My first SRT type routine


Active member
So my plan was to measure after 12 straight weeks with no breaks but a family vacation is going to interrupt my training so I went ahead and measured.
My last 9 weeks have been;
bundled hanging 1-1/2 hours in the am (working up to 10lbs)
BTC evening up to 1 hour (added at week 4 up to 12lbs)
Manual, expressive stretches, Mandingo, and all directions after hanging,
3-5 hours a day in the extender
Edging about 5x a week including erect pulls
Regular Kegel routine throughout the day 200+ quick/ 50+ holds
and wearing a silicone sleeve every other second, my dick literally sees the light of day to shower and get pulled on or sex.
After all this, drumroll please...

No gains, 0.00, I really felt like I was doing something

I feel like I’m pushing it to the literal edge with nearly every set. What am I doing wrong?
I am glad you have asked for help as many struggle and do not gain. What exactly have you been doing as far as exercise, routine and timing? What equipment do you own? What are your goals? What are you working with now?Let us know the answers will help you get on your way, have no worries.
Up at 4am,
Heat my custom made rice sack, pour a glass of water, take a leak and head to the office.
Hang BTC for 5 minutes as a warmup
(Started at 5lbs added 1/2lb every 5-7 days)
Rice sack ties around my waist and hangs down on my junk, with a small electric heater pointing at it. I also reverse Kegel for a majority of my hanging/stretching.
Hang bundled BTC Both directions. (Started at 3/4 turn & worked up to 1-1/4) started at 25 minutes adding a minute each day till I reach 30-32, then add 1/2 lb and drop back to 25 minutes)
Unload, walk to the kitchen, re-heat the rice sack, start water for coffee. Back to the office
Swing the same weight for 5 minutes give or take 50 front to back swings, 20 each way diagonal, 50 circles each direction.
Unload, grab coffee and back to the office.
Add 2.5lbs to the current bundled weight and hang for the same amount of time (25-32 minutes depending on the day)
Then Either A or B
A. 3-4 days a week. 10 minutes of pulling on my dick. Expressive, Mandingo and left/right and straight up as hard as I can/feel safe in all directions.
B. Other 3-4 days a week, 15-20 minutes edge, erect pulls and SSJ’s

Strap into the extender while making breakfast and eating (20-25 minutes) egg whites, oatmeal or oatmeal, flax seed, almond flour pancakes
Morning supplements (garlic, ginseng, epimedium, glucosamine, vitamin E, fish oil, st Johns wart)
Remove SG, shower, a little hydrocortisone and replace SG,
6:30-7:00 Head to work (wearing SG)
wear for 2 to 2-1/2 more hours, (staying in my office) removing every 15-40 minutes for circulation.
Put on silicone sleeve
Pre-workout shake, protein, carbs, beet root powder (cycle creatine, 3 weeks on/3 weeks off) Workout (1 to 1-1/2 hours strength training, 15-20 minutes steady state or HIIT cardio, alternating days) intra-workout amino acids
Wash my pecker and sleeve, replace
11:30 Lunch pretty healthy, usually some form of chicken, brown rice or sweet potato and vegetables.
2:30ish Eat again
3-5(usually) home, edge if no kids, 2-3 days a week
remove sleeve, pull on it a couple minutes, put on SG 1 to 2-1/2 more hours
6ish Dinner (healthy) wearing SG
Replace sleeve
Eve supplements, garlic, ginger, tribulous ZMA
8:30-9:00pm hang BTC for an hour with the same weight as used in the mornings bundles
930-10:30 sleep in a sleeve

Weekends are very similar but more sporadic. I always get in the morning workout in and often extra extending.
The last 6 weeks I have had 1 day off, in which we had sex 3 times.

PE equipment;
size genetics extender
Bib hanger
3 Auto extender hangers small, medium and medium long.
Fractional weights
Auto extender cap/sleeve all day stretcher
VLC tugger
2 pump toys glans Xpand pumps (1-1/2” &1-3/4”)
1 pump toys heavy wall (1-3/4”)
Infrared LED light
Multiple clamps
Heavy stainless cock ring, multiple silicone rings
Every type of sleeve I could find

And I just ordered the lengthmaster! Should be here any day, Pretty excited about that, tired of fatiguing my hands

Sorry it got a little wordy but that about sums it up.
I think you need more intensity and variety, get the length master and do mandingo stretches and bundled stretches at max intensity. Also do all the directional stretches, try to aim for around 40 minutes a day in the lengthmaster.

The Lengthmaster will completely change the situation. There’s no limit on the intensity you can use with the LM. And we do not have strong enough hands or grip the LM is the solution to make those links games continue.
The Lengthmaster will completely change the situation. There’s no limit on the intensity you can use with the LM. And we do not have strong enough hands or grip the LM is the solution to make those links games continue.

It just showed up about an hour ago. I’ll be trying it out this evening, I’ve been watching videos on the different stretches in anticipation of its arrival.
Unfortunately tomorrow we leave for a few days and are staying in a tiny single room cabin with my kids, so I’m not risking taking any equipment. Sneak in some manual as often as possible and back at it, hopefully Sunday evening, maybe Monday morning.
If you guys have any suggestions on a routine incorporating the LM, fire away.
I think you need more intensity and variety, get the length master and do mandingo stretches and bundled stretches at max intensity. Also do all the directional stretches, try to aim for around 40 minutes a day in the lengthmaster.

Man, I can’t imagine much more intensity than what I feel the last few minutes of a 10lb bundled stretch... I squirm like a whore in church sometimes!
Really excited for the LM, hope its really a next level stretch like I hear.
It just showed up about an hour ago. I’ll be trying it out this evening, I’ve been watching videos on the different stretches in anticipation of its arrival.
Unfortunately tomorrow we leave for a few days and are staying in a tiny single room cabin with my kids, so I’m not risking taking any equipment. Sneak in some manual as often as possible and back at it, hopefully Sunday evening, maybe Monday morning.
If you guys have any suggestions on a routine incorporating the LM, fire away.


LengthMaster Rolls: 3 Sets of four 30 Second Rolls
LengthMaster Twists : 3 Sets of four 30 Second Twists

LengthMaster PowerAssist Stretches:
One Minute Stretch of Each Below

Base Twist Stretch
Body Rock Stretch
Bow & Arrow Stretch
Double Handed A-Stretch Video
Down and Out Stretch
Rocking Stretch Video
Side Fulcrum Stretch
Sling Shot Stretch
Tunica Fulcrum Stretch

Bathmate HardCore Stretches
5 Minutes Total
3 Minutes Low Grip LengthMaster Stretches
3 Minutes LengthMaster Hole Stretching

After Length Routine put on your SiliStretcher for sets of 30-60 minutes and try to get in 4 sets of these prior to girth work.

If you are also training for girth follow the routine below.
DLD Bathmate Super Sets Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
5 Minutes in the Mityvac to full pressure
5 Minutes Slow Squash Jelqs
5 Minutes in the Mityvac to full pressure
5 Minutes Slow Squash Jelqs
5 Minutes in the Mityvac to full pressure
5 Minutes Slow Squash Jelqs

The SRT Size Blaster Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
This is the all new exercise is the end all girth and length practice that will pack on inches of girth and length through it’s powerful one way compression. The main goal in SRT and gaining size is to not only stretch the size we currently have but to access inches of hidden penis found just below the pubic bone and all the length that goes to your rectum. In some men there is up to 10 inches of internal penis but how to claim this size has been difficult using hands only until now.

The SRT Size Blaster works on a mental level that if the internal penis was exposed we could use it. Keeping this in mind it is our first job to grip the extreme base of the solid, erect penis and dig our grip as far into the internal penis as possible. Once we have a good grip on the internal penis we use the other hand to pull and stretch all external penis out ward while the other hand continue to dig deep and deeper into the internal penis. This whole time we are push ing very hard into internal penis while pulling and stretching the penis being exposed. Eventually you will be have to masturbate the new, exposed penis whole the low hand continues to expose new, untapped penis. In time the internal structure will become real, useable, visible penis. As a matter of fact I diid not think there was anyway for me to make bigger gain than I have but this new exercise seems to be unlimited to all men to claim new penis.

Just like the Slow Squash Jelq we are not looking for any specific time limit, we are going for as long as we can and when we need rest we rest, regroup and start again. Imagining the penis inside of you coming out is a very tantalizing way of thinking and as it does become viable be sure to include it in the exercise.

I have noticed that I need to use some of my scrotal skin to become part of my shaft to keep gains coming quickly so I am sure to leave as much slack as possible and as I need more skin I can access it. This transference in skin will not only help guys with Turkey Neck but it will help you turn that skin into skin needed for the shaft. Remember, SRT is transposing and repositioning the body and this exercise certainly embodies that.

I like to use adult entertainment as a catalyst for the work but I go with the most innocent martial as possible. As more and more of the internal penis comes forward you will be able to make longer jerks in motion as new penis will appear.

I like to spend about 45-60 minutes doing these to get the best results.

Attach Cock Ring to keep pump for as long as possible.
I think it may be best to start a new routine, because this looks too over done to me, no offense.
If I was doing this, I wouldn't know if I was coming or going.

  • How much time in the day do you have for PE? precise times are best, like the morning between 9-10am for example.
  • Equipment you have?
  • Do you have the MOS Sleeves?
  • Goals at this moment i.e length, girth, or both?
  • When you do BTC hanging, is this via a pulley? how are you setup for that?
I find that the routine does not need to be over complex, and you perform the main equipment work like hanging, pumping, stretching in a different segment to the extender or ADS stuff, because they can be done anytime, whenever you are free to keep in that extended state.

How do you hang the weight BTC, because, you may be placing allot of the tension onto something else, depending on the setup.

Stress equals a response, its simple as that. The sun when we sit in it long enough, not that long usually, will give either a tan, or a burn. You should have got some progress, some indication that you are on the right track here.

When you use the extender, how far is that extended? did you ensure its extending at your maximum erection length?

I would drop the expressive stretching at this stage. Just my opinion, that a new guy can gain without those at such early stage. For me, the expressive stretching is more advanced, to pull out inner penis later down the road.

Have you ever performed the DLD blasters, also known as 'A' stretches?

Have a look at V-SES stretches The Lexington Steele Secret to Length - Matters of Size | Penis Enlargement, Body Modifications & Peyronies Forums

They directly target and trap the ligament via the lengthmaster.

Sorry for all the questions, but it looks like a bit of a muddle, and needs a sorting out, some stuff can be trimmed, some cut down to smaller segments.
I think it may be best to start a new routine, because this looks too over done to me, no offense.
None taken
  • How much time in the day do you have for PE? precise times are best, like the morning between 9-10am for example. I currently PE 4am to 6am and again 8:30pm to 9:30pm
  • Equipment you have?
PE equipment;
size genetics extender
Bib hanger
3 Auto extender hangers small, medium and medium long.
Fractional weights
Auto extender cap/sleeve all day stretcher
VLC tugger
2 pump toys glans Xpand pumps (1-1/2” &1-3/4”)
1 pump toys heavy wall (1-3/4”)
Infrared LED light
Multiple clamps
Heavy stainless cock ring , multiple silicone rings
Every type of sleeve I could find
*added Friday, Lengthmaster
  • Do you have the MOS Sleeves? I just received a couple but they were out of the long ones, so I received regular. Nice gesture but it’s not going to keep me extended.
  • Goals at this moment i.e length, girth, or both? Ultimately both but I’m trying to focus primarily on length now. Any extra girth is welcome just trying to max out my potential.
  • When you do BTC hanging, is this via a pulley? how are you setup for that? I do have pulleys but I don’t use them for BTC. I sit in a chair that lays back, put my ass off the edge and my feet on the desk. My shaft lays through my ass crack.

When you use the extender, how far is that extended?
8-3/4 BPSFL starting to 9 after a few hours
1/2” to 3/4” over my max BPEL

Thanks so much for the reply, I will check out the links and exercises you sent. My plan is to build a routine around the LM once I get past the learning curve.

I answered everything in a quote and realized if you don’t expand it, you can’t see it. So I pasted my response below... thanks again

I think it may be best to start a new routine, because this looks too over done to me, no offense.
None taken
  • How much time in the day do you have for PE? precise times are best, like the morning between 9-10am for example. I currently PE 4am to 6am and again 8:30pm to 9:30pm
  • Equipment you have?
PE equipment;
size genetics extender
Bib hanger
3 Auto extender hangers small, medium and medium long.
Fractional weights
Auto extender cap/sleeve all day stretcher
VLC tugger
2 pump toys glans Xpand pumps (1-1/2” &1-3/4”)
1 pump toys heavy wall (1-3/4”)
Infrared LED light
Multiple clamps
Heavy stainless cock ring , multiple silicone rings
Every type of sleeve I could find
*added Friday, Lengthmaster
  • Do you have the MOS Sleeves? I just received a couple but they were out of the long ones, so I received regular. Nice gesture but it’s not going to keep me extended.
  • Goals at this moment i.e length, girth, or both? Ultimately both but I’m trying to focus primarily on length now. Any extra girth is welcome just trying to max out my potential.
  • When you do BTC hanging, is this via a pulley? how are you setup for that? I do have pulleys but I don’t use them for BTC. I sit in a chair that lays back, put my ass off the edge and my feet on the desk. My shaft lays through my ass crack.

When you use the extender , how far is that extended?
8-3/4 BPSFL starting to 9 after a few hours
1/2” to 3/4” over my max BPEL
So in all we have the following to work with for you.

  1. 3 hours daily for PE (04:00-06:00 & 20:30-21:30)
  2. SG extender
  3. Bib hanger
  4. Lengthmaster
  5. Aiming for length
  6. Already hanging BTC with no gains after 9 weeks
I'm not familiar with any of these, so please explain what they are, how they work.

I'll probably recommend not using those in the routine.

The standard sleeves will prevent you from turtling, its not about keeping you maximum stretch with those, but to prevent the turtling, keeping the healing in that positive state, rather then a negative one.

I would change your hanging angles, ditch the BTC, as for whatever reason your not seeing anything from it.

That angle hits primarily suspensory ligament, so try instead to hang OTS (Over the shoulder) or SU (Straight Up) you can do that without pulleys, by having say some piece of machinery, or furniture behind you for the weight to go over, so long as its pulling down and not resting, you will be fine.

You seem smart mechanically minded, so I guess you will work that part out, but ask if not sure.

The OTS & SU angles attack whats called the tuinicae, the external portion that you see ... these angles take the forces well away from the suspensory ligament, and right onto the external tissues.

This is the method of hanging I will be hitting in a few weeks.

I'm going to suggest a modified pyramiding of the weight for the hanging portion of the routine with the Bib (or the Lengthmaster hanging attachment), so you will start with light, get to something heavier, and end with light. That way the penis doesn't becomes used to the heavy weights so quickly.

The lengthmaster will be used in synergy with the hanging, they compliment one another well.

SG extender isn't incl in this 3 hours, because its more for post workout in my view, keeping the extended size stretched, healing in that state.

Routine structured like this


Lengthmaster for 20mins
Hanging for 40 mins in x4 10min sets at different poundage's
Lengthmaster for 40mins
Hanging for 20mins x2 10min sets at different poundage's


Hanging 30mins x3 10 min sets at different poundage's
Lengthmaster for 30mins

You could wear the extender for this hour instead, if you can't do the above, but, its preferred if you do these, and wear extender whenever.

The exercises with lengthmaster would be the DLD 'A' stretch blasters, and bundled stretching, but you could add a few more if you liked. Not too many though.

It wont be easy, you need intensity, as in a stretch so hard its not so bad it will hurt you, but intense enough that you couldn't really go much more without harm.

I can write it up more skillfully if your interested, so you have the exact pyramiding regimen to follow, and the poundage's. This is also the same route I will be training with.
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Awesome reply, very in depth and much appreciated.
I will start figuring out an OTS set up. That was going to be my next step as well however I was thinking a few more months of what I have been doing. I have gained from BTC, 3/8” in around a year of various routines. I feel I still have a lot to gain from the suspensory ligament because of how high my exit point is. I just don’t know how to speed up the process! I have never gained more than 1/8” in 3 months from any routine. Not even in my first 3 months.
My BPSFL has come up 1/4” on my current routine, which is more than I have ever seen from anything else, in that time frame. I am hoping to see some erect gains come from that eventually.
The autoextender hangers are just a knock-off version of the LG, sold in sizes vs. custom fit. I prefer using it over the BIB because it doesn’t constrict the penis.
The autoextender cap and sleeve are just a silicone sleeve all day stretcher that straps down the leg or around the belt line, it provides light tension without the need for removal. I tried it post workout for a few months and noticed no difference.
The VLC tugger is a cone shaped 2 piece plastic/rubber cap that uses excess foreskin to create suction seal for light stretching. It’s my understanding that it works quite well for uncut guys. And many cut guys like it for foreskin restoration. I have used it in conjunction with an extender or strapped down the leg. Also with no notable changes, except some loosening of foreskin around my circumcision area.
If you could give me a guideline of the weights and progression you would suggest that would be great. If not, I can follow your progress/ routine and adapt it to suit me.
Yeah I'll write the poundage and guideline tomorrow.

Your seeing really good BPFSL gains then, so, continue with what your doing for now as you say, because I always found the BPFSL came before BPEL.
Yeah I'll write the poundage and guideline tomorrow.

Your seeing really good BPFSL gains then, so, continue with what your doing for now as you say, because I always found the BPFSL came before BPEL.

So true! None pressed flaccid length shows up before erect none pressed length, it is a look into the future! This measurement is always consistent.
Thanks guys, I’ll stay the course then! Whilst I figure out a good way for me to hang over the shoulder.
Maybe a little less extending because as you said, some days I don’t know if I’m coming or going!
Thanks guys, I’ll stay the course then! Whilst I figure out a good way for me to hang over the shoulder.
Maybe a little less extending because as you said, some days I don’t know if I’m coming or going!

Pulleys will always be a great way to accomplish this position.
Thanks guys, I’ll stay the course then! Whilst I figure out a good way for me to hang over the shoulder.
Maybe a little less extending because as you said, some days I don’t know if I’m coming or going!

I wont be using pulley's, just the Maxi Gym behind my chair, with the weight going over one of its arms.
Might even purchase a wheel to go over the bar, so the cable can run through that with the weight.

Pulleys are allot of unnecessary fucking around, and if you live with people, allot of explaining to do!
I wont be using pulley's, just the Maxi Gym behind my chair, with the weight going over one of its arms.
Might even purchase a wheel to go over the bar, so the cable can run through that with the weight.

Pulleys are allot of unnecessary fucking around, and if you live with people, allot of explaining to do!

You definitely need privacy and it does take a bit of space but if you have the room and privacy create a room dedicated to PE.
Looks well overdone to me, you would need to be either out the closet with PE if your living with someone, or a hermit living on your own. Not every landlord will react well to holes being placed across the wall, how much weight will it even manage?

I dont like to over complicate anything, not that I'm incapable, but when you can just simply get a chair, sit down with the cable in the direction you need, resting over your shoulder down a pipe, makes this redundant.
Looks well overdone to me, you would need to be either out the closet with PE if your living with someone, or a hermit living on your own. Not every landlord will react well to holes being placed across the wall, how much weight will it even manage?

I dont like to over complicate anything, not that I'm incapable, but when you can just simply get a chair, sit down with the cable in the direction you need, resting over your shoulder down a pipe, makes this redundant.

Not for everyone. I love the idea but I have total privacy.
Yeah, be good if your like that. Just ensure the hooks can handle whatever weight you hold ... dont want to be found naked with a plate near you :)

That would be my luck LOL. But the house I’m living in right now I occupy a very small apartment but in a couple months I will have the whole house. It’s a six bedroom house so I’m gonna have one bedroom dedicated to MOS for shooting video and setting up different stages in PE exercises.
Sorry guys been off the grid for a while. Summers here and already getting hectic. I’ve taken a little time off from PE with just edging and light manuals, bundled stretches, directional stretches, jelqs and squeezes. No real routine but my EQ has stayed strong.
Going to start the new routine (as outlined by Redzulu) in about a week.
Sorry guys been off the grid for a while. Summers here and already getting hectic. I’ve taken a little time off from PE with just edging and light manuals, bundled stretches, directional stretches, jelqs and squeezes. No real routine but my EQ has stayed strong.
Going to start the new routine (as outlined by Redzulu) in about a week.

Looking forward to the routine, you are in good hands with Red!
Yeah I'll write the poundage and guideline tomorrow.

Your seeing really good BPFSL gains then, so, continue with what your doing for now as you say, because I always found the BPFSL came before BPEL.

I have been back at it this week. I started at 7.5lbs and am up to 11.5lbs OTS for 40 minutes. I just wanted to ease back into things after the break.
So you’re 40 minutes 4x 10 minute sets...
What poundage would you suggest? Also for the evening 2x10 minutes. I have 2.5lb plates and 3) 1/2lb plates.
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I have been back at it this week. I started at 7.5lbs and am up to 11.5lbs OTS for 40 minutes. I just wanted to ease back into things after the break.
So you’re 40 minutes 4x 10 minute sets...
What poundage would you suggest? Also for the evening 2x10 minutes. I have 2.5lb plates and 3) 1/2lb plates.

Red will answer but traditional Hanging usually are in 20 minute sets.
Yeah I think hes going off the routine I will do, which is different.
Choose a weight that isnt too heavy or too light, it needs to cause fatigue, but you ride that fatigue.
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So, I’ve been having a problem lately... every time I try to use my LM, I bleed from my urethral opening. I was fine for 3 days then had it happen, I took 2 days off and it happened again. 5 more days off and same thing, only this time I didn’t tape my glans and it happened in the first 2 minutes.
What do you guys think it is and what should I do to fix it? This is very disheartening because I really feel a good stretch when I use it and think it can bring real gains, IF I can stop hurting myself.
Thanks in advance for your replies
So, I’ve been having a problem lately... every time I try to use my LM, I bleed from my urethral opening. I was fine for 3 days then had it happen, I took 2 days off and it happened again. 5 more days off and same thing, only this time I didn’t tape my glans and it happened in the first 2 minutes.
What do you guys think it is and what should I do to fix it? This is very disheartening because I really feel a good stretch when I use it and think it can bring real gains, IF I can stop hurting myself.
Thanks in advance for your replies

It sounds like a cut that has not healed in your urethra. This happens to many and is nothing to worry on. It usually takes up to 7-10 takes of rest. See if that helps.
7-10 is hard to do but alright, I’ll give it a shot. Not worried about it, everything is still working fine and my EQ is still on point.

You may not need that long but for me it took about seven days it may take less for you the only way to test it is go a couple days and then try to see if you’re still bleeding, if you are trying to go 3 days and see if you are still bleeding, etc and just find out how long you need to know.
Alright took 2 weeks off for the most part, some edging, jelqing and stretching here and there.
Started back at it on Monday with the Lengthmaster and SG. Feel like a PE virgin, major fatigue from short workouts. Up to 30 minutes LM and a couple hours SG. Going to add in the OTS hanging in a couple weeks.
Glad to be healed and back on track ??
Alright took 2 weeks off for the most part, some edging, jelqing and stretching here and there.
Started back at it on Monday with the Lengthmaster and SG. Feel like a PE virgin, major fatigue from short workouts. Up to 30 minutes LM and a couple hours SG. Going to add in the OTS hanging in a couple weeks.
Glad to be healed and back on track ??

Good to have you back on track my brother! I will be visiting you every day to make sure you’re doing the right thing and getting your work in! Please do not disappoint me ?
Been back at it for a week or so. Right now I’m only doing 30 minutes with the Lengthmaster morning and night, followed by wearing an extender. Getting some serious stretching in. I also do some kegels, edging and jelqs.
This morning I fell a pop, tearing sensation that scared me for a second and I released the stretch. After realizing nothing was hurting, I continued the routine and am very sore. In hindsight I wish I would have just kept relaxing into the stretch but I’ll try again tomorrow. Did my evening routine and it was business as usual, never being able to replicate what happened in the AM.
Been back at it for a week or so. Right now I’m only doing 30 minutes with the Lengthmaster morning and night, followed by wearing an extender. Getting some serious stretching in. I also do some kegels, edging and jelqs.
This morning I fell a pop, tearing sensation that scared me for a second and I released the stretch. After realizing nothing was hurting, I continued the routine and am very sore. In hindsight I wish I would have just kept relaxing into the stretch but I’ll try again tomorrow. Did my evening routine and it was business as usual, never being able to replicate what happened in the AM.

Great days work. To put your mind at rest a pop is a normal thing to hear when stretching for about 60% of the men out there. It’s just like cracking your knuckles, air gets trapped at the pubic bone beneath the ligament and when it’s pulled away from the bone it pops.
Great days work. To put your mind at rest a pop is a normal thing to hear when stretching for about 60% of the men out there. It’s just like cracking your knuckles, air gets trapped at the pubic bone beneath the ligament and when it’s pulled away from the bone it pops.

Thanks DLD,
I’ve heard that before but have never experienced it in the last 3 years, so I just figured I wasn’t only one of those guys! It was definitely a new sensation, but I’m not concerned at all. Just knocked out my evening sets and now off to bed.
Thanks DLD,
I’ve heard that before but have never experienced it in the last 3 years, so I just figured I wasn’t only one of those guys! It was definitely a new sensation, but I’m not concerned at all. Just knocked out my evening sets and now off to bed.

Never a problem my brother!
So it’s been business as usual for a while until I did last nights 30 minute LM set and unwrapped and my dick looked like it got mugged. It’s all bruised on top ?
Soo... should I hold off and take yet another break? It’s sore AF but I feel like I could keep pressing on, I just don’t want any permanent damage. What’s your thoughts? My gut says lay off the LM and do manuals and some girth type stuff....
So it’s been business as usual for a while until I did last nights 30 minute LM set and unwrapped and my dick looked like it got mugged. It’s all bruised on top ?
Soo... should I hold off and take yet another break? It’s sore AF but I feel like I could keep pressing on, I just don’t want any permanent damage. What’s your thoughts? My gut says lay off the LM and do manuals and some girth type stuff....

I would keep experimenting with different wraps to see which one will work best for you. Everybody has a different wrapping method so have a good look through the wrapping forum.
Yeah, I planned on upping the padding. Took the last 4 days off from the LM and have been doing a manual stretch and girth routine whilst the bruising goes away. SSJ’s and pumping, the wife likes the temporary results so much I think I’m going to modify my routine to incorporate it.
I’m going to stick with the Lengthmaster in the AM and do girth in the evening.
Yeah, I planned on upping the padding. Took the last 4 days off from the LM and have been doing a manual stretch and girth routine whilst the bruising goes away. SSJ’s and pumping, the wife likes the temporary results so much I think I’m going to modify my routine to incorporate it.
I’m going to stick with the Lengthmaster in the AM and do girth in the evening.

All good news my brother! And what better bonus than having the wife notice! Good work and a great perspective my brother.
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  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    JohnCMaxwell is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    Guest Sam hi has joined the room.
  • S (Guest) Sam hi:
    How's everyone
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @sam hi, good to see you brother. Post in the forum and we'll chat more.
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    Akteon1 is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    Guest Jayson44 has joined the room.
  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Hi. Good to be here.
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Which forum? How do I get there?
  • Quote
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    McDong is our newest member. Welcome!
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    gabrieljones is our newest member. Welcome!
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    tbean750 is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    Guest pedguin has joined the room.
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    silverberg is our newest member. Welcome!
      MoS Notifier MoS Notifier: silverberg is our newest member. Welcome!