MAJOR HELP ON THIS ONE guys plz read

ok so i had torn the pllace between the butthole and vagina on my girl friend of 3 years rescenlty we always have size problems of tears but i can actually see this one and im al terrible boyfriend i treat her bad its a childhood thing but she broke up with me and i cant eat i cant think minutes are miles she also has someone new i think already nothing is even sure but i feel like shyt i measure my flacid penis stretched out the other night it said 9.5 almost ten shoving the runler in my groin but i tried jelqing the past two days and ive had no success with achieving a semi erection im loosing weight rapidly heres my ideal penis enlargement program vitmains cardio (running for me 3 miles every other day) and exersize but ive stopped taking all vitmins i cant type right i cant eat i cant get erect please someone out there help me succed ive filled out about 20 applications becasue that was a major issue no job even thoguh i get money off my rich dad and mom i cant take it i want it all to end my life i want out i have achieved great success in many aspects of my life but in the end it dosent even matter its all for nothing ive been with 20+ girls but this ones by far the love of my life i prayed for her to come and all of here things that are still intace are still at my house i havent spoken to her in 4 days she said she dosnet think se wants to be with me on a text i have pix of us that giv the big guys in adult entertainment a run for their money how could this be happening to me im a dick head im having worse withdrawls from her then i did from methodome the year i struggled with that addiction i cannot function oh did i mention ive been puking and going to bed reely early for me too help someone stronger than me step back and help me 3rd person aspect i would never do anything to make her jelious at a time liek this thats too immature for me but i have sent here about 30 long messages off face book at an attemp to salvage why hasent she asked for her things back or in my eyes officially broken up it all happened when i picked her up from work at sonic some guy moved past her at the door t get by her and touched her stomach and i got out of my car and ran up on him talking soo much rage and bs and then when we were walking back to my car i grabed her by her hair and she fell down and we wnet hoem and i treated her liek a quenn full body massage hitachi magic wand as well and saying everything nice nowshe and asked her for forgive ness she said she did forgive me but then the next day she said lucky if i let u pick me up from kickboxing and and she never tlaked to me again this guy she added him on face book and he even has a g/f but i think theyve hung out beofre after it happened and now they might be toghethger i dont know its killing me any advise any one this is the worst 4 days of my intire life have a soul
That was hard to read because you don't have any punctuation. Sometimes you just have to let things go and realize there are things out of your hands. You can't make a girl love you. If you need to talk to someone, see a counselor.
keep active dude. maybe try and walk for an hour or two your days off of running. if you have friends to hang out with do it, if you believe in God, go to church as often as you can, im catholic and i love it because there is always SOME church open each day where you can go for an hour or however long you need and pray, and the atmosphere is so comforting and peaceful.

i know how rough it can be man, when i broke up with my girlfriend a couple years ago it was the roughest time of my life, since im normally a loner i had no distractions and everything reminded me of her, because we lived together for a while. eating, sleeping, pretty much EVERY aspect of life because we did everything together.

and i gotta say honestly, Penis Enlargement DID HELP. having grown since we met, i did have confidence in myself even though i was heartbroken, i of course wanted a rebound but i also wanted to see a girls honest reaction to my (now new)size, who didn't know i did Penis Enlargement and was bigger than i was born with.

in my case, we got back together a little bit after, but i know how much it hurts dude. im praying for you, but also know you WILL be okay. just take it one day at a time and know you'll be okay if you hang in there. cheers
Space those paragraphs out. I went crossed eyed trying to read that, then I threw in the towel :s

Its tough to read your question(s) when its all together.
awsome stretch armstrong and i did a 3 mile run today took all my vitamins umm did liek 500 jelqs with kegels that got the semi erection going and i felt great hung out with some old friends then i came home and i finally gt to talk to her on the puter for about 20 minutesshes hurting liek crazy almost as much as me and she even sold her 1998 Bathmatew i think we still may have a chance judging from her response i guess this means ill be sucking her toes and licking her butthole for a reely like time =] after a long shower of course but yeah who knows maybe well get back toghether ive been doing a look of biblereading/praying as well thanks for all the support all i can do now is oh did i mention i got the job fuck yeah but all i can do now i guess is sit back and wait biding my time untill the time is right becomming better then i was when i smoked pot everyday headies any who sorry about the shytty typos i guess i was stressed but yea day three of jelqing and nowi can get erections back and i plan on doing a mounth of jelqing liek today untill i have all of my fullness back from before but who knows i dont want to get over excited just to realize real lies
dude, you did not use one single form of punctuation in this post. i'm not trying to sound like a prick, but it makes it totally illegible.

i get thru one "sentance" and im like, wait.... what?
i bet ur english teachers just loved u :P
Man up.

If the way you write is any indication of how you treat this woman, maybe you're getting what you deserve. You don't treat a woman like crap, whether it be a"childhood thing" or whatever. If you pull a woman down to the ground by her hair, don't expect her to ever forget...and sorry doesn't make it alright.

That being said, don't grovel. Women want a strong, confident man that can communicate clearly, not one that leaves 30 messages on facebook and not one that lives on daddy's money. Become your own man, and then maybe you can become hers.
jonrhys;394655 said:
Man up.

If the way you write is any indication of how you treat this woman, maybe you're getting what you deserve. You don't treat a woman like crap, whether it be a"childhood thing" or whatever. If you pull a woman down to the ground by her hair, don't expect her to ever forget...and sorry doesn't make it alright.

That being said, don't grovel. Women want a strong, confident man that can communicate clearly, not one that leaves 30 messages on facebook and not one that lives on daddy's money. Become your own man, and then maybe you can become hers.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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