I thought this was interesting

This is a piece I extracted from an article. It's pretty interesting I thought.

Five patients were treated with gonadotropin and topical testosterone for micropenis associated with hypothalamic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. All patients received 1,000 units of gonadotropin weekly for 3 weeks, with a 6-week interval followed by 10% topical testosterone cream twice daily for 3 weeks. Serum testosterone levels were measured and remained equivalent for both modes of therapy. Average penile growth response with gonadotropin was 14.3% increase in length and 5.0% increase of girth. Topical testosterone produced an average increase of 60% in penile length and 52.9% in girth. The greatest growth response occurred in prepubertal male subjects with a minimal response in postpubertal male subjects. This study suggests that 10% topical testosterone cream twice daily will produce effective penile growth.


Imagine if it would be that easy for us if we could get that stuff! There'd be alot of hurt women in the world!
with a minimal response in postpubertal male subjects.

The reason for minimal response in postpubertal male subjects is that the proper gene sequences aren't active after a certain age.

They'd have to find a way to make the necessary genes turn back on (re-express).

Having said that, the HPTA is a big deal - so they might already know some of that puzzle.
It seems like a scare article to get guys to buy their TESTO CREAM, or whatever it's called. Micro-Penis is when the penis is less than 2.5" erect. A penis at 4.5" is only, about, 1 inch below average and can easily be corrected through Penis Enlargement. I should start telling guys average is 8 inches, I will make a lot of money *roles eyes*