Hey all,

I have been with my gf for like 14 months now, and it all goes really good, but there is one thing always have been on my mind, and that is her ex. Like 16 months ago, she put an end to the relationship with her ex, because he cheated on her, and they were already have problems about stuff. Now she really dislikes him and stuff, and really loves me, and even wanna go in future with me. But here is where im stuck with: I just cant handle the fact that her ex had sex with her. It sound stupid but im just stuck with fact. When my Gf first saw my dick, she was really surprised, because apparently i have a much bigger dick then he had. Also she told me a lot of times that my sex is waaay more better then his, and my fingering skills compared to his are even 100 times better. She tells me that when she was having sex with him, sometimes she was just like thinking about other stuff like Soap series or that the New magazine is out, and stuff. She never has that with me.

So, my sex is better, my foreplay is better, my dick is bigger, But still, when im fantazising about sex, i see her having sex with her ex, and that she is enjoying it a lot. I dont get it, Why do keep thinking about that and get a sad feeling about it ?:( Even when she talks negative about her sex with her ex, it just ruins my mind.

I just can't handle the fact that she had sex with him, and somehow, when ever i think about it, i am thinking about her having a lot of enjoyment with him, more then with me. It's stupid, I know, but i dont know why.

Anytime after we have sex, I always feel really good. At those moments i KNOW i am better then him, in all those ways, and her reaction after the sex confirms that. Then when i think about him having sex with my gf, i just laugh in my selfs that he sucked at it. But like when im home again, the other day, again i gets in my mind that she had sex with him.

Did somebody had the same, or can somebody encourage me somehow, so that i dont worry about it anymore?

Thanks for reading my story!

One addition: My girlfriend is my first with all the sexual experience. Her first was with her ex.
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Let it go. a relationship is like a sports teams. You can be good but one player can't do it all himself. Some guys for a couple, sex is a part of it but its not everything.

Talk to her. One thing that guys don't do is figure what she likes and they get cheated on when they thought everything was OK. You can tell her your problem(optional) and talk during sex, she will tell what she likes. Must guys assume there blowing her socks off when there not cause they don't care to found out what she likes.

Eat the meow(optional) but if you want to show her a good time and she hasn't been with a ton of dudes and you like her a lot, get to licking.
No, i dont think you understood my problem:P Let me try to once more:

The sex is great, Foreplay Unbelieveable, i know exactly what my girlfriend likes, we communicate a lot. We have NON sexual problem.

The only problem is me: Despite of the fact that Im doing everything 100 times better then her ex did, I still feel uncomfortable when i think about my gf and her ex, that they had sex.

You know normally, when a guy knows that he is better then his girlfriend's ex, there shouldn't be a problem. But with me, even if my girlfriend tells me, i still cant deal with the fact they had sex, even if it sucked! I think i can't handle the fact that he had sex with my gf. Oke i know it was before she had anything with me, but still....

So the problem is that, even if my GF tells me that the sex and stuff sucked with her ex, when i imagen about them, having sex, i feel bad about it...
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You already know the answer to this. Get rid of that negative mindset. You can't live life thinking about the negative stuff.

Do you just dislike the guy?

Cause I had that once when I liked a chick but I hated the guy she use to fool around with and that held me back with her and I couldn't stop thinking"how could she with that guy" If its that I understand but If your better than him why would you care.
Ye it does look a bit like that. I hate that guy now, because he had sex with my GF, and cheated on her. So im like ''how could she be with that guy''. In the beginning i had no problems with this, but later on i started to ask stuff about them, and their sex. That was a mistake of me to ask that.

But Girth Hammer, i really got to thank you. That last sentence: ''Why would you care'' helped me. It's that simpel. I also gotta say because i wrote about this, i do feel a lot better, since yesterday it didn't pop in my mind. Now anytime it pops up in my mind, that they were having sex, im kind of laughing cause im thinking: haha dude you sucked at it.

Thanks, feel a lot better:)
Welcome man, Deep down I knew that what your question really was. She sees the light now and wants a great guy like you, make sure you treat her right. Plenty of chicks will repeat the some mistake over & over. At least she understands her mistake, don't hold it against her.
Thanks both of you guys. I really feel a lot of better. I didnt even think about the whole idea that had been together, and i didnt give any f*ck that they had sex. Before I started this thread, my body always gave me this weird and uncomfortable feeling. Now i dont have that anymore!

Tomorrow i will sneak into her house, while she is a sleep, and lay flowers next to her, coz tomorrow we are together for 15 months. :)
Dude, seriously, MAN THE F*CK UP!

Beleive it or not, WOMEN LOVE SEX!!!

You really need to get over your maddona/whore complex(this is where you group women as innocent little flowers if they havn't had sex before, or if they have, you consider them whores) its a purity thing which you need to eraze from your head.
its understandable to feel uncomfortable when hearing about a girlfriend's past relationships and sexual experiences,
but if you two are happy and having good sex, and she tells you how much better you are than him, then why worry about it?
just forget about him, hes not in her life anymore, but you are
Believe it or not but i think im over it! I really dont care about it anymore. I think it's all over. Now im in the period of: Why did i even care about that they had sex :p
trainingtzr;379878 said:
Believe it or not but i think im over it! I really dont care about it anymore. I think it's all over. Now im in the period of: Why did i even care about that they had sex :p

I am glad we gave you some perspective on this, it most likely saved your relationship.
skyfox7;380023 said:
And when she leaves you for another man, she will continue to have sex and enjoy it.

Prediction seems odd.
trainingtzr;380035 said:
hehe, she wont leave me for another man ;)

keep telling yourself that buddy, because soon you will be in for the biggest shock of your life.

doublelongdaddy;380056 said:
Prediction seems odd.

She'l get bored and tired of his insecurities eventually and find somebody else.
skyfox7;380321 said:
keep telling yourself that buddy, because soon you will be in for the biggest shock of your life.

She'l get bored and tired of his insecurities eventually and find somebody else.

Agree with all of this. Women ALWAYS keep there eyes open for "mister right". All women are searching for prince charming to sweep them off there feet, marry them, live in a white picket fence house.

Never assume you know what she's thinking. Keep thinking like that and it will be to late. She may leave or just cheat to find what she wants. And you would never know cause women don't want to bruise your ego so she will never tell you what your doing wrong, She just hope you change to her liking. If you don't she WILL search for a guy that fits the mold of a guy she wants.

You think guys are better cheater? Sit with a group of chicks and talk about cheating. They will make you want to be gay. A chick will find the smallest thing wrong and cheat for that. I have heard so many times "he is perfect but" And the poor guy is being cheated on.
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When you find the person who is right for you none of this will be an issue.
doublelongdaddy;380408 said:
When you find the person who is right for you none of this will be an issue.

laocoon;380330 said:
This thread just got brutal :O
I only said what I said to keep him on his toes. I see so many guys make the mistake of thinking they know there girl like the back of there hand. I just said that for a "heads up" so he will get to know what she really likes than doing what most guys do, which is assuming.
Its called tough love and a reality check.

You may find this hard to believe but women cheat far more than you can possibly imagine, however, unlike men, they are far more skilled at hiding it. Iv fucked many chicks who had pussy nice guy boyfriends, even husbands, some were even engaged, and once a cheater, always a cheater.

When it comes to women, under the right circumstances, ANYTHING can happen, regardless of whether they are engaged, married, single etc. You'd be shocked just how easy it is to make a chick horny and fuck her even if she has a partner, once you know what your doing.

Over the last few years as I got better, the conversations I had with women about sex and relationships would make most nice guys, boyfriends and married men skin crawl.

And as Girth Hammer rightly pointed out, you don't know shit about he other person in reality. You only see and know what they want you to, after all, we all have our little secrets. ;)
skyfox7;380472 said:
Its called tough love and a reality check.

You may find this hard to believe but women cheat far more than you can possibly imagine, however, unlike men, they are far more skilled at hiding it. Iv fucked many chicks who had pussy nice guy boyfriends, even husbands, some were even engaged, and once a cheater, always a cheater.

When it comes to women, under the right circumstances, ANYTHING can happen, regardless of whether they are engaged, married, single etc. You'd be shocked just how easy it is to make a chick horny and fuck her even if she has a partner, once you know what your doing.

Over the last few years as I got better, the conversations I had with women about sex and relationships would make most nice guys, boyfriends and married men skin crawl.

And as Girth Hammer rightly pointed out, you don't know shit about he other person in reality. You only see and know what they want you to, after all, we all have our little secrets. ;)


Once a woman has you figured out sexually, emotionally and mentally, she is done with you and will only stay until you completely disgust her or another guy comes along. Women don't use logic to think like we do, they use there emotions. You can't logic a girl into liking you or staying with you. You have to envoke emotions to do that. I know so many women who are in stagnant boring relationships and only stay because of familiarity. Most women are really insecure about being single, they base their self-worth on whether they're in a relationship, or how many guys they have chasing after them. That's why a lot of them settle with plain average douchey guys. Don't be a needy insecure bitch.

Also if it doesn't work out with this girl, the next girl you get will probably have more than one ex who she's fucked.......get over it! Women have sex.
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Hellface;380481 said:

Once a woman has you figured out sexually, emotionally and mentally, she is done with you and will only stay until you completely disgust her or another guy comes along. Women don't use logic to think like we do, they use there emotions. You can't logic a girl into liking you or staying with you. You have to envoke emotions to do that. I know so many women who are in stagnant boring relationships and only stay because of familiarity. Most women are really insecure about being single, they base their self-worth on whether they're in a relationship, or how many guys they have chasing after them. That's why a lot of them settle with plain average douchey guys. Don't be a needy insecure bitch.

Also if it doesn't work out with this girl, the next girl you get will probably have more than one ex who she's fucked.......get over it! Women have sex.

I love your blunt way of thinking:)
Hahaha, nice thread xD

To begin with, i said ''she wont'', because i think you kind of get a wrong image of me. I am not insecure about anything of my self, the only problem was that i was gettin those pussy toughts of: ''Oh my gf had sex with another boy, and i can't stand that''. I crossed that line now. I mean like, instead of me worring about: She had sex with him, HER EX is thinking: Shit, that guy is bangin my ex!

But I do agree on that girls always look for Mister Perfect, and cut the ties because of some guys insecurity. Thats why i never told her i had this thing in my mind lol.

But you know, im still young, and even if i like a girl A LOT, close to saying: Im in love with her, i wouldn't just give out my heart. So even if she would cheat on me right now, I would be mad, but after that, i wouldn't be like crying and want her back or something.

But i do believe there are some girls out there that wouldn't just cheat on. For example; my gf is a type that would first say the relationship is over, and after that go with another guy. If a guy would be insecure, why would a girl cheat on him, and keep it secret and stay with him, in stead of cutting the ties, ending the relationship.
Hellface;380481 said:

Once a woman has you figured out sexually, emotionally and mentally, she is done with you and will only stay until you completely disgust her or another guy comes along. Women don't use logic to think like we do, they use there emotions. You can't logic a girl into liking you or staying with you. You have to envoke emotions to do that. I know so many women who are in stagnant boring relationships and only stay because of familiarity. Most women are really insecure about being single, they base their self-worth on whether they're in a relationship, or how many guys they have chasing after them. That's why a lot of them settle with plain average douchey guys. Don't be a needy insecure bitch.

Also if it doesn't work out with this girl, the next girl you get will probably have more than one ex who she's fucked.......get over it! Women have sex.

Another person who is wise to reality when it comes to women, sex and relationships.

trainingtzr;380549 said:
Hahaha, nice thread xD

To begin with, i said ''she wont'', because i think you kind of get a wrong image of me. I am not insecure about anything of my self, the only problem was that i was gettin those pussy toughts of: ''Oh my gf had sex with another boy, and i can't stand that''. I crossed that line now. I mean like, instead of me worring about: She had sex with him, HER EX is thinking: Shit, that guy is bangin my ex!

Get over yourself and who are you trying to convince, me or you?

trainingtzr;380549 said:
But I do agree on that girls always look for Mister Perfect, and cut the ties because of some guys insecurity. Thats why i never told her i had this thing in my mind lol.

Unfortunately for you mate, women have very good tuition and there is a very high chance she sensed your jealousy and now has some emotional leverage over you. Another thing you will soon learn about women is once they know how to make you insecure, they now have the ability to manipulate you, and manipulate they will, and nor will you actually realize it when it happens. That is a promise.

Such as when she told you that your dick was bigger and that you were way better in bed. Hate to break it to you bud, but all women say that, its a manipulation tactic by stroking your ego, it worked, you actually believe it and now she has you wrapped around her little finger.

trainingtzr;380549 said:
But you know, im still young, and even if i like a girl A LOT, close to saying: Im in love with her, i wouldn't just give out my heart. So even if she would cheat on me right now, I would be mad, but after that, i wouldn't be like crying and want her back or something.

Young and naive you mean. The rest of this sentence is baloney.

trainingtzr;380549 said:
But i do believe there are some girls out there that wouldn't just cheat on. For example; my gf is a type that would first say the relationship is over, and after that go with another guy. If a guy would be insecure, why would a girl cheat on him, and keep it secret and stay with him, in stead of cutting the ties, ending the relationship.

She's got you fooled hook line and sinker.

In time you will realize 99% of women in this world, except for adult entertainment stars, are secretly closet sluts and whores. Get a girl confortable enough to open up to you when chatting about sexual fantasies and stories and you will see what I mean. You should read a book on the subject called: My Secret Garden.

Which is why I love them so much :) Cannot stand up-tight prudish women.
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skyfox7;380586 said:
Unfortunately for you mate, women have very good tuition and there is a very high chance she sensed your jealousy and now has some emotional leverage over you. Another thing you will soon learn about women is once they know how to make you insecure, they now have the ability to manipulate you, and manipulate they will, and nor will you actually realize it when it happens. That is a promise.

Tell you this mate: There was a time that girls were so much after me, that my girlfriend go really jealous about it. I always told her: Dont worry, your my only one and those stuff. Now I never show her any jealousy, because i am never jealous of other guys. And that issue i had about her ex, was not jealousy, but, im over that, and she never knew about it.
I think im on the safe side, because else, she wouldn't asking me over and over: You will stay with me right? You wont have sex with others right? I am your only one right...?

The first few months, she never asked those kind of stuff. You might be true that she was once like you discribe, but i have changed in time, and that changed her aswell ;)

Oh and about her ex, that, assuming to her, was not as good as i am: In the beginning i was doubting aswell. I tought: ''Any girl would say that, to not hurt the feelings of the guy'', but the thing is, i didn't get this comment only from my gf, but also from other girls. Also, in the past, when my gf had with her ex, she talked a lot to a girl that i know now, and she said she was always complaining about that he couldn't let her come and stuff.

And dont worry, my gf didnt pay that girl to let her say that to me:)
A woman's past belongs to her and should be left alone. Reading too much into the past of a current mate will destroy the relationship.
Wow, some guys on here should just go gay. They already seem to have such a low opinion of women and high regard for men that they might as well be dating dudes. They would likely be much happier doing so.
doublelongdaddy;380623 said:
A woman's past belongs to her and should be left alone. Reading too much into the past of a current mate will destroy the relationship.

TheStick;380627 said:
Wow, some guys on here should just go gay. They already seem to have such a low opinion of women and high regard for men that they might as well be dating dudes. They would likely be much happier doing so.

hehe, Agreed!

Skyfox, I think you really overreacted here about woman. I dont know if you had any problems with woman. Consuming your words about woman make it look so. But anyway, im gonna enjoy my relationship with her, and if you wanna keep believing, that all woman are that way and that she has me fooled hook line or whatever, you do that :)
based on the replies, worry, doubts and frustrations in this thread, it definitely seems like gender roles have been reversed in this day in age. it was always thought as the women having these fears of not being adequate enough, losing the person they love to another, etc. now, it's the men. how did this happen? more often than not, Im always hearing about men getting fucked over by their women. i'm always hearing the men being completely happy with their partners, no matter the flaws and yet hear women always wanting more never content with who they have no matter how great they are. and with all those great qualities, they'll still find something to nitpick. i'm guessing it has to do with the post-feminist world where genders have been more or less equalized. women realize they've leveled the playing field and they're taking full advantage of it. they've gained this "its all about me" attitude.
Why is she telling you about her ex and comparing? To be honest I dont think she is helping your situation. You need to talk it out and tell her how you feel or it will just continue to eat away at you to the point where you find it impossible to have sex with her. Confront her and get it all out in the open. He's an ex and i think you both need to completely forget about him totally and move on with your lives together.
It sure is better to be a woman's second and be apparently much better at sex, than to be a woman's first ex and wonder just how much better her second guy is when you're already insecure enough. Just keep that in mind.
haha you guys still talking in this thread. That problem in my mind is over already ;) And Shion, that's good said, thats what i tought aswell.
Still thanks everyone ;)
Never ever EVER ask about an ex. EEEEVVVEEEER

Any girls that talks about her ex should be avoided. They either have no sensitivity/tact or are still pining for him.
Neither ends well.
Thats what I was thinking; you can have a bigger dick and be better in bed but here's something I've learned about successful relationships: GENERALLY WOMEN FIND INSECURITY IN A MAN UNATTRACTIVE. Talk about it, fine... a sensitive side is good. But if you let it keep bugging you and fucking with an otherwise healthy relationship she'll start to have second thoughts. IMHO.
dude, im having a similar issue, so dont feel alone man. im glad your over it, for i am trying to get over it as well. my girl told me her ex told her his penis was 7.5 inches thinking my dick is 8 inches (i told her jokingly one time it was 8) but it really is only 7. but it eats at me kowing his size.

she told me sex didnt hurt with him, but it does at times with me. i know its a stupid thing to stress but it eats at me knowing his size, and i really like this girl.
Good, now take that frustation of you, convert it into energie to develop yourself. Put that energie into your Penis Enlargement or for example hitting the gym!

Oh and one more thing: Her ex wasn't 7.5 inch let me clear that for you. If you are 7, and it does hurt with you sometimes and never did with him, which means to me her ex lied about his size just like any other guy would probably do. Most of the man lie 1 or 2 inches to their penis(except man on Penis Enlargement forums). I mean why wouldn't they? It's not like she is gonna be like: Hey let me measure that. And look at your self, you even told her that you were 8 inches:P So this ex of her is probably like 6 inches.

With me, if we had a really good sex session, and she is like worn out, I feel like a king and that her ex can kiss my ass. If i only just add 2 more inches length and 1 inch girth, im gonna be unstoppable if you know what im sayin.

Whenever that stupid thing pops in your mind, go do something else. Concentrate about yourself doing other girl or something. Dont let your mind visualize about it.
When I started Penis Enlargement 2 of Jen's ex-boyfriends were bigger than me, I used to really let it bother me. After i realized I was able to gain size and change this my insecurities became less and less. Eventually I was bigger than any of the guys she was with.
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