Lost 1/5 inch since last monday

Subtitle: Fat pads fucking suck II

Last week I had reached the biggest length so far but when I measured this morning I had lost about 0,2 inch.

Why? Last week I spent on the lazy side because I was studying for the upcoming exam. Usually I eat only twice a day (lunch & dinner) and this quite healthy but everday of the last week I had a third meal: Lots of ice-cream and sweets.
Maybe because of boredom.
I never measured BPL before but today I did because of my loss and I couldn't believe what I saw: I have nearly a 1 inch fatpad!
Well, most of it was there before last week, but damnit I'm a slim guy, weigh only 146 pound (73 kg) at about 5 foot 11.
If I'm not wrong that means there's an inch of penis hidden by my fatpad, which is about the length I lack of yet to reach my goal.

In the future, when I see some chocolate or ice-cream I'll think about my shrunken dick and it will be easy to neglect.
Citizen? said:
Subtitle: Fat pads fucking suck II

Last week I had reached the biggest length so far but when I measured this morning I had lost about 0,2 inch.

Why? Last week I spent on the lazy side because I was studying for the upcoming exam. Usually I eat only twice a day (lunch & dinner) and this quite healthy but everday of the last week I had a third meal: Lots of ice-cream and sweets.
Maybe because of boredom.
I never measured BPL before but today I did because of my loss and I couldn't believe what I saw: I have nearly a 1 inch fatpad!
Well, most of it was there before last week, but damnit I'm a slim guy, weigh only 146 pound (73 kg) at about 5 foot 11.
If I'm not wrong that means there's an inch of penis hidden by my fatpad, which is about the length I lack of yet to reach my goal.

In the future, when I see some chocolate or ice-cream I'll think about my shrunken dick and it will be easy to neglect.

The simple sugars and saturated fat not only get stored almost immediately as fat (usually in the places we least like) but it also destroys sex drive and erection potential. I suggest really changing up your diet and getting things back into a healthy place.
Yeah man I agree with DLD here. I'm 149 pounds right now and have a fat pad, but as far as eating healthier everyone should lay off the candy bars, ice cream, and other junk food. It's okay to eat once in a while, but if you find yourself eating that kind of food once a day or more it's probably time to rethink where you get your energy.
iwant8inches said:
Yeah man I agree with DLD here. I'm 149 pounds right now and have a fat pad, but as far as eating healthier everyone should lay off the candy bars, ice cream, and other junk food. It's okay to eat once in a while, but if you find yourself eating that kind of food once a day or more it's probably time to rethink where you get your energy.

Energy is very reliant on the fuel we take in. It becomes easy to cheat here and there but with this cheating comes consequences and possibly life style changes. We look at food with such lust when we should be viewing it as energy. The better quality of food the better quality of life. Making these changes will give you so many benefits that the junk food becomes a thing of the past. I have become a bit lazy lately, candy here and there (well every night:)) but I know I need to correct these things or I will go back to the fat dude with 2" sunk into his fat pad. My energy levels have been fucked up too as I sleep much more and when I get up it takes so much to get going. Easy solution, change my diet. When energy levels are good, we have no choice but to use this energy and in this use of proper energy we will lose the fat.
I suggest really changing up your diet and getting things back into a healthy place.

Usually I only eat when I'm hungry.
For lunch 2 days a week boiled vegetables or salads, 2 days pasta, 1 day fish with rice and a salad, 1 day pizza and one day something fat like french fries with sausages or meat with rice and salad.
For dinner everyday a plate with tomatoes, pepper, kohlrabi, radish, slices of a cucumber, apples, peaches, strawberries, cheese (Edamer, Tilsiter, Gouda, Camembert), whole-grain bread with some sausage on it. Or simply a salad.
What I eat for dinner depends on the season of the year because not every vegetable or fruit is available (or eatable) the whole year.

Last week was a big exception from my usual eating behaviour, because of the boredom caused by hours of studying.
I seldom eat sweets out of boredom, mostly it's simply lust, because I love the taste of melting nougat chocolate on my tongue and in summer it's hard to reject some ice-cream because everywhere you go there's someone selling some.
I'm able to eat no sweets for weeks and the longer I don't nibble the easier it gets to live without it. But then comes the day I think: "A piece of chocolate wouldn't be bad." And then I start eating sweets again on a regular basis (but not nearly as extreme as last week).

But in future it will be very easy for me to hold my chocolate consumation on a very low level, because I only need to think about the lost 0,2" and the lust for sweets will be gone.
What I forgot: What can I do to enhance the healing process after my Penis Enlargement-work-out?
After the work-out I always feel like the quarterback who throws a pass, hoping the runningback would catch it and go for a touchdown.
I don't like this passivity. I'm able to optimize the hurting but not the healing.
Thanks to your dedication, DLD, Penis Enlargement is probably close to the peak of effective work-out, but we are still closer to the bottom concerning post-work-out-optimisation.
Besides nutrition and supplements I think the most important part of our body responsible for our growths, the mind, is still too little explored and active used. Maybe not by you, but I think we could gain much easier and faster if we would be able to manipulate our mind somehow or focus our body energy on our dick or something in the way.

So does anybody have any suggestions how to improve post-work-out?
Citizen? said:
But in future it will be very easy for me to hold my chocolate consumation on a very low level, because I only need to think about the lost 0,2" and the lust for sweets will be gone.

Wow, your diet looks solid, I guess you are one of the people who put on fat easily. Maybe exercise is the answer where you can allow yourself to let go once in a while. I am the same way with sweets and sometimes it is just to hard to say no. If I am exercising I can allow for treats every now and again but never on a steady basis.
Citizen? said:
What I forgot: What can I do to enhance the healing process after my Penis Enlargement-work-out?

Hot wraps, penile massage, testicle health routine, heating pad, hot bath, steam room, anything that will allow heat and massage to happen.
Wow, your diet looks solid, I guess you are one of the people who put on fat easily.

No, I don't think so, it's probably the old "if-you-take-more-energy-up-than-you-need-you-gonna-put-on-weight". But I'm not sure about this, because I don't care much about my weight usually, it's going slightly up and down, but in average it stays constant. When I measured at Monday it was the first time I realised how much difference one or another pound can make.
As I mentioned, my only real problem are sweets, which are hard to neglect for me. My general diet is very natural for me. I grew up eating healthy, my mother always made me healthy meals, so it became natural to me.
But she's also the person that bought me sweets all the time, making me a sweet tooth, a habit which I'm not able to break yet. My lust is stronger than my will in this point.
Generally I think oour food habits as a grown up are very much related to our diet as a child.
So eating vegetables is natural for one guy while another one has to bring himself to eat them, so it comes to a "mental fight" between habit and will.
But I know you know this very well as I read of your impressive weigth loss.
It's impressive who strong your will and dedication become, when you're focussed on something. Few people are able to do so.

Hot wraps, penile massage, testicle health routine, heating pad, hot bath, steam room, anything that will allow heat and massage to happen.

Thank you for this. Would you recommend Lazy Ass Stretches as post-work-out-exercise?