penguinsfan & reber - thanks guys,
Yes, my wife is still an active member in the club, I used to be, but kinda got away from being active for many reasons - one being that I had a small cock and many of the guys were actually very well hung. I felt that I was the smallest (cock) guy in the world at times - so I kinda am just a social member, - hang out and help out with supplies, equipment (
strap-ons, dildos, certain positions, assisting getting some big cocks in certain places - if ya know what I mean), food, drinks, lights, heating, Air Conditioning, answering the door, identification/membership, clean up, lube, - we all help though, . . . etc . . .
I just watch and chat with other social members/watchers etc . . . . its an adult thing and many of the members are really satisfied with their bodies, size of: cocks,tits etc . . . . no one really bashes anyone for the sizes , or anything - actually many of the guys with the long, thick cocks say that they were born with big cocks ? I have met only about a handful of guys that know anything about and/or practice - Penis Enlargment ?
Most of the white women want either big white cock or black , hispanic cock to be honest with you - I ask them many time why they like black or hispanic cock - most of the answers are just because they are curious about how it would feel having a black/hispanic cock in them (especially anal - seems to really turn on most of them).
Alot of the women are "fixed" - tubes tied so they cant get pregnant or play at their own risk.
Actually we have meetings 2 times a week and its alot of fun - even without the sex - many of the people/members have alot in common. I could go on and on, but will save it for a new thread.
Happy Holidays to all.