Hello brotherhood.i wasnt here for a long time,probably for like 6+ months but i was doing my p.e.Many thing on my life is going great but my confidence is very very low.Long story short the last 2 years of life was a train wreck.The girlfriend i loved cheated on me i lost interest about my studies and both of my parents lost their jobs.We are ok now but still i dont have enough money(100-120$ per month for me)so thing for me the last 2 year is much tighter than it used to be,i had depression.i know welcome to the adult life.but last summer i freaked out and realise i have to make my own luck.i start going at my university everyday,studing and doing my hw,i am trying to train as much as i can,my cock is bigger,generally trying to make my self as much as i can better person and professional.But still my confidence is very low and scared when i talk to girls.I feel like i dont have the balls to do anything diffrent.My psychology is diffrent.
Anyway,If anyone can give me some tips or a nice book about confidence it would very helpfull.A friend of mine told me to read a book"how to manipulate people"
i dont remember the exact title but he told me that help him cause he knew better how to talk and behave on them.
The best thing to increase your confidence is to build it up the right way, and
not by building for example: big muscles (can help), but you need to go deep into yourself. One important aspect you are going to discover with time, is that it doesn't matter what anybody else are thinking about you (or what you think they are thinking about you).
Because the truth is that most people are mostly not focusing on you, but are focusing on themselves and many people have the same issues as you have. Just this will make you accept yourself more and become more confident in yourself. You do not longer come from a "victim" mentality but instead from a mentality of; I have great confidence in my self, my own social value and my self respect are strong. By the way, you create your own social value before you interact with people.
Nobody knows what I'm feeling deep inside. And when you concur your fears long enough, these will not be your fears any longer, to the point of looking back and not understanding why you where afraid of it in the first place, for example: Talking to women or social anxiety. Many people have some nervousness in regards to meeting new people, only with this knowledge can make you more relaxed and confident in yourself.
You can look at a person and see if they have true inner confidence, or a glued on conference. A glued on confidence is a person that try to assert oneself to everyone around them, the so called "Alpha" personality trait (even when these concepts are not valid, I'm mentioning it as a reference point). They are not just them confident in themself, but they need to prove that to other people constantly, for example by bragging, push other people down and talk a lot.
If you focus on yourself and create a confidence in what your are doing, and you do what you want, and not what anyone else want you to do then you will find your own way and confidence in yourself. You know you are doing the right thing and you will in time accomplish your goals.
Do not focus on women, women will come into your life when you are on your journey in life. Do not chase then, and do not put them on a pedestal. adult entertainment can create this for you.
You will stop to see yourself as lacking of confidence and instead see yourself as a person that can do anything he puts his mind to. I'm not limit by my past, I can create my own future.
Hope this helps.