Is Ephedrine Banned Where You Live?

It is by me. It fucking sucks. The dude at this corner store by me told me that the city will slap him with a whopping $300 fine if he is caught selling ephedrine-containing products. Now that's $300 per unit. That means if he has 4 bottles of say, Stacker2 on his shelves, he gets fined $1,200!!

Pure ephedrine (Dymetadrine 25) has been banned for years already (that stuff was the SHIT), but now they're after anything and everything containing ephedrine... even ephedrine in it's wussy "herbal" form and mixed with other bullshit is now illegal.

Great. That really made sense.

More people die each year from eating fucking aspirin, yet they ban ephedrine?!

How about wherever it is you live? You don't have to divulge your whereabouts, just tell me yes or no: is ephedrine banned where you live?

Is it legal to order it from somewhere?

Does anyone know of anything similar that can be used as an alternative? Is there any other plant or chemical that does what ephedrine does within the body?

Pure ephedrine is supposed to do cool magical stuff within your body's fat cells... aiding in the burning of fat or something. I read a book on it once, but I don't remember much of the details.
Not sure if it illegal, but I can't find it anywhere. A lot of that is because a lot of companies don't even make it anymore. They have these weak ass ephedrine free products.

I live near Baltimore, so all I have to say about it is: It Steve Bechler's own damn fault he died, NOT Xenedrine's.
It seems that everyone has stopped making it. I think there are only a few states/cities that have actually banned ephedrine, but most stores such as GNC, Vitamin World, etc. have stopped carrying these products, like due to our emergining litigation economy and their fear of ending up on the wrong side.

Luckily, I managed to buy six bottles of original formula Trim Spa from ebay recently. This should be a big help in 2004. I have never heard of anyone dying from this shit that did not abuse it. Hell, I worked with a guy that was taking 8 times the recommended dosage and he reported no side effects. The point is that these guys that drop dead must really abuse the stuff in a big way. I would suggest you search ebay for ephedrine products. If you're lucky, someone will sell it to you without knowing it's illegal to do so.
I was watching ESPN earlier today and it seems that the Bush administration is going to ban ephedrine early next year.
i think some baseball player died when taking ephedrine, that's why its banned. It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard though, one baseball player dies, and noone else can die like him, although in reality its not that dangerous, unlesss you're seriously overdosing like he was or something. I say let all drugs be legal (pot, crack too) and just let every messed up person who are going to abuse the drug die, so we won't have to worry about drug abuse anymore
Originally posted by fallen_one23
i think some baseball player died when taking ephedrine, that's why its banned. It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard though, one baseball player dies, and noone else can die like him, although in reality its not that dangerous, unlesss you're seriously overdosing like he was or something. I say let all drugs be legal (pot, crack too) and just let every messed up person who are going to abuse the drug die, so we won't have to worry about drug abuse anymore

Yeah, and he was overweight, seriously out of shape, took too many, and was probably dehydrated.
Originally posted by bigbutnottoo
Yeah, and he was overweight, seriously out of shape, took too many, and was probably dehydrated.

I heard he took like 8 or 10 pills. The directions clearly say one or two, depending on product. Taking 5-10x the dosage? Charles Darwin would call that natural selection.
Originally posted by wubeats
I was watching ESPN earlier today and it seems that the Bush administration is going to ban ephedrine early next year.

And to think I was voting for less government intrusion in my life. >:(

I figured this stuff would eventually be restricted, but I didn't think it would come from Tommy Thompson. Well, the FDA was very instrumental in the decision too and the FDA is known to be loaded with career bureaucrats that want to deny us as much as is possible.
Wonder what the odds are of making it available by prescription, in the future? It surely involves less risk than liposuction, gastric bypass and many other procedures.
This issue made me lose a lot of respect for Fox News also. I am usually defending them,but their whole coverage and interviews have been completely biased.
Originally posted by penguinsfan
I heard he took like 8 or 10 pills. The directions clearly say one or two, depending on product. Taking 5-10x the dosage? Charles Darwin would call that natural selection.

LOL, I couldn't agree more penguinsfan. If people aren't intelligent enough to read and follow simple instructions such as "do not exceed recommended doseage" their breating rights should be revoked. I don't want these people contaminating the air that I have to breath with their ignorance and possibly making me dumber in that process...We should round them all up, put them on a wooden barge made of drift wood, send them out to see and let the Navy use them for torpedo target practice.
Originally posted by oopapercutoo
LOL, I couldn't agree more penguinsfan. If people aren't intelligent enough to read and follow simple instructions such as "do not exceed recommended doseage" their breating rights should be revoked. I don't want these people contaminating the air that I have to breath with their ignorance and possibly making me dumber in that process...We should round them all up, put them on a wooden barge made of drift wood, send them out to see and let the Navy use them for torpedo target practice.

Well, I disagree. Think we missed the point here guys.

Someone can take 100 times the dosage if he wants to. He just cannot hold anyone else responsible for results of his actions.
That's basically what me and penguinsfan were saying...just not quite as eloquently put as you stated it. It's impossible for the government to hold everyone's hand and make sure that they follow clearly labeled instructions on a product. If someone is stupid enough to overdose on an ECA stack, it's their own damn fault. That's no reason for the rest of us to have to suffer however... Banning all products containing ephedrine is ridiculous. The drug has undeniable benefits when it comes to fat loss. Let those of us who are mature enough to follow directions continue using these products, and those of us who aren't mature enough suffer the consequences of their actions.
I think it's banned in all of America, man. I heard on the news that 120 people have died from it already. Bah! They were either misusing it, or were just concieved with a weak sperm.

Is there any other substance that works like ephedrine? I've tried the "ephedra free" versions of stuff and they suck major ass.
Originally posted by bigbutnottoo
This is what we refer to as 'The Nanny State".

And Bush has expanded it more than any President probably in 70 years.

I wouldn't go that far. I've been disappointed by his caving on so many things, but he has stood firm for American sovereignty (as well as sovereignty for everyone else) and told ineffective institutions such as the UN that serve to do little more than give legitimacy to totalitarian dictators to go fuck themselves.
Originally posted by Godsize
Is there any other substance that works like ephedrine? I've tried the "ephedra free" versions of stuff and they suck major ass.

Yeah, I've had people try to tell me that ephedrine is dangerous and doesn't even work. Yet, the ephedrine-free Xenadrine sucks compared to the original, in my opinion.
Originally posted by oopapercutoo
That's basically what me and penguinsfan were saying...just not quite as eloquently put as you stated it. It's impossible for the government to hold everyone's hand and make sure that they follow clearly labeled instructions on a product. If someone is stupid enough to overdose on an ECA stack, it's their own damn fault. That's no reason for the rest of us to have to suffer however... Banning all products containing ephedrine is ridiculous. The drug has undeniable benefits when it comes to fat loss. Let those of us who are mature enough to follow directions continue using these products, and those of us who aren't mature enough suffer the consequences of their actions.
exactly what I think there's dumb people in this world that are gonna kill themselves one way or another, just let them, its a waste of our society keeping them, andall they're doing isfucking up our chances of using (in this case)ephedrine
ephedrine IS NOT a horrible drug that kill 90 percent of the people who use it, it only can kill those who abuse it, just like aspirin and others
I still can't stress how much this ephedrine ban pisses me off. I myself don't use ephedrine-containing products, although I have in the past. It's an extremely useful drug if used properly, but we're all being made to suffer just because a handful of dumbasses can't read a warning label.

If a group of people convinced themselves that they were capable of breathing underwater and in trying to do so drowned, would the government outlaw the rest of the population from bathing, swimming, or doing anything water-related? Of course not. This situation is a fucking joke any way you look at it.
Originally posted by penguinsfan
I wouldn't go that far. I've been disappointed by his caving on so many things, but he has stood firm for American sovereignty (as well as sovereignty for everyone else) and told ineffective institutions such as the UN that serve to do little more than give legitimacy to totalitarian dictators to go fuck themselves.

When, I refer to the Nanny state, of course I refer to domestic issues. That is where I and most principled conservatives/libertarians think Bush has failed. He has expanded government discrecionary and non defense/non-war spending much more than Clinton ever did.'
Also, it is his administration and his health puppet Tommy Thompson who are pushing for further eroding the concept of "personal responsibility."
Originally posted by bigbutnottoo
When, I refer to the Nanny state, of course I refer to domestic issues. That is where I and most principled conservatives/libertarians think Bush has failed. He has expanded government discrecionary and non defense/non-war spending much more than Clinton ever did.'
Also, it is his administration and his health puppet Tommy Thompson who are pushing for further eroding the concept of "personal responsibility."

I agree to a large extent, though there have been some hidden victories in compromises, such as medical savings accounts in the Medicare drug bill. Anyhow, I'll tolerate a certain amount of domestic let-downs as long as I never have to pay a tax or answer to some foreign entity such as the UN. Thank God Bush took our signature off the International Criminal Court treaty.
Originally posted by penguinsfan
I as I never have to pay a tax or answer to some foreign entity such as the UN. Thank God Bush took our signature off the International Criminal Court treaty.

Yes, that would terrible. Especially if we ever ended up involved in anything like the EU. Unfortunately, we are getting a little too cozy with Mexico though. Bush is too concerned with Latino vote.
Originally posted by bigbutnottoo
Yes, that would terrible. Especially if we ever ended up involved in anything like the EU. Unfortunately, we are getting a little too cozy with Mexico though. Bush is too concerned with Latino vote.

He is taking it on the chin among the conservative media icons, as he should. I'm not even remotely anti-immigrant. Hey, if you want to be an American bad enough to risk floating through 90 miles of ocean in a raft, welcome. I'd rather have those individuals than this crowd that has no appreciate for our American values and whose only contribution to society is to regergitate Marxist garbage taught to them by some professor that would never make it outside of the womb of academic tenure.

Yes, we have jobs that go unfilled because no one wants to scrub toilets. If we stop giving people monthly checks for sitting on their asses, then someone will be forced to scrub the toilets. Either that or perhaps those needing their toilets scrubbed need to pay a higher wage. That's reasonable and a free market solution. Hey, I sure as hell wouldn't mine coal for minimum wage, because the suck-ass nature of the job and the pay do not meet, in terms of market value. I am absolutely against compromising our borders to solve this supposed labor shortage.
Hey, I LOVE immigrants ( and I mean that literally). My post was more in reference to extending Social Security benefits to illegal aliens who live in other countries, such as Mexicans who never become legal, come over and work, then file for S.S. from mexico.

Actually I glad to see some conservatives coming out and being pro-immigrant.

As far as ephedrine. I used to take the shit and it does work. It does have side effects, but it should not be a problem for anyone staying within dosage guidelines. I am not surprised this happened, but it bothers me still.
I personally never noticed any side-effects from ephedrine, but I always stayed within the guidelines. To a person like me, cursed with an incredibly slow metabolism, ephedrine has been a God-send. I am so lucky I bought six bottle of Trim Spa a couple weeks ago.
BTW, there is still much ephedrine to be found at the convenience stores, where they sell it in the little cases. It's often sold in small packs of 2-4 pills, but sometimes in bottles too. I have no idea about the dosage and the effectiveness for weight loss. Formulas like Xenadrine, Hydroxycut, etc. are formulated for weight loss, whereas that shit all claims to be energy boosters. The guy at the local 7-11 says everyone buys it for a cheap cocaine effect. Huh? I've never heard of ephedrine being used in that way and don't see how it would work for such benefits.
Yeah... stupid asshole kids buy the little 4 packs of Stacker2 or Yellow Jackets and eat 'em by the handful to get "buzzed". I've heard of kids taking 9 pills at once. Fucking idiots. I'm all for taking pills, but not even I would take that many Stackers. It's just pure stupidity.

People are just getting dumber and it's always somebody else's fault.
A) Ephedrine HCL (synthetic pharmacutical grade compound) is NOT banned in most of america.

B) Ephedra based herbals are now banned across the country.

Do a search on google for:


It's sold as a Expectorant/Bronchodilator and contains:

25mg Ephedrine HCL
200mg Guaifenesin

And it's 100% legal to purchase in America...

As an adjunct -

Yeah, 110 or so deaths have been LINKED to ephedra in the past 10 years or so.

So we have what, 10 or 11 deaths a year linked to this 'killer herb' and how many people die each year from cigs and booze?

It's all about the soccer mom vote.
WideAwake said:
A) Ephedrine HCL (synthetic pharmacutical grade compound) is NOT banned in most of america.

B) Ephedra based herbals are now banned across the country.

Do a search on google for:


It's sold as a Expectorant/Bronchodilator and contains:

25mg Ephedrine HCL
200mg Guaifenesin

Are you supposed to have any kind of script? Is it expensive? Is this version as effective for metabolism benefits?
penguinsfan said:
Are you supposed to have any kind of script? Is it expensive? Is this version as effective for metabolism benefits?

No, it is sold over the counter, no script is needed.

It is very cheap, $7 for 60 tablets.

As far as a version...let me explain.

Ephedra is a herbal plant that contains about 27 different alkoloids, each alkoloids has certain properties and does different things. There is one of those very specific alkoloids though that has the stimulant and thermogenic properties that are so sought after.

Now, Ephedrine HCL (hydro-chloride) is the synthetic version of this one specific alkoloid.

To answer you questions simply, Ephedrine HCL is a MUCH better substance for weight loss/nutrient repartioning (how it really works...) and thermogenic responses. It's basically as good as it gets. Period.

I have no experience with Primatene at all, so I can't say one way or the other. I would think a quick search would answer this though.
For those that are interested...

Here is the link to the FDA rule:

Now, Vasopro (ephedrine HCL) will remain legal because everything we've seen thus far from the FDA has centered around the ban of ephedrine as a natural dietary supplement. The form of ephdrine in vasopro (and gas station like products) is not natural (being an HCL salt and not an extract) nor is it marketed as a supplement but rather a decongestant or broncodialator. If all the sames of ephedrine (unlikely) were to move to vasopro and the like then I would expect it to quickly become illegal or perscription one. Given the FDA's record I wouldn't be suprised if within a year a study was released on the guaifenesin stating it causes cancer or makes your penis turn black and fall off and thus needs to be immediatly banned...

In any event we will have to wait and see what becomes of the gas station variety ephedrine. Perhaps the gas co.'s will pull it voluntarily which frankly I think might be for the best. As long as its that easy to get (and a gas station is even more convienient than GNC) I beleive the FDA will not sit idle. If it becomes an obscure item hard to find on the net then we will probably be ok.

We will have to wait a few months to see what happens to the statics for ephedrine us/sale after the ban.
"Primatene® is the #1 over-the-counter medicine sold for the relief of physician-diagnosed, bronchial astHydromaxa.

Active Ingredients:

Each tablet contains ephedrine hydrochloride USP "bronchodilator", 12.5 mg and guaifenesin USP "expectorant", 200 mg. "

So, I take it this is the same substance you were talking about?
I am guessing it might be best to take this along with aspirin with a cup of coffee.
I see Vasopro has twice as much as Primatene though. Does anyone know or know a place to find out what the optimal dosages are for ECA stack?
"What dosages should I take?
The ideal ratio for the ECA stack is 10:1 caffeine to ephedrine. Many sources suggest that the ideal dosage is 25mg ephedrine, 250mg caffeine and 80-300mg aspirin."
bigbutnottoo said:
"What dosages should I take?
The ideal ratio for the ECA stack is 10:1 caffeine to ephedrine. Many sources suggest that the ideal dosage is 25mg ephedrine, 250mg caffeine and 80-300mg aspirin."

25mg Ephedrine HCL
200mg Caffeine

Forget all about the asprin, you don't need it (it 'slightly' extends the half-life of the Eph, but not enough to justify the abuse it will do on your system in other ways)

Take the 25mg Eph/200mg Caf three time a day max. I you haven't used this kind of 'stack' before, start out at 12mg/100mg caf and see how that goes.

EVERYONE reacts differntly to stimulants, and you may or may not be over-stimulated with the above dose.

Use common sense and a lot of caution when using anything like this.
WideAwake said:
25mg Ephedrine HCL
200mg Caffeine

Forget all about the asprin, you don't need it (it 'slightly' extends the half-life of the Eph, but not enough to justify the abuse it will do on your system in other ways)

Take the 25mg Eph/200mg Caf three time a day max. I you haven't used this kind of 'stack' before, start out at 12mg/100mg caf and see how that goes.

EVERYONE reacts differntly to stimulants, and you may or may not be over-stimulated with the above dose.

Use common sense and a lot of caution when using anything like this.

I have used the Ma Huang based supplements such as the original Hydroxycut about 6 years ago. So are you saying the "A" part of the "ECA" stack makes no difference?
If you took that stack 3 times a day, you'd never sleep. I wouldn't be able to stop my hands from shaking.

One has always been enough for me. I take it right before a workout, then I'm set.

That stack was the best when you could get pure Dimetadrine 25 (ephedrine hcl). One of those and a Vivarin and you're good to go.
Godsize said:
If you took that stack 3 times a day, you'd never sleep. I wouldn't be able to stop my hands from shaking.QUOTE]

Everyone's tollerance will differ.

I've taken far more than that today alone and I'm fine, with no visable shakes or anything out of the ordinary.

But your point is well taken and extreme care should be used whenever one is using stimulants.
Not banned per se where I live (TN), but it's pretty controlled. GNC stores wont sell it...I know that goes pretty much nationwide though for GNC. You cant buy more than 1 or 2 (dont recall cus I dont buy the stuff) bottles of ephedra pills at a time at any given's used in the manufacturing of METHAMPHETAMINE.

I've never liked the way ephedra based or including pills made my heart feel no matter how little I took. Just my feedback.
stillwantmore said:
it's used in the manufacturing of METHAMPHETAMINE.

No it's not.

norephedrine (aka PPA, aka phenylpropanolamine) WAS used in the manufacture of methamphetamines and crystal meth.

Hence it was made illegal and removed from the market about 2 years ago.

You can not distill Ephededrine HCL into meth though...
So... if you follow the directions on the bottle and take an ephedrine stack product 3 times a day, you won't have a stroke? Does it work better when you take that much? Like, wouldn't that keep your body temperature amped up and help burn calories?

I can handle 2 times a day, but I work with my hands and I can't afford to be shaky.

I've met a few dumb fucks (teenagers) who like taking 9 Stackers while on E. No wonder ephedra is illegal and people are croakin' out. Man, I wasn't even that stupid when I was that age.
Everyone will react differently to these kinds of stimulants. Further, everyone will reacat differently to them from day to day based on thier diet, mental state, rest, ect...

Always start off with very small doses and then increase slowly every day or so. The half-life of Eph is around 6 hours, so don't take more than a single dose every 6 hours or so. And remember that even after 6 hours, you'll still have half of the active in your system.

6am: 25mg taken
12noon: 12.5mg still active in system.
6pm: 6.25mg still active in system.

Start small and work up if you so desire. But be careful always.
Not banned here in the UK, you can get it OTC if you know what to look for ;)