and have also picked up boxing at the same gym.(This was a great thing to complement my cycling as I can't ride in the winter). I am now doing between 5-7 classes a week(double classes on some days). So in the midst of 6-9 hours of Jiu Jitsu/Boxing. At this point I've shed of a few more pounds and am around 203 pounds. I make a New Year's resolution to get myself into really good shape and also get stronger I didn't want to be weak, or at least I considered myself to be weak. I started lifting 2-3 days a week, kind of doing my own thing nothing specialized and continue with the Jiu Jitsu?Boxing until about April.
By the start of April I've stopped lifting, just didn't have the motivation for it I guess, and wasn't seeing the results I was hoping for. I got into the mags and was buying way to many supplements and I think expecting to much.
By May I stop Jiu Jitsu as my race season(I race as a Semi-Pro) is pretty demanding and I didn't have time for the Jiu Jitsu over the summer. At this point I am around 195 pounds.
By Early August Peak racing season I am down to 188 pounds but I think I lost some muscle and certainly didn't have much definition if any.
With school starting again I haven't been able to race anymore but I have since gotten back into lifting and Jiu Jitsu. For this winter I am really looking to get myself into shape. I have new motivation for it all stemming from multiple things my racing, girls, how I feel about myself, etc. So I am going to start a log on the forums here to help keep me on track.. I have poked around here before and feel I am relativley knowledgeable about lifting. As far as my lifting routines go, I have been doing a lot of reading and am kind of convinced that full body work outs are the way to go. I've found that I can really work my muscles just fine with 2 excercies and a lot of the other excercies still entail the use of other muscles.
My main goal is to stay around the weight I am (193lbs), but pack on around 15-20 pounds of muscles and lose the same amount in fat. I also want to try and do this at the same time. I don't want to go through a bulk and cut phase. I've recently worked on getting my diet in line(the last couple of weeks at least), and have almost completely cut out beef and pork(except for lean cuts of beef). I'm trying to eat lots of veggies, turkey, chicken, tuna, and take in a medium amount of carbs. I'm looking to get down around 10% bodyfat, I'm not positive but I think I am in the 16-17% right now. I'd like to hear any feedback from anyone whether positive or negative. Below I'm going to list my 3 different rountines and my plans involved with them.
I have 3 lifting routines which I started 2 weeks ago. My week for lifting begins on Sunday just so you know how I have my lifting sequenced. My plan for my rountines is to do varyign reps ranges to work the different types of muscles fiber and to work the muscles differently. I.E. Week one routine 1 15 reps, rountine 2 10 reps, routine 3 5 reps. Week two routine 1 10 reps, routine 2 5 reps, routine 3 15 reps, and so on. So for my different routines.
Routine #1
Stiff Leg Deadlift
Hang Power Clean
Barbell Curl
Low Pulley Rear Deltoid Raise
Low Pulley One Armed Curls
Seat Two Arm Lat Pull In
45 Degree Leg Press
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
One Arm Dumbbell Rows
Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Curl
Smith Machine Upright Rowing
Pillar Bridges
Back Extensions
Incline Sit Ups
Routine #2
Stiff Leg Deadlift
Hang Power Clean
Tricep Press Down w/Rope
Close Grip Pull Down
Arnold Presses
Hammer Curls
Decline Smith Machine Bench Press
Barbell Curls
Straight Arm Dumbbell Pull Over
Pillar Bridges
Back Extensions
Incline Sit Ups
Routine #3
Curl Machine
Wide Grip Front Pull Down
Barbell Curls
Lying Barbell Tricep Curl
Split Squats w/Dumbbells
Smith Machine Squats
Smith Machine Military Press
Dumbbell Bench Press
One Arm Dumbbell Rows
Pec Fly Machine
Front Deloid Raises to Shrugs(Super Set)
Pillar Bridges
Back Extension
Incline Sit Up
Note: All the weight I post for any Smith Machine excerices or the 45 degree leg press do not inlcude the weight of the machine. I'm not sure if you should fact that in or not. So if I have a 45 plate on each side of the smith machin I consider myself to be doing only 90 pounds, same goes for the 45 degree leg press.
So now for my training schedule. Because of school and work I am only giving myself 3 days a week to lift. I might slip in a 4th day though. Below is my schedule.
Monday: Work 9-4 Jiu Jitsu 6-8
Tuesday: Class 11:45-5:30 Boxing/Jiu Jitsu 6-8
Wednesday: Gym 11-1 Work 2-11
Thursday: Class 11:45-2:30 and 6-9
Friday: Gym 11-1 Work 2-12
Saturday: Jiu Jitsu 10-12
Sunday: Gym 1-3 Work 4-11
In addition to that I have to slip in 10-15 hours of home work as well so I am plenty busy. I was thinking of adding in a light lifting day with a bunch of abs on Thursday between classes. Below I'm going to post my first two weeks of lifting.
Note: For Pillar bridges 30x40x40x3 means 3 sets at 30 seconds for each side.
Note: For the first week I did my decline presses as dumbbell press but decided to change them to smith machin to change it up a bit.
Note: First two weeks I did Lying Serpentine curls on routine #2 instead of barbell curls, but have switched to barbell curls because I was getting some shoulder pain doing the Lying Serpentine curls.
Note: For some of the excerices when I do low reps/heavy weight I do a warm up set as I feel it is important when dealing with heavier then normal weight.
Routine #1 9/3/2006 15 Reps
95x15 95x15 95x15
135x15 135x15 135x15
45x15 55x15 60x15
55x15 55x15 55x15
20x15 20x15 20x12
20x15 20x15 20x15
55x15 55x15 55x15
360x15 360x15 360x15
25x15 25x15 30x15
35x15 35x15 35x15
25x15 30x15 30x15
40x10 30x15 30x15
10 10 10
15 15 15 At Level 8
Routine #2 9/6/06 10 Reps
115x10 135x10 145x10
135x10 185x10 185x10
70x10 70x10 70x10
70x10 80x10 90x10
85x10 85x10 85x10
25x10 25x10 25x10
25x10 25x10 25x10
35x10 40x10 40x10
20x10 20x10 20x10
45x10 50x10 50x10
10 10 10
15 15 15 At Level 8
Also did 10 rounds of shadow boxing at 1 minute rounds and 30 seconds rest, and pushed really hard just for a little interval training at the end of the workout. Also did 20 minutes on the recumbent bike at a easy to medium pace.
Routine #3 9/8/06 5 reps
65x5 75x5 77.5x5
115x5 130x5 130x5
70x5 75x5 75x5 80x5
45x5 65x5 75x5 80x5
55x5 55x5 55x5
180x5 230x5 270x5 270x5
60x5 70x5 80x5 85x5
60x5 65x5 65x5
10 10 15
70x5 100x5 115x5 115x5
25x5/60x5 30x5/60x5 30x5/60x5
10 10 10
15 15 15 At Level 8
Routine #1 9/10/06 10 Reps
140x10 145x10 150x10
170x10 180x10 190x10
70x10 70x10 70x10
65x10 70x10 70x10
25x10 25x10 25x10
30x10 35x10 35x10
70x10 70x10 70x10
410x10 410x10 410x10
35x10 40x10 45x10
50x10 50x10 55x10
40x10 40x10 45x10
50x10 50x10 50x10
10 10 10
15 15 15 At Level 8
Routine #2 9/13/06 5 Reps
135x5 165x5 175x5 180x5
185x5 205x5 215x5 225x5
85x5 90x5 95x5
100x5 130x5 130x5
130x5 130x5 130x5
35x5 40x5 40x5
35x5 35x5 35x5
70x5 90x5 120x5 130x5 140x5
35x3 30x5 30x5
50x5 60x5 65x5
10 10 10
15 15 15 At Level 8
5 Rounds of shadow boxing at 1 minute on 30 seconds off
I was feeling especially energized this day so I decided to work my legs some extra and did some sets on the 45 degree leg press.
500x5 540x5 590x5 630x5(I thought this was pretty good. Looked cool at least with 7 plates on each side).
Routine #3 9/15/06 15 Reps
45x15 47.5x15 50x15
85x15 85x15 85x15
60x15 60x15 60x15
35x15 35x15 35x15
180x15 180x15 180x15
50x15 50x14 50x12
40x15 45x15 50x15
40x15 40x15 45x15
15 10x15 25x15
70x15 75x15 75x15
15x15/50x15 15x15/50x15 15x15/50x15
10 10 10
15 15 15 At Level 8
Now for my supplements.
Morning: 20g Whey protein
Multi Vit, Vit C, B Complex 50, 500mg Calcium, Glucosamine/Chondritin, 2g Glutamine 2g CLA, 2g Flaxseed Oil
2g Fish Oil, Fiber
Before Workout: 20g Whey Protein with 5g Creatine
During Workout: I drink a 50/50 of water/gatorade
After Workout: 40g Whey protein with 5g Creatine All my lifting days are currently right before I go to work. I mange a small Italian restuarant. So I have lunch there usualy after working out. This lunch usualy consists of a garden salad with usually Balsamic Vinegar but some times I crave something fatty. I also eat a chicken parm sandwhich. 5oz breaded chicken breast, I take the breading of the chicken. We make our own ciabatta bread which is a poofy bread. When I cut the loaf I pick out all of the dow so there is a less bread. It has a little marinara sauce, a sprinkle of parm, and I usually only put 3 thinly sliced pieces of mozzarella cheese on it. I think this is a pretty good lunch.
Before Bed: 20g whey protein(creatine as well if it is a non lifting day. None lifting days I only take in 5g of creatine instead of 10). 2g Glutamine, 2g Fish Oil, 2g Flaxseed Oil, Glucosamine/Chondritin, and 2g CLA.
That's what I am taking now, but I am low on funds and plan on adding some other stuff. I want to buy some glutamine and arginine powder which I plan on adding in 3 times a day as well as HydromaxB. Also I forgot I am currently working on a bottle of HyrodxyCut Hardcore. Not to strick with it. I take either 2 or 4 pills a day. I'm also looking to pick up some Syntha 6 as my night time protein. My current protein is just ON Whey. As well I think I am going to buy a couple things of Anator p70. I've read a lot of reviews and although some are bad I think it seems a like a good product. Also when the the new BSN ATRO-PHEX comes out I think I might give that a try.
I think that is about all I have to post for now. I am going to try and list daily updates with what I've done, ate, etc. As well as questions. I hope a bunch of people view this and can give me some feed back. One quick question if someone can answer for me is I've noticed the last two weeks since I've started lifting that my rotator cuffs on both shoulders are in a ton of pain. Not sure if I tore them, but is there a certain excercise that I am doing that would put abnormal stress on them. I'm also going to post a picture shortly.
After graduating highschool I went to school in Chicago for one year. This was not good at all for my body. My cycling went away almost completely for a year, and I had my first year of to much beer and late night food.
June 2005 roles around I get home from school(which is Vermont). I hop on the scale the next morning and I see the awful number of 217. Wasn't to happy. Over the next couple of months I lost around 7 pounds just from getting back on the bicycle and riding again.
I decided to take a year off from school and I stay living at home. October 2005 my Dad(who has been into martial arts his entire life and has been a fair bit of lifting in the past) stumbles upon a local Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gym run by Julio Fernandez(anyone who knows anything about MMA he was one of Carlos Gracies top students and is 200-0 in Jiu Jitsu competition).
New Years. I've gotten into the Jiu-Jitsu thing quite a bit and have also picked up boxing at the same gym.(This was a great thing to complement my cycling as I can't ride in the winter). I am now doing between 5-7 classes a week(double classes on some days). So in the midst of 6-9 hours of Jiu Jitsu/Boxing. At this point I've shed of a few more pounds and am around 203 pounds. I make a New Year's resolution to get myself into really good shape and also get stronger I didn't want to be weak, or at least I considered myself to be weak. I started lifting 2-3 days a week, kind of doing my own thing nothing specialized and continue with the Jiu Jitsu?Boxing until about April.
By the start of April I've stopped lifting, just didn't have the motivation for it I guess, and wasn't seeing the results I was hoping for. I got into the mags and was buying way to many supplements and I think expecting to much.
By May I stop Jiu Jitsu as my race season(I race as a Semi-Pro) is pretty demanding and I didn't have time for the Jiu Jitsu over the summer. At this point I am around 195 pounds.
By Early August Peak racing season I am down to 188 pounds but I think I lost some muscle and certainly didn't have much definition if any.
With school starting again I haven't been able to race anymore but I have since gotten back into lifting and Jiu Jitsu. For this winter I am really looking to get myself into shape. I have new motivation for it all stemming from multiple things my racing, girls, how I feel about myself, etc. So I am going to start a log on the forums here to help keep me on track.. I have poked around here before and feel I am relativley knowledgeable about lifting. As far as my lifting routines go, I have been doing a lot of reading and am kind of convinced that full body work outs are the way to go. I've found that I can really work my muscles just fine with 2 excercies and a lot of the other excercies still entail the use of other muscles.
My main goal is to stay around the weight I am (193lbs), but pack on around 15-20 pounds of muscles and lose the same amount in fat. I also want to try and do this at the same time. I don't want to go through a bulk and cut phase. I've recently worked on getting my diet in line(the last couple of weeks at least), and have almost completely cut out beef and pork(except for lean cuts of beef). I'm trying to eat lots of veggies, turkey, chicken, tuna, and take in a medium amount of carbs. I'm looking to get down around 10% bodyfat, I'm not positive but I think I am in the 16-17% right now. I'd like to hear any feedback from anyone whether positive or negative. Below I'm going to list my 3 different rountines and my plans involved with them.
I have 3 lifting routines which I started 2 weeks ago. My week for lifting begins on Sunday just so you know how I have my lifting sequenced. My plan for my rountines is to do varyign reps ranges to work the different types of muscles fiber and to work the muscles differently. I.E. Week one routine 1 15 reps, rountine 2 10 reps, routine 3 5 reps. Week two routine 1 10 reps, routine 2 5 reps, routine 3 15 reps, and so on. So for my different routines.
Routine #1
Stiff Leg Deadlift
Hang Power Clean
Barbell Curl
Low Pulley Rear Deltoid Raise
Low Pulley One Armed Curls
Seat Two Arm Lat Pull In
45 Degree Leg Press
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
One Arm Dumbbell Rows
Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Curl
Smith Machine Upright Rowing
Pillar Bridges
Back Extensions
Incline Sit Ups
Routine #2
Stiff Leg Deadlift
Hang Power Clean
Tricep Press Down w/Rope
Close Grip Pull Down
Arnold Presses
Hammer Curls
Decline Smith Machine Bench Press
Barbell Curls
Straight Arm Dumbbell Pull Over
Pillar Bridges
Back Extensions
Incline Sit Ups
Routine #3
Curl Machine
Wide Grip Front Pull Down
Barbell Curls
Lying Barbell Tricep Curl
Split Squats w/Dumbbells
Smith Machine Squats
Smith Machine Military Press
Dumbbell Bench Press
One Arm Dumbbell Rows
Pec Fly Machine
Front Deloid Raises to Shrugs(Super Set)
Pillar Bridges
Back Extension
Incline Sit Up
Note: All the weight I post for any Smith Machine excerices or the 45 degree leg press do not inlcude the weight of the machine. I'm not sure if you should fact that in or not. So if I have a 45 plate on each side of the smith machin I consider myself to be doing only 90 pounds, same goes for the 45 degree leg press.
So now for my training schedule. Because of school and work I am only giving myself 3 days a week to lift. I might slip in a 4th day though. Below is my schedule.
Monday: Work 9-4 Jiu Jitsu 6-8
Tuesday: Class 11:45-5:30 Boxing/Jiu Jitsu 6-8
Wednesday: Gym 11-1 Work 2-11
Thursday: Class 11:45-2:30 and 6-9
Friday: Gym 11-1 Work 2-12
Saturday: Jiu Jitsu 10-12
Sunday: Gym 1-3 Work 4-11
In addition to that I have to slip in 10-15 hours of home work as well so I am plenty busy. I was thinking of adding in a light lifting day with a bunch of abs on Thursday between classes. Below I'm going to post my first two weeks of lifting.
Note: For Pillar bridges 30x40x40x3 means 3 sets at 30 seconds for each side.
Note: For the first week I did my decline presses as dumbbell press but decided to change them to smith machin to change it up a bit.
Note: First two weeks I did Lying Serpentine curls on routine #2 instead of barbell curls, but have switched to barbell curls because I was getting some shoulder pain doing the Lying Serpentine curls.
Note: For some of the excerices when I do low reps/heavy weight I do a warm up set as I feel it is important when dealing with heavier then normal weight.
Routine #1 9/3/2006 15 Reps
95x15 95x15 95x15
135x15 135x15 135x15
45x15 55x15 60x15
55x15 55x15 55x15
20x15 20x15 20x12
20x15 20x15 20x15
55x15 55x15 55x15
360x15 360x15 360x15
25x15 25x15 30x15
35x15 35x15 35x15
25x15 30x15 30x15
40x10 30x15 30x15
10 10 10
15 15 15 At Level 8
Routine #2 9/6/06 10 Reps
115x10 135x10 145x10
135x10 185x10 185x10
70x10 70x10 70x10
70x10 80x10 90x10
85x10 85x10 85x10
25x10 25x10 25x10
25x10 25x10 25x10
35x10 40x10 40x10
20x10 20x10 20x10
45x10 50x10 50x10
10 10 10
15 15 15 At Level 8
Also did 10 rounds of shadow boxing at 1 minute rounds and 30 seconds rest, and pushed really hard just for a little interval training at the end of the workout. Also did 20 minutes on the recumbent bike at a easy to medium pace.
Routine #3 9/8/06 5 reps
65x5 75x5 77.5x5
115x5 130x5 130x5
70x5 75x5 75x5 80x5
45x5 65x5 75x5 80x5
55x5 55x5 55x5
180x5 230x5 270x5 270x5
60x5 70x5 80x5 85x5
60x5 65x5 65x5
10 10 15
70x5 100x5 115x5 115x5
25x5/60x5 30x5/60x5 30x5/60x5
10 10 10
15 15 15 At Level 8
Routine #1 9/10/06 10 Reps
140x10 145x10 150x10
170x10 180x10 190x10
70x10 70x10 70x10
65x10 70x10 70x10
25x10 25x10 25x10
30x10 35x10 35x10
70x10 70x10 70x10
410x10 410x10 410x10
35x10 40x10 45x10
50x10 50x10 55x10
40x10 40x10 45x10
50x10 50x10 50x10
10 10 10
15 15 15 At Level 8
Routine #2 9/13/06 5 Reps
135x5 165x5 175x5 180x5
185x5 205x5 215x5 225x5
85x5 90x5 95x5
100x5 130x5 130x5
130x5 130x5 130x5
35x5 40x5 40x5
35x5 35x5 35x5
70x5 90x5 120x5 130x5 140x5
35x3 30x5 30x5
50x5 60x5 65x5
10 10 10
15 15 15 At Level 8
5 Rounds of shadow boxing at 1 minute on 30 seconds off
I was feeling especially energized this day so I decided to work my legs some extra and did some sets on the 45 degree leg press.
500x5 540x5 590x5 630x5(I thought this was pretty good. Looked cool at least with 7 plates on each side).
Routine #3 9/15/06 15 Reps
45x15 47.5x15 50x15
85x15 85x15 85x15
60x15 60x15 60x15
35x15 35x15 35x15
180x15 180x15 180x15
50x15 50x14 50x12
40x15 45x15 50x15
40x15 40x15 45x15
15 10x15 25x15
70x15 75x15 75x15
15x15/50x15 15x15/50x15 15x15/50x15
10 10 10
15 15 15 At Level 8
Now for my supplements.
Morning: 20g Whey protein
Multi Vit, Vit C, B Complex 50, 500mg Calcium, Glucosamine/Chondritin, 2g Glutamine 2g CLA, 2g Flaxseed Oil
2g Fish Oil, Fiber
Before Workout: 20g Whey Protein with 5g Creatine
During Workout: I drink a 50/50 of water/gatorade
After Workout: 40g Whey protein with 5g Creatine All my lifting days are currently right before I go to work. I mange a small Italian restuarant. So I have lunch there usualy after working out. This lunch usualy consists of a garden salad with usually Balsamic Vinegar but some times I crave something fatty. I also eat a chicken parm sandwhich. 5oz breaded chicken breast, I take the breading of the chicken. We make our own ciabatta bread which is a poofy bread. When I cut the loaf I pick out all of the dow so there is a less bread. It has a little marinara sauce, a sprinkle of parm, and I usually only put 3 thinly sliced pieces of mozzarella cheese on it. I think this is a pretty good lunch.
Before Bed: 20g whey protein(creatine as well if it is a non lifting day. None lifting days I only take in 5g of creatine instead of 10). 2g Glutamine, 2g Fish Oil, 2g Flaxseed Oil, Glucosamine/Chondritin, and 2g CLA.
That's what I am taking now, but I am low on funds and plan on adding some other stuff. I want to buy some glutamine and arginine powder which I plan on adding in 3 times a day as well as HydromaxB. Also I forgot I am currently working on a bottle of HyrodxyCut Hardcore. Not to strick with it. I take either 2 or 4 pills a day. I'm also looking to pick up some Syntha 6 as my night time protein. My current protein is just ON Whey. As well I think I am going to buy a couple things of Anator p70. I've read a lot of reviews and although some are bad I think it seems a like a good product. Also when the the new BSN ATRO-PHEX comes out I think I might give that a try.
I think that is about all I have to post for now. I am going to try and list daily updates with what I've done, ate, etc. As well as questions. I hope a bunch of people view this and can give me some feed back. One quick question if someone can answer for me is I've noticed the last two weeks since I've started lifting that my rotator cuffs on both shoulders are in a ton of pain. Not sure if I tore them, but is there a certain excercise that I am doing that would put abnormal stress on them. I'm also going to post a picture shortly.