ok so i had torn the pllace between the butthole and vagina on my girl friend of 3 years rescenlty we always have size problems of tears but i can actually see this one and im al terrible boyfriend i treat her bad its a childhood thing but she broke up with me and i cant eat i cant think minutes are miles she also has someone new i think already nothing is even sure but i feel like shyt i measure my flacid penis stretched out the other night it said 9.5 almost ten shoving the runler in my groin but i tried jelqing the past two days and ive had no success with achieving a semi erection im loosing weight rapidly heres my ideal penis enlargement program vitmains cardio (running for me 3 miles every other day) and exersize but ive stopped taking all vitmins i cant type right i cant eat i cant get erect please someone out there help me succed ive filled out about 20 applications becasue that was a major issue no job even thoguh i get money off my rich dad and mom i cant take it i want it all to end my life i want out i have achieved great success in many aspects of my life but in the end it dosent even matter its all for nothing ive been with 20+ girls but this ones by far the love of my life i prayed for her to come and all of here things that are still intace are still at my house i havent spoken to her in 4 days she said she dosnet think se wants to be with me on a text i have pix of us that giv the big guys in adult entertainment a run for their money how could this be happening to me im a dick head im having worse withdrawls from her then i did from methodome the year i struggled with that addiction i cannot function oh did i mention ive been puking and going to bed reely early for me too help someone stronger than me step back and help me 3rd person aspect i would never do anything to make her jelious at a time liek this thats too immature for me but i have sent here about 30 long messages off face book at an attemp to salvage why hasent she asked for her things back or in my eyes officially broken up it all happened when i picked her up from work at sonic some guy moved past her at the door t get by her and touched her stomach and i got out of my car and ran up on him talking soo much rage and bs and then when we were walking back to my car i grabed her by her hair and she fell down and we wnet hoem and i treated her liek a quenn full body massage hitachi magic wand as well and saying everything nice nowshe and asked her for forgive ness she said she did forgive me but then the next day she said lucky if i let u pick me up from kickboxing and and she never tlaked to me again this guy she added him on face book and he even has a g/f but i think theyve hung out beofre after it happened and now they might be toghethger i dont know its killing me any advise any one this is the worst 4 days of my intire life have a soul