Well I certainly am not well hung (yet ), but it is a fact that penis size differs greatly throughout the day. It depends on so many things, such as body temperature, ambient temperature, how aroused you are, how long it has been since you were aroused, how much fat and/or water is around your pubic area, how long it has been since you did a Penis Enlargement session, etc, etc.
These are reasons why flaccid measurements are so difficult to get.
Doesn't everyone's shrink? Mine varies from 8" x 6" flaccid (on a good day) to 4" x 4.5" flaccid. When it shrinks, it looks like a squatty little turtle.
Let's not get this nonsense confused with any sort of arousal states. I can be very relaxed, also, and have a massive "flaccid", but I don't count that as a true flaccid state. In a true flaccid state, where I'm walking around with stuff on my mind, I'm generally no more than 4.5" soft, which looks very little on my big frame with big thighs. When I'm relaxed, specifically if I'm going out with a cockring on, I can hang 6.5" consistently as long as I'm chill and things are right. Generally my true flaccid doesn't vary very much. It's pretty consistent day in and day out.
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